Interface Summary | |
BooleanRepresentation<REPRESENTATION_TYPE> | Defines how a Boolean or boolean value
gets stored in the database by default. |
Joins | Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select. |
JoinSyntaxes | Constants for ways of describing joins in SQL. |
LogicalUnion.Selector | A callback used to create the selects in a SQL union. |
MergedResult.ResultComparator | Comparator for ordering result rows. |
Result | A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure. |
Row | Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete. |
RowManager | Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process. |
Select | Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement. |
SelectExecutor | Interface for configuring and executing a SQL select. |
SQLFactory | Factory for SQL constructs. |
Union | SQL UNION. |
Union.Selector | A callback used to create the selects in a SQL union. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractDB2Dictionary | Base dictionary for the IBM DB2 family of databases. |
AbstractResult | A Result implementation designed to be subclassed easily by
implementations. |
AbstractSQLServerDictionary | Dictionary for the SQL Server databases (Sybase and MS SQL Server). |
AccessDictionary | Dictionary for Access via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver. |
BooleanRepresentationFactory | Factory which is being used to create the active BooleanRepresentation . |
BooleanRepresentationFactory.BooleanBooleanRepresentation | |
BooleanRepresentationFactory.Int10BooleanRepresentation | |
BooleanRepresentationFactory.StringBooleanRepresentation | BooleanRepresentation which takes 2 strings for true and false representations as constructor parameter; |
CacheDictionary | Dictionary for Intersystems Cache. |
Calendard | A calendar-modified value. |
DB2Dictionary | Dictionary for IBM DB2 database. |
DBDictionary | Class which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion. |
DBDictionary.SerializedData | Used by some mappings to represent data that has already been serialized so that we don't have to serialize multiple times. |
DBDictionaryFactory | Factory class to instantiate a dictionary. |
DerbyDictionary | Dictionary for Apache Derby (formerly Cloudscape). |
EmpressDictionary | Dictionary for Empress using ODBC server combined with their type 2 driver. |
FirebirdDictionary | Dictionary for Firebird. |
FoxProDictionary | Dictionary for Visual FoxPro via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver. |
H2Dictionary | Dictionary for H2 (http://www.h2database.com ). |
HSQLDictionary | Dictionary for HyperSQL (HSQLDB) database. |
InformixDictionary | Dictionary for Informix database. |
IngresDictionary | |
InterbaseDictionary | Dictionary for Borland Interbase. |
JDataStoreDictionary | Dictionary for Borland JDataStore |
Join | Represents a SQL join. |
LogicalUnion | A logical union made up of multiple distinct selects whose results are combined in memory. |
MariaDBDictionary | |
MaxDBDictionary | Database dictionary for using SAP's MaxDB. |
MergedResult | Result that merges multiple result delegates. |
MySQLDictionary | Dictionary for MySQL. |
OracleDictionary | Dictionary for Oracle. |
PointbaseDictionary | Dictionary for Pointbase Embedded. |
PostgresDictionary | Dictionary for PostgreSQL. |
PostgresDictionary.PostgresConnection | Connection wrapper to work around the postgres empty result set bug. |
PostgresDictionary.PostgresPreparedStatement | Statement wrapper to work around the postgres empty result set bug. |
PrimaryRow | Primary table row that tracks foreign keys and auto-inc columns. |
Raw | Represents a raw SQL string for passing to
Row.setObject . |
ResultSetResult | Base Result implementation wrapped around a result set. |
RowImpl | Basic Row implementation. |
RowManagerImpl | Manages SQL rows during an insert/update/delete process. |
SecondaryRow | Secondary table row that tracks foreign keys to auto-inc columns. |
SelectImpl | Standard Select implementation. |
SelectImpl.SelectResult | A Result implementation wrapped around this select. |
SelectImpl.Selects | Helper class to track selected columns, with fast contains method. |
Sized | A sized value. |
SolidDBDictionary | Dictionary for SolidDB database. |
SQLBuffer | Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements. |
SQLErrorCodeReader | Parses XML content of SQL Error State codes to populate error codes for a given Database Dictionary. |
SQLExceptions | Helper class for converting a SQLException into
the appropriate OpenJPA type. |
SQLFactoryImpl | Default factory for SQL abstraction constructs. |
SQLServerDictionary | Dictionary for Microsoft SQL Server. |
SybaseDictionary | Dictionary for Sybase. |
SybaseDictionary.SybaseConnection | Connection wrapper to cache the Connection.getCatalog() result,
which takes a very long time with the Sybase Connection (and
which we frequently invoke). |
Enum Summary | |
DBDictionary.DateMillisecondBehaviors |
OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction
Utilities for generating SQL.