Class QueryImpl<X>

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.QueryImpl<X>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Query, TypedQuery<X>, OpenJPAQuery<X>, OpenJPAQuerySPI<X>

public class QueryImpl<X>
extends Object
implements OpenJPAQuerySPI<X>, Serializable

Implementation of Query interface.

Marc Prud'hommeaux, Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.OpenJPAQuery
Constructor Summary
QueryImpl(EntityManagerImpl em, Query query)
QueryImpl(EntityManagerImpl em, RuntimeExceptionTranslator ret, Query query)
          Constructor; supply factory exception translator and delegate.
Method Summary
 OpenJPAQuery<X> addAggregateListener(AggregateListener listener)
          Register an aggregate listener for the query.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Register a filter listener for the query.
(package private)  void assertBound(Parameter<?> param)
(package private)  void assertJPQLOrCriteriaQuery()
          Asserts that this query is a JPQL or Criteria Query.
(package private)  void assertValueAssignable(Parameter<?> param, Object v)
(package private)  void bindValue(Parameter<?> param, Object value)
          Binds the given value to the given parameter.
(package private)  int calculateMaxKey(Set<Integer> p)
          Calculate the maximum value of the given set.
(package private)  void clearBinding()
 OpenJPAQuery<X> closeAll()
          Close all open query results.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> compile()
          Compile the query.
(package private)  Object convertTemporalType(Calendar value, TemporalType type)
(package private)  Object convertTemporalType(Date value, TemporalType type)
          Converts the given Date to a value corresponding to given temporal type.
 void declareParameter(Object key, Parameter<?> param)
          Declares the given parameter for this query.
 boolean equals(Object other)
 int executeUpdate()
 Set<?> getBoundParameterKeys()
          Gets the parameter keys bound with this query.
 Collection<?> getCandidateCollection()
          Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.
 String[] getDataStoreActions(Map params)
          Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query.
 Set<?> getDeclaredParameterKeys()
          Gets the declared parameter keys in the given query.
<T> Set<T>
getDeclaredParameterKeys(Class<T> keyType)
 Map<Object,Parameter<?>> getDeclaredParameters()
          Gets the parameter instances declared in this query.
 Query getDelegate()
 OpenJPAEntityManager getEntityManager()
          The owning entity manager.
 FetchPlan getFetchPlan()
          Fetch plan for controlling the loading of results.
 int getFirstResult()
          Return the 0-based start index for the returned results.
 FlushModeType getFlushMode()
          Return the current flush mode.
 Map<String,Object> getHints()
          Get all the active hints and their values.
 boolean getIgnoreChanges()
          Whether to ignore changes in the current transaction.
 String getLanguage()
          Query language.
 LockModeType getLockMode()
 int getMaxResults()
          Return the maximum number of results to retrieve.
 Map<String,Object> getNamedParameters()
          Gets the value of all the named parameters.
 QueryOperationType getOperation()
          Query operation type.
 Parameter<?> getParameter(int pos)
          Get the positional parameter with the given position.
<T> Parameter<T>
getParameter(int pos, Class<T> type)
          Get the positional parameter with the given position and type.
 Parameter<?> getParameter(String name)
          Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared parameter of the given name.
<T> Parameter<T>
getParameter(String name, Class<T> type)
          Get the parameter of the given name and type.
 Set<Parameter<?>> getParameters()
          Gets the parameters declared in this query.
 Object getParameterValue(int pos)
          Return the value bound to the parameter.
<T> T
getParameterValue(Parameter<T> p)
          Return the value bound to the parameter.
 Object getParameterValue(String name)
          Return the value bound to the parameter.
(package private)  Map<Object,Object> getParameterValues()
          Gets a map of values of each parameter indexed by their original key.
 Object[] getPositionalParameters()
          Gets the array of positional parameter values.
 String getQueryString()
          Query string.
 Class getResultClass()
          Query result element type.
 List getResultList()
 X getSingleResult()
          Execute a query that returns a single result.
 Set<String> getSupportedHints()
          Gets hints supported by this query.
 int hashCode()
 boolean hasPositionalParameters()
          Affirms if declared parameters use position identifier.
 boolean hasSubclasses()
          Whether subclasses are included in the query results.
(package private)  void ignorePreparedQuery()
          Ignores this query from PreparedQueryCache by recreating the original query if it has been cached.
(package private)  boolean invalidatePreparedQuery()
          Remove this query from PreparedQueryCache.
 boolean isBound(Parameter<?> param)
          Affirms if the given parameter is bound to a value for this query.
 boolean isNative()
(package private)  void lock()
 OpenJPAQuery<X> removeAggregateListener(AggregateListener listener)
          Remove an aggregate listener from the query.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Remove a filter listener from the query.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setCandidateCollection(Collection coll)
          Set a collection of candidates.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setFirstResult(int startPosition)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setHint(String key, Object value)
(package private)  QueryImpl setId(String id)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignore)
          Whether to ignore changes in the current transaction.
 TypedQuery<X> setLockMode(LockModeType lockMode)
          Sets lock mode on the given query.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setMaxResults(int max)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType t)
          Sets the value of the given positional parameter after conversion of the given value to the given Temporal Type.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType type)
          Sets the value of the given named parameter after conversion of the given value to the given Temporal Type.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(int pos, Object value)
          Binds the parameter identified by the given position to the given value.
 TypedQuery<X> setParameter(Parameter<Calendar> p, Calendar cal, TemporalType type)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(Parameter<Date> p, Date date, TemporalType type)
<T> OpenJPAQuery<X>
setParameter(Parameter<T> p, T arg1)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType type)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType type)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(String name, Object value)
          Sets the parameter of the given name to the given value.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameters(Map params)
          Sets the values of the parameters from the given Map.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameters(Object... params)
          Binds the given values as positional parameters.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setResultClass(Class cls)
          Query result element type.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> setSubclasses(boolean subs)
          Whether subclasses are included in the query results.
 String toString()
(package private)  void unlock()
<T> T
unwrap(Class<T> cls)
          Unwraps this receiver to an instance of the given class, if possible.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryImpl(EntityManagerImpl em,
                 RuntimeExceptionTranslator ret,
                 Query query)
Constructor; supply factory exception translator and delegate.

