Class JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.kernel.FetchConfigurationImpl
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, EagerFetchModes, JDBCFetchConfiguration, LRSSizes, JoinSyntaxes, FetchConfiguration, LockLevels, LockScopes, QueryFlushModes
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl
extends FetchConfigurationImpl
implements JDBCFetchConfiguration

JDBC extensions to OpenJPA's FetchConfiguration.

Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected static class JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.JDBCConfigurationState
          Configurable JDBC state shared throughout a traversal chain.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.kernel.FetchConfigurationImpl
Field Summary
protected  JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.JDBCConfigurationState _state
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.FetchConfiguration
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.LockLevels
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.LockScopes
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryFlushModes
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.EagerFetchModes
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.LRSSizes
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.JoinSyntaxes
Constructor Summary
protected JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl(FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState state, JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.JDBCConfigurationState jstate)
Method Summary
 JDBCFetchConfiguration addFetchInnerJoin(String join)
          Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration addFetchInnerJoins(Collection<String> joins)
          Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration addJoin(String join)
          Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration addJoins(Collection<String> joins)
          Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration clearJoins()
          Clears the set of field names to join when loading data.
 void copy(FetchConfiguration fetch)
          Copy the state from the given fetch configuration to this one.
 int getEagerFetchMode()
          Return the eager fetch mode.
 int getFetchDirection()
          The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
 Set<String> getFetchInnerJoins()
          Returns the names of the inner fetch joins that this component will use when loading objects.
 int getIsolation()
          The isolation level for queries issued to the database.
 Set<String> getJoins()
          Returns the names of the joins that this component will use when loading objects.
 int getJoinSyntax()
          The join syntax to use.
 int getLRSSize()
          The large result set size mode to use.
 int getResultSetType()
          The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
 int getSubclassFetchMode()
          Return the subclass fetch mode.
 int getSubclassFetchMode(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the effective subclass fetch mode for the given type.
 boolean hasFetchInnerJoin(String field)
          Return true if the given fully-qualified inner fetch join has been added.
 boolean hasJoin(String field)
          Return true if the given fully-qualified join has been added.
protected  FetchConfigurationImpl newInstance(FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState state)
          Return a new hollow instance.
 ResultList<?> newResultList(ResultObjectProvider rop)
          Return a new result list for the current fetch configuration.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration removeJoin(String field)
          Removes field to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration removeJoins(Collection<String> joins)
          Removes fields from the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.
 void setContext(StoreContext ctx)
          Called automatically by the system to associate the fetch configuration with a context before use.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setEagerFetchMode(int mode)
          Set the eager fetch mode.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setFetchDirection(int direction)
          The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setIsolation(int level)
          The isolation level for queries issued to the database.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setJoinSyntax(int syntax)
          The join syntax to use.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setLRSSize(int size)
          The large result set size mode to use.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setResultSetType(int type)
          The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration setSubclassFetchMode(int mode)
          Set the subclass fetch mode.
 JDBCFetchConfiguration traverseJDBC(FieldMetaData fm)
          Convenience method to cast traversal to store-specific type.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.kernel.FetchConfigurationImpl
addFetchGroup, addFetchGroups, addField, addFields, clearFetchGroups, clearFields, clone, getCacheRetrieveMode, getCacheStoreMode, getContext, getExtendedPathLookup, getFetchBatchSize, getFetchGroups, getFields, getFlushBeforeQueries, getHint, getHints, getLockScope, getLockTimeout, getMaxFetchDepth, getQueryCacheEnabled, getQueryTimeout, getReadLockLevel, getRootClasses, getRootInstances, getSupportedHints, getWriteLockLevel, hasFetchGroup, hasFetchGroupAll, hasFetchGroupDefault, hasField, isHintSet, lock, populateHintSetter, populateHintSetter, removeFetchGroup, removeFetchGroups, removeField, removeFields, removeHint, removeHint, requiresFetch, requiresLoad, resetFetchGroups, setCacheRetrieveMode, setCacheStoreMode, setExtendedPathLookup, setFetchBatchSize, setFlushBeforeQueries, setHint, setHint, setLockScope, setLockTimeout, setMaxFetchDepth, setQueryCacheEnabled, setQueryTimeout, setReadLockLevel, setRootClasses, setRootInstances, setWriteLockLevel, toString, toString, traverse, unlock
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.FetchConfiguration
addFetchGroup, addFetchGroups, addField, addFields, clearFetchGroups, clearFields, clone, getCacheRetrieveMode, getCacheStoreMode, getContext, getExtendedPathLookup, getFetchBatchSize, getFetchGroups, getFields, getFlushBeforeQueries, getHint, getHints, getLockScope, getLockTimeout, getMaxFetchDepth, getQueryCacheEnabled, getQueryTimeout, getReadLockLevel, getRootClasses, getRootInstances, getWriteLockLevel, hasFetchGroup, hasField, isHintSet, lock, removeFetchGroup, removeFetchGroups, removeField, removeFields, requiresFetch, requiresLoad, resetFetchGroups, setCacheRetrieveMode, setCacheStoreMode, setExtendedPathLookup, setFetchBatchSize, setFlushBeforeQueries, setHint, setHint, setLockScope, setLockTimeout, setMaxFetchDepth, setQueryCacheEnabled, setQueryTimeout, setReadLockLevel, setRootClasses, setRootInstances, setWriteLockLevel, traverse, unlock

