Class Joins.SingularJoin<Z,X>

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.SelectionImpl<X>
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.ExpressionImpl<X>
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.PathImpl<Z,X>
              extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.FromImpl<Z,X>
                  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.Joins.SingularJoin<Z,X>
Type Parameters:
Z - type from which joining
X - type of the attribute being joined
All Implemented Interfaces:
Expression<X>, FetchParent<Z,X>, From<Z,X>, Join<Z,X>, Path<X>, Selection<X>, TupleElement<X>, CriteriaExpression
Enclosing class:

static class Joins.SingularJoin<Z,X>
extends FromImpl<Z,X>
implements Join<Z,X>

Join a single-valued attribute.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.PathImpl
_member, _parent
Constructor Summary
Joins.SingularJoin(FromImpl<?,Z> from, Members.SingularAttributeImpl<? super Z,X> member, JoinType jt)
Method Summary
 StringBuilder asVariable(AliasContext q)
          Get a string representation of this node as a variable in the context of the given query.
 Attribute<? super Z,?> getAttribute()
          Return the metamodel attribute corresponding to the join.
 JoinType getJoinType()
 Members.Member<? extends Z,X> getMember()
 FromImpl<?,Z> getParent()
 void setImplicitContainsTypes(Value val1, Value val2, int op)
          Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that the first is supposed to contain the second.
 Expression toKernelExpression(ExpressionFactory factory, CriteriaQueryImpl<?> c)
          Bridge contract to convert this facade expression to a kernel expression.
 Value toValue(ExpressionFactory factory, CriteriaQueryImpl<?> c)
          Convert this path to a kernel path.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.FromImpl
acceptVisit, assertJoinable, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, getCorrelationParent, getFetches, getJoins, getType, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, joinCollection, joinCollection, joinList, joinList, joinMap, joinMap, joinSet, joinSet
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.PathImpl
asValue, get, get, get, get, getCorrelatedJoin, getCorrelatedPath, getCorrelatedRoot, getEmbeddedFieldMetaData, getInnermostMember, getInnermostParentPath, getModel, getParentPath, inSubquery, isCorrelated, setCorrelatedPath, traversePath, type
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.ExpressionImpl
as, in, in, in, in, isNotNull, isNull
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.SelectionImpl
alias, asProjection, assertValidName, getAlias, getCompoundSelectionItems, getJavaType, isAliased, isAutoAliased, isCompoundSelection, setAutoAlias
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.criteria.From
getCorrelationParent, getJoins, isCorrelated, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, join, joinCollection, joinCollection, joinList, joinList, joinMap, joinMap, joinSet, joinSet
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.criteria.Path
get, get, get, get, getModel, getParentPath, type
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.criteria.Expression
as, in, in, in, in, isNotNull, isNull
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.criteria.Selection
alias, getCompoundSelectionItems, isCompoundSelection
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.TupleElement
getAlias, getJavaType
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent
fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, fetch, getFetches

Constructor Detail


public Joins.SingularJoin(FromImpl<?,Z> from,
                          Members.SingularAttributeImpl<? super Z,X> member,
                          JoinType jt)
Method Detail


public JoinType getJoinType()
Specified by:
getJoinType in interface Join<Z,X>


public FromImpl<?,Z> getParent()
Specified by:
getParent in interface Join<Z,X>


public Members.Member<? extends Z,X> getMember()
getMember in class PathImpl<Z,X>


public Attribute<? super Z,?> getAttribute()
Return the metamodel attribute corresponding to the join.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface Join<Z,X>
metamodel attribute type corresponding to the join


public Value toValue(ExpressionFactory factory,
                     CriteriaQueryImpl<?> c)
Description copied from class: PathImpl
Convert this path to a kernel path.

toValue in class PathImpl<Z,X>
factory - creates the kernel expression
c - the query definition context of this expression
an equivalent kernel value


public Expression toKernelExpression(ExpressionFactory factory,
                                     CriteriaQueryImpl<?> c)
Description copied from class: ExpressionImpl
Bridge contract to convert this facade expression to a kernel expression.

toKernelExpression in class ExpressionImpl<X>
factory - creates the kernel expression
c - the query definition context of this expression
an equivalent kernel expression


public void setImplicitContainsTypes(Value val1,
                                     Value val2,
                                     int op)
Set the implicit types of the given values based on the fact that the first is supposed to contain the second.


public StringBuilder asVariable(AliasContext q)
Description copied from interface: CriteriaExpression
Get a string representation of this node as a variable in the context of the given query.

Specified by:
asVariable in interface CriteriaExpression
asVariable in class PathImpl<Z,X>

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