Interface RemoteCommitProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRemoteCommitProvider, JMSRemoteCommitProvider, SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider, TCPRemoteCommitProvider

public interface RemoteCommitProvider
extends Closeable

An entity that is responsible for communicating commit notification to other RemoteCommitEventManagers. Each event manager creates a remote commit provider, based on the values of the openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider configuration property. An adapter that implements TransactionListener is registered with each Broker. This adapter invokes broadcast, which is responsible for notifying other remote commit provider objects of the commit changes. Upon receiving a notification from a different remote commit provider, a provider must notify all local remote commit listeners via the RemoteCommitEventManager.fireEvent(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method. A remote commit provider must not fire remote events for commits that originated with a local broker.

Patrick Linskey

Method Summary
 void broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent event)
          Notifies other remote event managers in this JVM and on other machines of changes to the cache.
 void close()
          Free the resources used by this provider.
 void setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager mgr)
          Set the "owning" remote event manager to notify when remote events are received from remote sources.

Method Detail


void setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager mgr)
Set the "owning" remote event manager to notify when remote events are received from remote sources.


void broadcast(RemoteCommitEvent event)
Notifies other remote event managers in this JVM and on other machines of changes to the cache. This method must not notify the event manager associated with the broker that originated this commit.


void close()
Free the resources used by this provider.

Specified by:
close in interface Closeable

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