Field Detail


protected final JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.JDBCConfigurationState _state
Constructor Detail


public JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl()


protected JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl(FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState state,
                                     JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.JDBCConfigurationState jstate)
Method Detail


protected FetchConfigurationImpl newInstance(FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState state)
Description copied from class: FetchConfigurationImpl
Return a new hollow instance.

newInstance in class FetchConfigurationImpl


public void setContext(StoreContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: FetchConfiguration
Called automatically by the system to associate the fetch configuration with a context before use. The fetch configuration properties should be synchronized with the context's configuration object. Subclasses for specific back ends cannot rely on the context's configuration implementing their back end's configuration sub-interface.

Specified by:
setContext in interface FetchConfiguration
setContext in class FetchConfigurationImpl


public void copy(FetchConfiguration fetch)
Description copied from interface: FetchConfiguration
Copy the state from the given fetch configuration to this one.

Specified by:
copy in interface FetchConfiguration
copy in class FetchConfigurationImpl


public int getEagerFetchMode()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Return the eager fetch mode. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.EagerFetchMode setting.

Specified by:
getEagerFetchMode in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setEagerFetchMode(int mode)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Set the eager fetch mode. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.EagerFetchMode setting.

Specified by:
setEagerFetchMode in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getSubclassFetchMode()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Return the subclass fetch mode. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.SubclassFetchMode setting.

Specified by:
getSubclassFetchMode in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getSubclassFetchMode(ClassMapping cls)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Return the effective subclass fetch mode for the given type.

Specified by:
getSubclassFetchMode in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setSubclassFetchMode(int mode)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Set the subclass fetch mode. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.SubclassFetchMode setting.

Specified by:
setSubclassFetchMode in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getResultSetType()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.ResultSetType setting.

Specified by:
getResultSetType in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setResultSetType(int type)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.ResultSetType setting.

Specified by:
setResultSetType in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getFetchDirection()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.FetchDirection setting.

Specified by:
getFetchDirection in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setFetchDirection(int direction)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.FetchDirection setting.

Specified by:
setFetchDirection in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getLRSSize()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The large result set size mode to use. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.LRSSize setting.

Specified by:
getLRSSize in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setLRSSize(int size)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The large result set size mode to use. Defaults to the openjpa.jdbc.LRSSize setting.

Specified by:
setLRSSize in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getJoinSyntax()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The join syntax to use.

Specified by:
getJoinSyntax in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setJoinSyntax(int syntax)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
The join syntax to use.

Specified by:
setJoinSyntax in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public ResultList<?> newResultList(ResultObjectProvider rop)
Description copied from interface: FetchConfiguration
Return a new result list for the current fetch configuration.

Specified by:
newResultList in interface FetchConfiguration
newResultList in class FetchConfigurationImpl


public Set<String> getJoins()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Returns the names of the joins that this component will use when loading objects. Defaults to the empty set. This set is not thread safe.

Specified by:
getJoins in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public boolean hasJoin(String field)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Return true if the given fully-qualified join has been added.

Specified by:
hasJoin in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration addJoin(String join)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects. Each class can have at most one to-many eagerly joined fields.

Specified by:
addJoin in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration addJoins(Collection<String> joins)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects. Each class can have at most one to-many eagerly joined fields.

Specified by:
addJoins in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration removeJoin(String field)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Removes field to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.

Specified by:
removeJoin in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration removeJoins(Collection<String> joins)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Removes fields from the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects.

Specified by:
removeJoins in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration clearJoins()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Clears the set of field names to join when loading data.

Specified by:
clearJoins in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public int getIsolation()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration

The isolation level for queries issued to the database. This overrides the persistence-unit-wide openjpa.jdbc.TransactionIsolation value.

Must be one of Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, or -1 for the default connection level specified by the context in which this fetch configuration is being used.

Specified by:
getIsolation in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration setIsolation(int level)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration

The isolation level for queries issued to the database. This overrides the persistence-unit-wide openjpa.jdbc.TransactionIsolation value.

Must be one of Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, or -1 for the default connection level specified by the context in which this fetch configuration is being used.

Specified by:
setIsolation in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration traverseJDBC(FieldMetaData fm)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Convenience method to cast traversal to store-specific type.

Specified by:
traverseJDBC in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public Set<String> getFetchInnerJoins()
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Returns the names of the inner fetch joins that this component will use when loading objects. Defaults to the empty set. This set is not thread safe.

Specified by:
getFetchInnerJoins in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public boolean hasFetchInnerJoin(String field)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Return true if the given fully-qualified inner fetch join has been added.

Specified by:
hasFetchInnerJoin in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration addFetchInnerJoin(String join)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects. Each class can have at most one to-many eagerly joined fields.

Specified by:
addFetchInnerJoin in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration


public JDBCFetchConfiguration addFetchInnerJoins(Collection<String> joins)
Description copied from interface: JDBCFetchConfiguration
Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to eagerly join when loading objects. Each class can have at most one to-many eagerly joined fields.

Specified by:
addFetchInnerJoins in interface JDBCFetchConfiguration

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