Interface | Description |
LRSCollectionFieldStrategy |
Interface implemented by collection strategies so that they can
support large result set collections.
LRSMapFieldStrategy |
Interface implemented by map strategies so that they can
support large result set maps.
Class | Description |
AbstractClassStrategy |
No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractDiscriminatorStrategy |
No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractFieldStrategy |
No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractStrategy |
No-op strategy for easy extension.
AbstractValueHandler |
No-op implementations of
ValueHandler interface methods. |
AbstractVersionStrategy |
No-op strategy for easy extension.
BlobValueHandler |
Handler for blob values.
ByteArrayValueHandler |
Handler for byte array values.
CharArrayStreamValueHandler |
Handler for char array values.
CharArrayValueHandler |
Handler for char array values.
ClassNameDiscriminatorStrategy |
Stores the class name along with each database object record.
ClobValueHandler |
Handler for clob values.
ColumnVersionStrategy |
Uses a one or more column(s) and corresponding version object.
ContainerFieldStrategy |
An abstract container mapping that handles traversing the
join to examine the size of the relation.
ElementEmbedValueHandler |
Handler for embedded objects as elements of a collection or map.
EmbeddedClassStrategy |
Class mapping for embedded objects.
EmbedFieldStrategy |
Mapping for an embedded persistent object.
EmbedValueHandler |
Base class for embedded value handlers.
EnumValueHandler |
Value handler for JDK1.5 enum field types.
FlatClassStrategy |
Mapping for classes mapped to their superclass table.
FullClassStrategy |
Mapping for when the class maps all fields to its own table.
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a collection of values in a separate table controlled by a
ValueHandler . |
HandlerFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a single-valued field that delegates to a
ValueHandler . |
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a map of keys and values both controlled by
ValueHandler s. |
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a map whose keys are controlled by a
and whose values are relations to other persistent objects. |
HandlerStrategies |
Utility methods for strategies using value handlers.
ImmutableValueHandler |
Handler for simple type and string values.
InValueDiscriminatorStrategy |
Base discriminator strategy that determines the class of database
records using a column holding a value mapped to a class, and limits
SELECTs using an IN (...) statement.
LobFieldStrategy |
Direct mapping from a stream value to a column.
LRSProxyCollection |
Large result set collection.
MapTableFieldStrategy |
Base class for map mappings.
MaxEmbeddedBlobFieldStrategy |
Mapping for serialized fields on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded
BLOB size.
MaxEmbeddedByteArrayFieldStrategy |
Mapping for byte array fields on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded
BLOB size.
MaxEmbeddedCharArrayFieldStrategy |
Mapping for CLOB character array on a dictionary that has a maximum
embedded CLOB size.
MaxEmbeddedClobFieldStrategy |
Mapping for CLOB string on a dictionary that has a maximum embedded
CLOB size.
MultiColumnVersionStrategy |
Uses multiple version numbers spanning multiple columns for optimistic
NanoPrecisionTimestampVersionStrategy |
Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning with nanosecond
NoneClassStrategy |
Strategy for classes that aren't mapped.
NoneDiscriminatorStrategy |
No-op Discriminator strategy.
NoneFieldStrategy |
An unmapped field.
NoneVersionStrategy |
No-op version strategy.
NumberVersionStrategy |
Uses a version number for optimistic versioning.
ObjectIdClassStrategy |
Class mapping for embedded object id fields.
ObjectIdValueHandler |
Handler for embedded object id fields.
PrimitiveFieldStrategy |
Direct mapping from a primitive value to a column.
RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy |
Maps a relation to a collection of other objects using an inverse
foreign key in the related object table.
RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy |
Maps a collection of related objects through an association table.
RelationFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a single-valued relation to another entity.
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a map whose keys are relations to other persistent objects
and whose values are controlled by a
ValueHandler . |
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy |
Uses an inverse foreign key in the table of the map value to determine
map values.
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy |
Uses an association table to hold map values.
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy |
Mapping for a map whose keys and values are both relations to other
persistent objects.
RelationStrategies |
Helper methods for relation mappings.
RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy |
Maps a relation to a set of other objects using an inverse
foreign key in the related object table.
RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy |
Maps a set of related objects through an association table.
StateComparisonVersionStrategy |
Uses a state image to determine whether concurrency violations take place.
StateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate |
Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they
can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy |
Base class for strategies that are stored as a collection, even if
their field value is something else.
StringFieldStrategy |
Direct mapping from a string value to a column.
SubclassJoinDiscriminatorStrategy |
Discriminator strategy that outer joins to all possible subclass tables
to determine the class of an instance.
SuperclassDiscriminatorStrategy |
Discriminator strategy that delegates to superclass discriminator.
SuperclassVersionStrategy |
Version strategy that delegates to the suerpclass version.
TimestampVersionStrategy |
Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning.
UntypedPCValueHandler |
Handler for unknown persistence-capable object fields that stores
stringified oids.
ValueMapDiscriminatorStrategy |
Maps metadata-given values to classes.
VerticalClassStrategy |
Mapping for subclasses that join to their superclass table.
XMLValueHandler |
Base class for xml value handlers.
OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies
Library of mapping strategies.
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