Interface Summary | |
Aggregate | Type of the result of an aggregate operation |
CaseExpression | Interface for the construction of case expressions |
DomainObject | Domain objects define the domain over which a query operates. |
Expression | Instances of this interface can be used either as select list items or as predicate operands. |
FetchJoinObject | Interface used for the result of a fetch join. |
OpenJPAQueryBuilder | Builds dynamic query |
OrderByItem | Instances of this interface can be used as orderBy arguments. |
PathExpression | Interface for operations over objects reached via paths |
Predicate | Interface used to define compound predicates. |
PredicateOperand | Interface for constructing where-clause and having-clause conditions. |
QueryBuilder | Factory interface for query definition objects |
QueryDefinition | Interface for construction of query definitions |
SelectItem | SelectItem instances are used in specifying the query's select list. |
Subquery | Instances of this interface can be used as subqueries. |
Visitable | An element of query that is convertible to a JPQL String given a aliasing scheme. |
Class Summary | |
AbsExpression | Denotes ABS() operation on a given expression. |
AbstractDomainObject | Domain Object is a path expression over which query is evaluated. |
AndPredicate | Denotes (e1 AND e2) predicate. |
ArrayExpression | A single expression that holds an array of values. |
AverageExpression | Denotes AVG() on a given Expression. |
BetweenExpression | Denotes e1 BETWEEN(e2 AND e3) Expression. |
BinaryOperatorExpression | An expression resulting from a binary operation on two expressions. |
CaseExpressionImpl | |
ConcatExpression | Denotes CONCAT(e1,e2,..) |
CountExpression | Denotes COUNT(e) Expression. |
CurrentTimeExpression | Denotes CURRENT_TIME(), CURRENT_DATE() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() expressions. |
DistinctExpression | Denotes DISTINCT(e) Expression. |
DividedByExpression | Denotes e1/e2 Expression. |
ElseExpression | Else clause in a Case Statement. |
EntryExpression | Denotes ENTRY(e) on a path. |
EqualExpression | Denotes e1 = e2 Expression. |
ExistsExpression | Denotes EXISTS(SubQuery) Expression. |
FetchPath | Denotes a path used in fetch join. |
GreaterEqualExpression | Denotes e1 >= e2 Expression. |
GreaterThanExpression | Denotes e1 > e2 Expression. |
IndexExpression | Denotes INDEX(e) Expression. |
InExpression | Denotes e1 IN (e2) Expression. |
IsEmptyExpression | |
IsNullExpression | Denotes e IS NULL Expression. |
JoinPath | Path resulting by joining from a parent path via an attribute. |
JPQLHelper | Utility for converting elements to JPQL string fragments. |
KeyExpression | Denotes KEY(e) Expression. |
LengthExpression | Denotes LENGTH(e) Expression. |
LessEqualExpression | Denotes e1 <= e2 Expression. |
LessThanExpression | Denotes e1 < e2 Expression. |
LikeExpression | Denotes e1 LIKE e2 Expression. |
LiteralExpression | Denotes a Literal Expression. |
LocateExpression | Denotes LOCATE(e1, e2, n) Expression. |
LogicalPredicate | Logical Predicate combines two predicates with a logical operator. |
LowerExpression | Denotes LOWER(e) Expression. |
MaxExpression | Denotes MAX(e) Expression. |
MemberOfExpression | Denotes e1 MEMBER OF e2 Expression. |
MinExpression | Denotes MIN(e) Expression. |
MinusExpression | Denotes (e1 - e2) Expression. |
NewInstance | Denotes NEW fully.qualified.class.name(arg1, arg2,...) |
NotEqualExpression | Denotes (e1 ! |
OperatorPath | A path resulting from KEY() or VALUE() operation on an existing path. |
OrderableItem | Denotes an item of ORDER BY clause. |
OrPredicate | Denotes (e1 OR e2) predicate. |
ParameterExpression | Denotes a parameter in a query. |
PlusExpression | Denotes (e1 + e2) Expression. |
QueryBuilderImpl | The factory for QueryDefinition. |
QueryDefinitionImpl | Implements QueryDefinition. |
RangeExpression | Denotes a range used by e1 BETWEEN x AND y operation. |
RootPath | Denotes root domain instance representing a persistent type. |
SizeExpression | Denotes SIZE(e) Expression. |
SquareRootExpression | Denotes SQRT(e) Expression. |
SubStringExpression | Denotes SUBSTR(a,i1,i2) Expression. |
SumExpression | Denotes SUM(e) Expression. |
TimesExpression | Denotes (e1*e2) Expression. |
TrimExpression | Denotes TRIM(e1,x) Expression. |
TypeExpression | Denotes TYPE(e) Expression. |
UnaryMinusExpression | Denotes (-e) Expression. |
UpperExpression | Denotes UPPER(e) Expression. |
ValueExpression | Denotes VALUE(e) Expression. |
VarArgsExpression | A expression that holds an array of Expressions. |
WhenClause | Denotes WHEN ... |
Enum Summary | |
BinaryConditionalOperator | Enumeration of conditional operator that operates on ordered pair of expression to generate a predicate. |
BinaryFunctionalOperator | Enumeration of functional operator that operates on ordered pair of expression to generate another expression. |
ConditionalOperator | Enumerates conditional operator that operates on two predicates to generate another predicate. |
PathOperator | Operator that combines two components to form a path. |
TrimSpec | Used to specify the trimming of strings |
UnaryConditionalOperator | Enumeration of operator that operates on a single expression to generate a predicate. |
UnaryFunctionalOperator | Enumeration of operator that operates on a single expression to generate another expression. |
UnaryOperator | Enumeration of Operator that operate on a single expression. |
Annotation Types Summary | |
OrderBy |
OpenJPA Dynamic Query
This package provides dynamic query construction that are similar to weakly-typed Criteria API.