Interface InstrumentationManager

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface InstrumentationManager
    extends Closeable
    Managers of instrumentation providers must implement this interface. It provides methods for initializing multiple providers via configuration in addition to managing instrumentation providers and the state of the providers.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize​(OpenJPAConfiguration conf,
                        PluginListValue providers)
        Used to initialize one or more providers using the supplied configuration.
        conf - the configuration to use for initialization
        providers - one or more providers as supplied via plugin list value
      • manageProvider

        void manageProvider​(InstrumentationProvider provider)
        Manage a given provider. This will plug the instruments managed by the the provider into the life cycle of the manager
        provider - the instrumentation provider
      • start

        void start​(InstrumentationLevel level,
                   java.lang.Object context)
        Starts all instruments for all managed providers for a given level and context.
        level - instrumentation level
        context - instrumentation context (broker, factory, config,...)
      • stop

        void stop​(InstrumentationLevel broker,
                  java.lang.Object context)
        Stops all instruments for all managed providers for a given level and context.
        level - instrumentation level
        context - instrumentation context (broker, factory, config,...)
      • getProviders

        java.util.Set<InstrumentationProvider> getProviders()
        Returns all providers managed by this manager.
        all providers managed by this manager