Uses of Interface

Packages that use DistributedConfiguration
org.apache.openjpa.slice Extended OpenJPA Interfaces for distributed databases. 
org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc Implements Distributed version of JDBCStoreManager and JDBCStoreQuery. 

Uses of DistributedConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.slice

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice that return DistributedConfiguration
 DistributedConfiguration DistributedBrokerImpl.getConfiguration()

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice with parameters of type DistributedConfiguration
static SliceInfo SliceImplHelper.getSlicesByPolicy(Object pc, DistributedConfiguration conf, Object ctx)
          Gets the target slices by calling user-specified DistributionPolicy or ReplicationPolicy depending on whether the given instance is replicated.
static SliceInfo SliceImplHelper.getSlicesByPolicy(OpenJPAStateManager sm, DistributedConfiguration conf, Object ctx)
          Gets the target slices for the given StateManager.
static boolean SliceImplHelper.isReplicated(Object pc, DistributedConfiguration conf)
          Affirms if the given instance be replicated to multiple slices.

Uses of DistributedConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc

Subinterfaces of DistributedConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc
 interface DistributedJDBCConfiguration
          A distributed configuration that is a ordered collection of JDBCConfigurations.

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc that implement DistributedConfiguration
 class DistributedJDBCConfigurationImpl
          A specialized configuration embodies a set of Slice configurations.

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