public interface MappingDefaults
Generates default names for tables, columns, indexes, constraints, etc.
Method Summary | |
boolean |
Whether to fill in missing mapping information at runtime with the default values supplied by this plugin. |
Object |
getDiscriminatorValue(Discriminator disc,
boolean adapt)
Return the default discriminator value for the given instance. |
ForeignKey |
getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm,
DBIdentifier name,
Table local,
Table foreign,
boolean inverse)
Return a default foreign key for the join from this value to its related type, or null for a logical foreign key only. |
ForeignKey |
getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm,
String name,
Table local,
Table foreign,
boolean inverse)
Deprecated. |
Index |
getIndex(Discriminator disc,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Return a default index for the discriminator, or null if the discriminator columns should not be indexed by default. |
Index |
getIndex(ValueMapping vm,
DBIdentifier name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Return a default index for the value, or null if the value columns should not be indexed by default. |
Index |
getIndex(ValueMapping vm,
String name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Deprecated. |
Index |
getIndex(Version vers,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Return a default index for the version, or null if the version columns should not be indexed by default. |
ForeignKey |
getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls,
Table local,
Table foreign)
Return a default foreign key for the join from this class' table to its superclass' table, or null for a logical foreign key only. |
ForeignKey |
getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm,
Table local,
Table foreign)
Return a default foreign key for the join from this field's table to its defining class' table, or null for a logical foreign key only. |
Index |
getJoinIndex(FieldMapping fm,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Return a default index for the join, or null if the join columns should not be indexed by default. |
Unique |
getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Return a default constraint for the join, or null if the join columns should not be constrained by default. |
DBIdentifier |
getPrimaryKeyIdentifier(ClassMapping cm,
Table table)
Return the name of the primary key for the table of the given class, or null for database default. |
String |
getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm,
Table table)
Deprecated. |
Object |
getStrategy(ClassMapping cls,
boolean adapt)
Default mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy and no hierarchy strategy given. |
Object |
getStrategy(Discriminator disc,
boolean adapt)
Default discriminator mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy. |
Object |
getStrategy(ValueMapping vm,
Class<?> type,
boolean adapt)
Custom handler or strategy for the given field, or null if none has been registered. |
Object |
getStrategy(Version vers,
boolean adapt)
Default version mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy. |
DBIdentifier |
getTableIdentifier(ClassMapping cls,
Schema defaultSchema)
Return the default table name for the given class. |
DBIdentifier |
getTableIdentifier(FieldMapping fm,
Schema defaultSchema)
Return the default secondary table name for the given field. |
String |
getTableName(ClassMapping cls,
Schema defaultSchema)
Deprecated. |
String |
getTableName(FieldMapping fm,
Schema defaultSchema)
Deprecated. |
Unique |
getUnique(ValueMapping vm,
DBIdentifier name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Return a default constraint for the value, or null if the value columns should not be constrained by default. |
Unique |
getUnique(ValueMapping vm,
String name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Deprecated. |
void |
installPrimaryKey(FieldMapping fm,
Table table)
If desired, install a primary key on the given secondary table. |
void |
populateColumns(Discriminator disc,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Fill in default information for the given discriminator columns. |
void |
populateColumns(ValueMapping vm,
DBIdentifier name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Fill in default information for the given value columns. |
void |
populateColumns(ValueMapping vm,
String name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Deprecated. |
void |
populateColumns(Version vers,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Fill in default information for the given version columns. |
void |
populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Fill in default information for the given datastore identity columns. |
void |
populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm,
DBIdentifier name,
Table local,
Table foreign,
Column col,
Object target,
boolean inverse,
int pos,
int cols)
Fill in default information for the given column used to join a value to its related type. |
void |
populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm,
String name,
Table local,
Table foreign,
Column col,
Object target,
boolean inverse,
int pos,
int cols)
Deprecated. |
void |
populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm,
Table local,
Table foreign,
Column col,
Object target,
int pos,
int cols)
Fill in default information for the given column used to join a class to its superclass table. |
void |
populateJoinColumn(FieldMapping fm,
Table local,
Table foreign,
Column col,
Object target,
int pos,
int cols)
Fill in default information for the given column used to join a field to its defining class' table. |
boolean |
populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm,
DBIdentifier name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Fill in default information for the given null indicator columns. |
boolean |
populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm,
String name,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Deprecated. |
boolean |
populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping fm,
Table table,
Column[] cols)
Fill in default information for the given order columns. |
boolean |
The default for whether relations use the related object's expected class as part of the join criteria. |
Method Detail |
boolean defaultMissingInfo()
boolean useClassCriteria()
Object getStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt)
- the class; will not be mapped, but superclass and raw
will be availableadapt
- whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
Object getStrategy(Version vers, boolean adapt)
- the version; will not be mapped, but raw
will be availableadapt
- whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
Object getStrategy(Discriminator disc, boolean adapt)
- the discriminator; will not be mapped, but raw
will be availableadapt
- whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
Object getStrategy(ValueMapping vm, Class<?> type, boolean adapt)
- the value mapping; will not be mapped, but raw
will be availabletype
- the value typeadapt
- whether we can adapt the mapping or schema
Object getDiscriminatorValue(Discriminator disc, boolean adapt)
String getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema defaultSchema)
DBIdentifier getTableIdentifier(ClassMapping cls, Schema defaultSchema)
String getTableName(FieldMapping fm, Schema defaultSchema)
DBIdentifier getTableIdentifier(FieldMapping fm, Schema defaultSchema)
void populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Table table, Column[] cols)
void populateColumns(Version vers, Table table, Column[] cols)
void populateColumns(Discriminator disc, Table table, Column[] cols)
void populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
- the target of this column in the join; may be
another column or a constant valuepos
- the index of this column in the logical foreign keycols
- the number of columns in the logical foreign keyvoid populateJoinColumn(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
- the target of this column in the join; may be
another column or a constant valuepos
- the index of this column in the logical foreign keycols
- the number of columns in the logical foreign keyvoid populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, boolean inverse, int pos, int cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingtarget
- the target of this column in the join; may be
another column or a constant valueinverse
- whether this is an inverse foreign keypos
- the index of this column in the logical foreign keycols
- the number of columns in the logical foreign keyvoid populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, boolean inverse, int pos, int cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingtarget
- the target of this column in the join; may be
another column or a constant valueinverse
- whether this is an inverse foreign keypos
- the index of this column in the logical foreign keycols
- the number of columns in the logical foreign keyvoid populateColumns(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingvoid populateColumns(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingboolean populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
boolean populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mapping
boolean populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mapping
ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign)
ForeignKey getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
- base name for value, as decided by mappinginverse
- whether this is an inverse keyForeignKey getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table local, Table foreign, boolean inverse)
- base name for value, as decided by mappinginverse
- whether this is an inverse keyIndex getJoinIndex(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
Index getIndex(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingIndex getIndex(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingIndex getIndex(Version vers, Table table, Column[] cols)
Index getIndex(Discriminator disc, Table table, Column[] cols)
Unique getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
Unique getUnique(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingUnique getUnique(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table, Column[] cols)
- base name for value, as decided by mappingString getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm, Table table)
DBIdentifier getPrimaryKeyIdentifier(ClassMapping cm, Table table)
void installPrimaryKey(FieldMapping fm, Table table)