Package org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps

OpenJPA Expression Tree


Interface Summary
AggregateListener An aggregate listener aggregates data produced by an ExpressionQuery.
Arguments Multiple arguments to a function call.
Constant Interface for any query constant value.
Expression Interface for a set of conditions that must be met for the query to be true.
ExpressionFactory The ExpressionFactory must be implemented by a particular runtime to form Expressions in its native query language.
ExpressionParser Parser for query languages that will be used by a ExpressionQuery.
ExpressionVisitor Visits nodes of a query expression tree.
FilterListener A filter listener extends expression filters with custom functionality.
Literal Interface for any literal value.
Parameter A query parameter.
Path A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object.
Resolver A Resolver is used to resolve listeners and class or entity names that appear in a query.
Subquery Query value representing a subquery.
Value Interface for any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields.

Class Summary
Abs Take the absolute value of a number.
AbstractExpressionBuilder Abstract base class to help build expressions.
AbstractExpressionVisitor No-op abstract visitor meant for easy extension.
Add Value produced by two values being added together.
Aggregate A value produced from evaluating a result aggregate.
AggregateVal An aggregate of some value.
All In-memory All implementation.
AndExpression An expression that AND's two others together.
Any In-memory Any implementation.
Args A list of arguments to a multi-argument function.
Avg Average values.
BindKeyVariableExpression BindVariableExpression for map key sets.
BindValueVariableExpression BindVariableExpression for map value collections.
BindVariableAndExpression Any contains(var) expression must be followed by at least one AND clause using the variable 'var'.
BindVariableExpression Binds a variable to a collection.
BoundVariable Represents a bound variable.
CandidatePath A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object.
Cast Represents a cast.
Coalesce An in-memory representation of a coalesce expression
CollectionParam Represents a collection valued input parameter.
CompareExpression Expression that compares two others.
Concat Concatenate two strings together.
ContainsExpression Tests that a Collection contains a value.
ContainsKeyExpression Tests that a Map key set contains a value.
ContainsValueExpression Tests that a Map value collection contains a value.
Context JPQL / Criteria Query Context
Count Count non-null values.
CurrentDate Represents the current date.
Distinct A distinct set of the specified values.
Divide Value produced by one value being divided by another.
EndsWithExpression Expression that compares two others.
EqualExpression Expression that compares two others.
Exp An in-memory representation of an Expression.
Extension A value produced from evaluating a custom extension.
GeneralCase An in-memory representation of a general case expression
GetMapValue Returns the value of the specified key in a Map.
GetObjectId Get the oid of an object.
GreaterThanEqualExpression Expression that compares two others.
GreaterThanExpression Expression that compares two others.
Index Returns the index of a value within a collection/map.
IndexOf Find the index of one string within another.
InMemoryExpressionFactory Expression factory implementation that can be used to execute queries in memory.
InstanceofExpression Tests whether a value is an instance of a class.
IsEmptyExpression Expression to test for an empty Collection.
LessThanEqualExpression Expression that compares two others.
LessThanExpression Expression that compares two others.
Lit Represents a literal.
MatchesExpression Expression that compares two others.
MathVal Value produced by a mathematical operation on two values.
Max Find the max.
Min Find the min.
Mod Value produced by one value being mod'd by another.
Multiply Value produced by two values being multiplied together.
NotEqualExpression Expression that compares two others.
NotExpression An expression that NOT's another.
Null Represents the null constant.
NullIf An in-memory representation of a nullif expression
OrExpression An expression that OR's two others together.
Param Represents a parameter.
QueryExpressions Struct to hold the state of a parsed expression query.
SimpleCase An in-memory representation of a simple case expression
Size Returns the count of a collection.
Sqrt Take the square root of a number.
StartsWithExpression Expression that compares two others.
StringContains Deprecated. Use matches() instead.
StringLength Returns the number of characters in the String.
SubQ An in-memory representation of a Subquery.
Substring Take the substring of a string.
Subtract Value produced by one value being subtracted from another.
Sum Sum values.
This Represents the 'this' ptr in a filter.
ToLowerCase Lower-case a string.
ToUpperCase Upper-case a string.
Trim Trims leading, trailing, or both charactes from a String.
Type Returns the entity type.
TypeLit Represents a type literal.
UnaryMathVal Value produced by a mathematical operation on one value.
UnboundVariable Represents an unbound variable.
Val An in-memory representation of a Value.
ValExpression Boolean value used as an expression.
ValuePath Represents a path that begins with a variable or parameter.
WildcardMatch Deprecated. Use matches() instead.

Package org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps Description

OpenJPA Expression Tree

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