Interface PathExpression

All Superinterfaces:
Expression, OrderByItem, PredicateOperand, SelectItem
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDomainObject, AbstractPath, EntryExpression, FetchPath, JoinPath, KeyExpression, NavigationPath, OperatorPath, RootPath, ValueExpression

public interface PathExpression
extends Expression

Interface for operations over objects reached via paths

Method Summary
 Aggregate avg()
          Specify that the avg operation is to be applied.
 Aggregate count()
          Specify that the count operation is to be applied.
 PathExpression get(String attributeName)
          Return a path expression corresponding to the referenced attribute.
 Predicate isEmpty()
          Add a restriction that the path expression must correspond to an association or element collection that is empty (has no elements).
 Aggregate max()
          Specify that the max operation is to be applied.
 Aggregate min()
          Specify that the min operation is to be applied.
 Expression size()
          Return an expression that corresponds to the number of elements association or element collection corresponding to the path expression.
 Aggregate sum()
          Specify that the sum operation is to be applied.
 Expression type()
          Return an expression that corresponds to the type of the entity.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.Expression
abs, concat, concat, dividedBy, dividedBy, in, in, in, in, in, in, isNull, length, locate, locate, locate, locate, locate, locate, lower, member, minus, minus, minus, mod, mod, plus, plus, sqrt, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, times, times, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, upper
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.SelectItem
asc, desc
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.PredicateOperand
between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, like, like, like, like, like, like, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual

Method Detail


PathExpression get(String attributeName)
Return a path expression corresponding to the referenced attribute. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or element collection. The path expression on which this method is invoked must correspond to a class containing the referenced attribute.

attributeName - - name of the referenced attribute
path expression


Expression type()
Return an expression that corresponds to the type of the entity. This method can only be invoked on a path expression corresponding to an entity. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association.

expression denoting the entity's type


Expression size()
Return an expression that corresponds to the number of elements association or element collection corresponding to the path expression. This method can only be invoked on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or to an element collection.

expression denoting the size


Predicate isEmpty()
Add a restriction that the path expression must correspond to an association or element collection that is empty (has no elements). This method can only be invoked on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or to an element collection.

predicate corresponding to the restriction


Aggregate avg()
Specify that the avg operation is to be applied. The path expression must correspond to an attribute of a numeric type. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or element collection.

the resulting aggregate


Aggregate max()
Specify that the max operation is to be applied. The path expression must correspond to an attribute of an orderable type. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or element collection.

the resulting aggregate


Aggregate min()
Specify that the min operation is to be applied. The path expression must correspond to an attribute of an orderable type. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or element collection.

the resulting aggregate


Aggregate count()
Specify that the count operation is to be applied. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or element collection.

the resulting aggregate


Aggregate sum()
Specify that the sum operation is to be applied. The path expression must correspond to an attribute of a numeric type. It is not permitted to invoke this method on a path expression that corresponds to a multi-valued association or element collection.

the resulting aggregate

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