Class OrderImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria.OrderImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Order, CriteriaExpression

 class OrderImpl
extends Object
implements Order, CriteriaExpression

Ordering clause of a criteria query.

Pinaki Poddar

Constructor Summary
OrderImpl(Expression<?> e)
OrderImpl(Expression<?> e, boolean asc)
Method Summary
 void acceptVisit(CriteriaExpressionVisitor visitor)
          Accept visit from the given visitor.
 StringBuilder asProjection(AliasContext q)
          Get a string representation of this node as a projection term in the context of the given query.
 StringBuilder asValue(AliasContext q)
          Get a string representation of this node as a value in the context of the given query.
 StringBuilder asVariable(AliasContext q)
          Get a string representation of this node as a variable in the context of the given query.
 ExpressionImpl<?> getExpression()
 boolean isAscending()
 Order reverse()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OrderImpl(Expression<?> e,
                 boolean asc)


public OrderImpl(Expression<?> e)
Method Detail


public ExpressionImpl<?> getExpression()
Specified by:
getExpression in interface Order


public boolean isAscending()
Specified by:
isAscending in interface Order


public Order reverse()
Specified by:
reverse in interface Order


public void acceptVisit(CriteriaExpressionVisitor visitor)
Description copied from interface: CriteriaExpression
Accept visit from the given visitor. The receiver is responsible to propagate the visitor to the constituent sub-nodes if any.

Specified by:
acceptVisit in interface CriteriaExpression
visitor - a processor to walk the nodes of a tree.


public StringBuilder asValue(AliasContext q)
Description copied from interface: CriteriaExpression
Get a string representation of this node as a value in the context of the given query.

Specified by:
asValue in interface CriteriaExpression


public StringBuilder asProjection(AliasContext q)
Description copied from interface: CriteriaExpression
Get a string representation of this node as a projection term in the context of the given query.

Specified by:
asProjection in interface CriteriaExpression


public StringBuilder asVariable(AliasContext q)
Description copied from interface: CriteriaExpression
Get a string representation of this node as a variable in the context of the given query.

Specified by:
asVariable in interface CriteriaExpression

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