em - The EntityManager which created this query
ret - Exception translator for this query
query - The underlying "kernel" query.


public QueryImpl(EntityManagerImpl em,
                 Query query)

Constructor; supply factory and delegate.

Method Detail


public Query getDelegate()


public OpenJPAEntityManager getEntityManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
The owning entity manager.

Specified by:
getEntityManager in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public String getLanguage()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Query language.

Specified by:
getLanguage in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public QueryOperationType getOperation()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Query operation type.

Specified by:
getOperation in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public FetchPlan getFetchPlan()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Fetch plan for controlling the loading of results.

Specified by:
getFetchPlan in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public String getQueryString()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Query string.

Specified by:
getQueryString in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public boolean getIgnoreChanges()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Whether to ignore changes in the current transaction.

Specified by:
getIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignore)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Whether to ignore changes in the current transaction.

Specified by:
setIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuerySPI
Register a filter listener for the query.

Specified by:
addFilterListener in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>
Specified by:
addFilterListener in interface OpenJPAQuerySPI<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuerySPI
Remove a filter listener from the query.

Specified by:
removeFilterListener in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>
Specified by:
removeFilterListener in interface OpenJPAQuerySPI<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> addAggregateListener(AggregateListener listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuerySPI
Register an aggregate listener for the query.

Specified by:
addAggregateListener in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>
Specified by:
addAggregateListener in interface OpenJPAQuerySPI<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> removeAggregateListener(AggregateListener listener)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuerySPI
Remove an aggregate listener from the query.

Specified by:
removeAggregateListener in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>
Specified by:
removeAggregateListener in interface OpenJPAQuerySPI<X>


public Collection<?> getCandidateCollection()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.

Specified by:
getCandidateCollection in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setCandidateCollection(Collection coll)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Set a collection of candidates.

Specified by:
setCandidateCollection in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public Class getResultClass()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Query result element type.

Specified by:
getResultClass in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setResultClass(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Query result element type.

Specified by:
setResultClass in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public boolean hasSubclasses()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Whether subclasses are included in the query results.

Specified by:
hasSubclasses in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setSubclasses(boolean subs)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Whether subclasses are included in the query results.

Specified by:
setSubclasses in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public int getFirstResult()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Return the 0-based start index for the returned results.

Specified by:
getFirstResult in interface Query
Specified by:
getFirstResult in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setFirstResult(int startPosition)
Specified by:
setFirstResult in interface Query
Specified by:
setFirstResult in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setFirstResult in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public int getMaxResults()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Return the maximum number of results to retrieve. or Integer.MAX_VALUE for no limit.

Specified by:
getMaxResults in interface Query
Specified by:
getMaxResults in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setMaxResults(int max)
Specified by:
setMaxResults in interface Query
Specified by:
setMaxResults in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setMaxResults in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> compile()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Compile the query.

