Interface Embeddable

    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.Object UNSUPPORTED
    • Method Detail

      • getColumns

        Column[] getColumns()
        Return the columns used by this strategy.
      • getColumnIO

        ColumnIO getColumnIO()
        Return column I/O information for this mapping.
      • toEmbeddedDataStoreValue

        java.lang.Object toEmbeddedDataStoreValue​(java.lang.Object val,
                                                  JDBCStore store)
        Convert the given Java value to its datastore equivalent. If this mapping occupies multiple columns, return an object array with one element per column. For relation id columns, return the state manager the column depends on.
      • loadEmbedded

        void loadEmbedded​(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
                          JDBCStore store,
                          JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
                          java.lang.Object val)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
        Load this strategy's field by transforming the given datastore value. If getColumns() returns multiple columns, the given datastore value will be an object array of the corresponding length. The value does not have to be loaded immediately; it may be stored as impl data.