Class InstrumentationManagerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • InstrumentationManagerImpl

        public InstrumentationManagerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(OpenJPAConfiguration conf,
                               PluginListValue pluginVal)
        Initializes all providers defined for the specified configuration.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface InstrumentationManager
        conf - the configuration to use for initialization
        pluginVal - one or more providers as supplied via plugin list value
      • manageProvider

        public void manageProvider​(InstrumentationProvider provider)
        Make a provider managed. This will bind its instrumentation to InstrumentationLevel type events (factory create/close, broker create/close).
        Specified by:
        manageProvider in interface InstrumentationManager
        provider - the instrumentation provider
      • start

        public void start​(InstrumentationLevel level,
                          java.lang.Object context)
        Starts all providers at a specific level and context
        Specified by:
        start in interface InstrumentationManager
        level - instrumentation level
        context - instrumentation context (broker, factory, config,...)
      • stop

        public void stop​(InstrumentationLevel level,
                         java.lang.Object context)
        Stops all providers at a specific level and context
        Specified by:
        stop in interface InstrumentationManager
        context - instrumentation context (broker, factory, config,...)
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops all providers
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable