Uses of Interface

Packages that use Predicate
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query OpenJPA Dynamic Query 

Uses of Predicate in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query that implement Predicate
 class AndPredicate
          Denotes (e1 AND e2) predicate.
 class BetweenExpression
          Denotes e1 BETWEEN(e2 AND e3) Expression.
(package private)  class BinaryExpressionPredicate
          Binary predicate combines two expressions with an operator.
 class EqualExpression
          Denotes e1 = e2 Expression.
 class ExistsExpression
          Denotes EXISTS(SubQuery) Expression.
 class GreaterEqualExpression
          Denotes e1 >= e2 Expression.
 class GreaterThanExpression
          Denotes e1 > e2 Expression.
 class InExpression
          Denotes e1 IN (e2) Expression.
 class IsEmptyExpression
 class IsNullExpression
          Denotes e IS NULL Expression.
 class LessEqualExpression
          Denotes e1 <= e2 Expression.
 class LessThanExpression
          Denotes e1 < e2 Expression.
 class LikeExpression
          Denotes e1 LIKE e2 Expression.
 class LogicalPredicate
          Logical Predicate combines two predicates with a logical operator.
 class MemberOfExpression
          Denotes e1 MEMBER OF e2 Expression.
 class NotEqualExpression
          Denotes (e1 != e2) Expression.
 class OrPredicate
          Denotes (e1 OR e2) predicate.
(package private)  class UnaryExpressionPredicate
          Unary Predicate results from an operator on an Expression.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query that return Predicate
 Predicate UnaryExpressionPredicate.and(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate Predicate.and(Predicate predicate)
          Creates an AND of the predicate with the argument.
 Predicate LogicalPredicate.and(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate BinaryExpressionPredicate.and(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(Calendar arg1, Calendar arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(Calendar arg1, Calendar arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(Calendar arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(Calendar arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(Date arg1, Date arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(Date arg1, Date arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(Date arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(Date arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(Number arg1, Number arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(Number arg1, Number arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(Number arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(Number arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(PredicateOperand arg1, Calendar arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(PredicateOperand arg1, Calendar arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(PredicateOperand arg1, Date arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(PredicateOperand arg1, Date arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(PredicateOperand arg1, Number arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(PredicateOperand arg1, Number arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(PredicateOperand arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(PredicateOperand arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(PredicateOperand arg1, String arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(PredicateOperand arg1, String arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(String arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(String arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.between(String arg1, String arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.between(String arg1, String arg2)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(boolean arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(boolean arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(Calendar arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(Class cls)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(Class cls)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(Date arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(Enum<?> e)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(Enum<?> e)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(Number arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(PredicateOperand arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.equal(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.equal(String arg)
 Predicate QueryDefinitionImpl.exists()
 Predicate QueryDefinition.exists()
          Use the query definition instance as a subquery in an exists predicate.
 Predicate AbstractDomainObject.exists()
          Adds this path as EXISTS(subquery) to its owning query.
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterEqual(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterEqual(Calendar arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterEqual(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterEqual(Date arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterEqual(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterEqual(Number arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterEqual(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterEqual(String arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterThan(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterThan(Calendar arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterThan(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterThan(Date arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterThan(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterThan(Number arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterThan(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterThan(PredicateOperand arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.greaterThan(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.greaterThan(String arg)
 Predicate classes)
 Predicate classes)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate<?>... enums)
 Predicate<?>... enums)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate params)
 Predicate params)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate nums)
 Predicate nums)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate strings)
 Predicate strings)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate subquery)
 Predicate subquery)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of a subquery result.
 Predicate PathExpression.isEmpty()
          Add a restriction that the path expression must correspond to an association or element collection that is empty (has no elements).
 Predicate AbstractPath.isEmpty()
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.isNull()
 Predicate Expression.isNull()
          Create a predicate for testing whether the value of the expression is null.
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessEqual(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessEqual(Calendar arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessEqual(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessEqual(Date arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessEqual(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessEqual(Number arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessEqual(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessEqual(String arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessThan(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessThan(Calendar arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessThan(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessThan(Date arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessThan(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessThan(Number arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessThan(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessThan(PredicateOperand arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.lessThan(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.lessThan(String arg)
 Predicate pattern)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate pattern)
 Predicate pattern, char escapeChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate pattern, char escapeChar)
 Predicate pattern, PredicateOperand escapeChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate pattern, PredicateOperand escChar)
 Predicate pattern)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate pattern)
 Predicate pattern, char escapeChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate pattern, char escChar)
 Predicate pattern, PredicateOperand escapeChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate pattern, PredicateOperand escapeChar)
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.member(PathExpression arg)
 Predicate Expression.member(PathExpression arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression is a member of the association or element collection denoted by the path expression.
 Predicate UnaryExpressionPredicate.not()
 Predicate Predicate.not()
          Creates a negation of the predicate with the argument.
 Predicate LogicalPredicate.not()
 Predicate BinaryExpressionPredicate.not()
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(boolean arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(boolean arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(Calendar arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(Class cls)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(Class cls)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(Date arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(Enum<?> e)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(Enum<?> e)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(Number arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
 Predicate PredicateOperand.notEqual(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate ExpressionImpl.notEqual(String arg)
 Predicate UnaryExpressionPredicate.or(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate Predicate.or(Predicate predicate)
          Creates an OR of the predicate with the argument.
 Predicate LogicalPredicate.or(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate BinaryExpressionPredicate.or(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate QueryDefinitionImpl.predicate(boolean b)
 Predicate QueryDefinition.predicate(boolean b)
          Create a predicate value from the given boolean.
 Predicate AbstractDomainObject.predicate(boolean b)

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query with parameters of type Predicate
 Predicate UnaryExpressionPredicate.and(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate Predicate.and(Predicate predicate)
          Creates an AND of the predicate with the argument.
 Predicate LogicalPredicate.and(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate BinaryExpressionPredicate.and(Predicate predicate)
 void QueryDefinitionImpl.fillBuffer(String header, StringBuilder buffer, AliasContext ctx, Predicate p)
 QueryDefinition QueryDefinitionImpl.having(Predicate predicate)
 QueryDefinition QueryDefinition.having(Predicate predicate)
          Specify the restrictions over the groups of a query.
 QueryDefinition AbstractDomainObject.having(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate UnaryExpressionPredicate.or(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate Predicate.or(Predicate predicate)
          Creates an OR of the predicate with the argument.
 Predicate LogicalPredicate.or(Predicate predicate)
 Predicate BinaryExpressionPredicate.or(Predicate predicate)
 CaseExpression CaseExpressionImpl.when(Predicate when)
 CaseExpression CaseExpression.when(Predicate pred)
          Add a when predicate clause to a general case expression.
 QueryDefinition QueryDefinitionImpl.where(Predicate predicate)
 QueryDefinition QueryDefinition.where(Predicate predicate)
          Modifies the query definition to restrict the result of the query according to the specified predicate.
 QueryDefinition AbstractDomainObject.where(Predicate predicate)

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query with parameters of type Predicate
AndPredicate(Predicate p1, Predicate p2)
LogicalPredicate(Predicate p1, ConditionalOperator op, ConditionalOperator nop, Predicate p2)
OrPredicate(Predicate p1, Predicate p2)

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