Uses of Interface

Packages that use OpenJPAEntityManager
org.apache.openjpa.persistence OpenJPA JPA 

Uses of OpenJPAEntityManager in org.apache.openjpa.persistence

Subinterfaces of OpenJPAEntityManager in org.apache.openjpa.persistence
 interface OpenJPAEntityManagerSPI

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.persistence that implement OpenJPAEntityManager
 class EntityManagerImpl
          Implementation of EntityManager interface.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence that return OpenJPAEntityManager
static OpenJPAEntityManager OpenJPAPersistence.cast(EntityManager em)
          Return the OpenJPA facade to the given entity manager.
 OpenJPAEntityManager OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager()
 OpenJPAEntityManager OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(Map props)
          Return an entity manager with the provided additional configuration settings.
 OpenJPAEntityManager QueryImpl.getEntityManager()
 OpenJPAEntityManager OpenJPAQuery.getEntityManager()
          The owning entity manager.
 OpenJPAEntityManager ExtentImpl.getEntityManager()
 OpenJPAEntityManager Extent.getEntityManager()
          The owning entity manager.
static OpenJPAEntityManager OpenJPAPersistence.getEntityManager(Object o)
          Return the entity manager for the given object, if one can be determined from just the object alone.
static OpenJPAEntityManager OpenJPAPersistence.toEntityManager(Broker broker)
          Deprecated. use JPAFacadeHelper instead. This method pierces the published-API boundary, as does the JPAFacadeHelper utilization.
static OpenJPAEntityManager JPAFacadeHelper.toEntityManager(Broker broker)
          Return a persistence manager facade to the given broker retaining previously associated persistence context type.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence with parameters of type OpenJPAEntityManager
static RuntimeExceptionTranslator PersistenceExceptions.getRollbackTranslator(OpenJPAEntityManager em)
          Returns a RuntimeExceptionTranslator that will perform the correct exception translation as well as roll back the current transaction when for all but NoResultException and NonUniqueResultException in accordance with section 3.7 of the EJB 3.0 specification.

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