Specified by:
compile in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


Map<Object,Object> getParameterValues()
Gets a map of values of each parameter indexed by their original key.

an empty map if no parameter is declared for this query. The unbound parameters has a value of null which is indistinguishable from the value being bound to null.


public List getResultList()
Specified by:
getResultList in interface Query
Specified by:
getResultList in interface TypedQuery<X>


public X getSingleResult()
Execute a query that returns a single result.

Specified by:
getSingleResult in interface Query
Specified by:
getSingleResult in interface TypedQuery<X>


public int executeUpdate()
Specified by:
executeUpdate in interface Query


public FlushModeType getFlushMode()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Return the current flush mode.

Specified by:
getFlushMode in interface Query
Specified by:
getFlushMode in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode)
Specified by:
setFlushMode in interface Query
Specified by:
setFlushMode in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setFlushMode in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public boolean isNative()


void assertJPQLOrCriteriaQuery()
Asserts that this query is a JPQL or Criteria Query.


public OpenJPAQuery<X> closeAll()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Close all open query results.

Specified by:
closeAll in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public String[] getDataStoreActions(Map params)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query. This will typically be in the native query language of the database (e.g., SQL).

Specified by:
getDataStoreActions in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>
params - the named parameter map for the query invocation


public LockModeType getLockMode()
Specified by:
getLockMode in interface Query


public TypedQuery<X> setLockMode(LockModeType lockMode)
Sets lock mode on the given query. If the target query has been prepared and cached, then ignores the cached version.

Specified by:
setLockMode in interface Query
Specified by:
setLockMode in interface TypedQuery<X>
See Also:


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object other)
equals in class Object


public Map<String,Object> getHints()
Get all the active hints and their values.

Specified by:
getHints in interface Query


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setHint(String key,
                               Object value)
Specified by:
setHint in interface Query
Specified by:
setHint in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setHint in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public Set<String> getSupportedHints()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAQuery
Gets hints supported by this query.

Specified by:
getSupportedHints in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> cls)
Unwraps this receiver to an instance of the given class, if possible.

Specified by:
unwrap in interface Query
if - the given class is null, generic Object.class or a class that is not wrapped by this receiver.


boolean invalidatePreparedQuery()
Remove this query from PreparedQueryCache.


void ignorePreparedQuery()
Ignores this query from PreparedQueryCache by recreating the original query if it has been cached.


QueryImpl setId(String id)


void lock()


void unlock()


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(int pos,
                                    Object value)
Binds the parameter identified by the given position to the given value. The parameter are bound to a value in the context of this query. The same parameter may be bound to a different value in the context of another query.
For non-native queries, the given position must be a valid position in the declared parameters.
As native queries may not be parsed and hence their declared parameters may not be known, setting an positional parameter has the side-effect of a positional parameter being declared.

Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setParameter in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>
position - positive, integer position of the parameter
value - an assignment compatible value
the same query instance
IllegalArgumentException - if position does not correspond to a positional parameter of the query or if the argument is of incorrect type


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(int position,
                                    Calendar value,
                                    TemporalType t)
Sets the value of the given positional parameter after conversion of the given value to the given Temporal Type.

Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setParameter in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(int position,
                                    Date value,
                                    TemporalType type)
Sets the value of the given named parameter after conversion of the given value to the given Temporal Type.

Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setParameter in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


Object convertTemporalType(Date value,
                           TemporalType type)
Converts the given Date to a value corresponding to given temporal type.


Object convertTemporalType(Calendar value,
                           TemporalType type)


public boolean hasPositionalParameters()
Affirms if declared parameters use position identifier.

Specified by:
hasPositionalParameters in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public Object[] getPositionalParameters()
Gets the array of positional parameter values. The n-th array element represents (n+1)-th positional parameter. If a parameter has been declared but not bound to a value then the value is null and hence is indistinguishable from the value being actually null. If the parameter indexing is not contiguous then the unspecified parameters are considered as null.

Specified by:
getPositionalParameters in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


int calculateMaxKey(Set<Integer> p)
Calculate the maximum value of the given set.


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameters(Object... params)
Binds the given values as positional parameters. The n-th array element value is set to a Parameter with (n+1)-th positional identifier.

Specified by:
setParameters in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


void clearBinding()


public Map<String,Object> getNamedParameters()
Gets the value of all the named parameters. If a parameter has been declared but not bound to a value then the value is null and hence is indistinguishable from the value being actually null.

Specified by:
getNamedParameters in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameters(Map params)
Sets the values of the parameters from the given Map. The keys of the given map designate the name of the declared parameter.

Specified by:
setParameters in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public <T> Parameter<T> getParameter(String name,
                                     Class<T> type)
Get the parameter of the given name and type.

Specified by:
getParameter in interface Query
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter of the specified name does not exist or is not assignable to the type
IllegalStateException - if invoked on a native query


public <T> Parameter<T> getParameter(int pos,
                                     Class<T> type)
Get the positional parameter with the given position and type.

Specified by:
getParameter in interface Query
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter with the specified position does not exist or is not assignable to the type
IllegalStateException - if invoked on a native query unless the same parameter position is bound already.


public <T> T getParameterValue(Parameter<T> p)
Return the value bound to the parameter.

Specified by:
getParameterValue in interface Query
param - parameter object
parameter value
IllegalStateException - if the parameter has not been been bound
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter does not belong to this query


public Set<Parameter<?>> getParameters()
Gets the parameters declared in this query.

Specified by:
getParameters in interface Query


public <T> OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(Parameter<T> p,
                                        T arg1)
Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(Parameter<Date> p,
                                    Date date,
                                    TemporalType type)
Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>


public TypedQuery<X> setParameter(Parameter<Calendar> p,
                                  Calendar cal,
                                  TemporalType type)
Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>


public Parameter<?> getParameter(String name)
Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared parameter of the given name. This method is not required to be supported for native queries.

Specified by:
getParameter in interface Query
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter of the specified name does not exist
IllegalStateException - if invoked on a native query


public Parameter<?> getParameter(int pos)
Get the positional parameter with the given position. The parameter may just have been declared and not bound to a value.

Specified by:
getParameter in interface Query
position - specified in the user query.
parameter object
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter with the given position does not exist


public Object getParameterValue(String name)
Return the value bound to the parameter.

Specified by:
getParameterValue in interface Query
name - name of the parameter
parameter value
IllegalStateException - if this parameter has not been bound


public Object getParameterValue(int pos)
Return the value bound to the parameter.

Specified by:
getParameterValue in interface Query
pos - position of the parameter
parameter value
IllegalStateException - if this parameter has not been bound


public Set<?> getBoundParameterKeys()
Gets the parameter keys bound with this query. Parameter key can be Integer, String or a ParameterExpression itself but all parameters keys of a particular query are of the same type.


public Set<?> getDeclaredParameterKeys()
Gets the declared parameter keys in the given query. This information is only available after the query has been parsed. As native language queries are not parsed, this information is not available for them.

set of parameter identifiers in a parsed query


public <T> Set<T> getDeclaredParameterKeys(Class<T> keyType)


public Map<Object,Parameter<?>> getDeclaredParameters()
Gets the parameter instances declared in this query. All parameter keys are of the same type. It is not allowed to mix keys of different type such as named and positional keys. For string-based queries, the parser supplies the information about the declared parameters as a LinkedMap of expected parameter value type indexed by parameter identifier. For non string-based queries that a facade itself may construct (e.g. CriteriaQuery), the parameters must be declared by the caller. This receiver constructs concrete Parameter instances from the given parameter identifiers.

a Map where the key represents the original identifier of the parameter (can be a String, Integer or a ParameterExpression itself) and the value is the concrete Parameter instance either constructed as a result of this call or supplied by declaring the parameter explicitly via #declareParameter(Parameter).


public void declareParameter(Object key,
                             Parameter<?> param)
Declares the given parameter for this query. Used by non-string based queries that are constructed by the facade itself rather than OpenJPA parsing the query to detect the declared parameters.

key - this is the key to identify the parameter later in the context of this query. Valid key types are Integer, String or ParameterExpression itself.
the - parameter instance to be declared


public boolean isBound(Parameter<?> param)
Affirms if the given parameter is bound to a value for this query.

Specified by:
isBound in interface Query


void assertBound(Parameter<?> param)


void bindValue(Parameter<?> param,
               Object value)
Binds the given value to the given parameter. Validates if the parameter can accept the value by its type.


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(String name,
                                    Calendar value,
                                    TemporalType type)
Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setParameter in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(String name,
                                    Date value,
                                    TemporalType type)
Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setParameter in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


public OpenJPAQuery<X> setParameter(String name,
                                    Object value)
Sets the parameter of the given name to the given value.

Specified by:
setParameter in interface Query
Specified by:
setParameter in interface TypedQuery<X>
Specified by:
setParameter in interface OpenJPAQuery<X>


void assertValueAssignable(Parameter<?> param,
                           Object v)


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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