Class ColumnIO

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ColumnIO
    extends java.lang.Object
    Metadata about column I/O in a specific context. In the context of a foreign key, the standard foreign key columns are indexed first, then the constant columns.
    Abe White
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean isAllInsertable​(int col, boolean nullValue)
      Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are insertable.
      boolean isAllInsertable​(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
      Equivalent to isAllInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).
      boolean isAllInsertable​(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
      Return true if all columns for the given key are insertable.
      boolean isAllUpdatable​(int col, boolean nullValue)
      Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are updatable.
      boolean isAllUpdatable​(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
      Equivalent to isAllUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).
      boolean isAllUpdatable​(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
      Return true if all columns for the given key are updatable.
      boolean isAnyInsertable​(int col, boolean nullValue)
      Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is insertable.
      boolean isAnyInsertable​(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
      Equivalent to isAnyInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).
      boolean isAnyInsertable​(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
      Return true if any columns for the given key are insertable.
      boolean isAnyUpdatable​(int col, boolean nullValue)
      Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is updatable.
      boolean isAnyUpdatable​(Column[] cols, boolean nullValue)
      Equivalent to isAnyUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).
      boolean isAnyUpdatable​(ForeignKey fk, boolean nullValue)
      Return true if any columns for the given key are updatable.
      boolean isInsertable​(int col, boolean nullValue)
      Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.
      boolean isInsertable​(Column col, boolean nullValue)
      Equivalent to isInsertable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.
      boolean isUpdatable​(int col, boolean nullValue)
      Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.
      boolean isUpdatable​(Column col, boolean nullValue)
      Equivalent to isUpdatable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.
      void setInsertable​(int col, boolean insertable)
      Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.
      void setNullInsertable​(int col, boolean insertable)
      Whether this context can insert the given column as null/default in this context.
      void setNullUpdatable​(int col, boolean updatable)
      Whether this context can set the given column to null/default in this context.
      void setUpdatable​(int col, boolean updatable)
      Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final ColumnIO UNRESTRICTED
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnIO

        public ColumnIO()
    • Method Detail

      • isInsertable

        public boolean isInsertable​(int col,
                                    boolean nullValue)
        Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.
      • isInsertable

        public boolean isInsertable​(Column col,
                                    boolean nullValue)
        Equivalent to isInsertable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.
      • isAnyInsertable

        public boolean isAnyInsertable​(int col,
                                       boolean nullValue)
        Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is insertable.
      • isAnyInsertable

        public boolean isAnyInsertable​(Column[] cols,
                                       boolean nullValue)
        Equivalent to isAnyInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).
      • isAnyInsertable

        public boolean isAnyInsertable​(ForeignKey fk,
                                       boolean nullValue)
        Return true if any columns for the given key are insertable.
      • isAllInsertable

        public boolean isAllInsertable​(int col,
                                       boolean nullValue)
        Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are insertable.
      • isAllInsertable

        public boolean isAllInsertable​(Column[] cols,
                                       boolean nullValue)
        Equivalent to isAllInsertable (cols.length, nullValue).
      • isAllInsertable

        public boolean isAllInsertable​(ForeignKey fk,
                                       boolean nullValue)
        Return true if all columns for the given key are insertable.
      • setInsertable

        public void setInsertable​(int col,
                                  boolean insertable)
        Whether the column at the given index is insertable in this context.
      • setNullInsertable

        public void setNullInsertable​(int col,
                                      boolean insertable)
        Whether this context can insert the given column as null/default in this context.
      • isUpdatable

        public boolean isUpdatable​(int col,
                                   boolean nullValue)
        Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.
      • isUpdatable

        public boolean isUpdatable​(Column col,
                                   boolean nullValue)
        Equivalent to isUpdatable (0, nullValue), but returns false if the given column is null.
      • isAnyUpdatable

        public boolean isAnyUpdatable​(int col,
                                      boolean nullValue)
        Whether any column up to but excluding the given index is updatable.
      • isAnyUpdatable

        public boolean isAnyUpdatable​(Column[] cols,
                                      boolean nullValue)
        Equivalent to isAnyUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).
      • isAnyUpdatable

        public boolean isAnyUpdatable​(ForeignKey fk,
                                      boolean nullValue)
        Return true if any columns for the given key are updatable.
      • isAllUpdatable

        public boolean isAllUpdatable​(int col,
                                      boolean nullValue)
        Whether all columns up to but excluding the given index are updatable.
      • isAllUpdatable

        public boolean isAllUpdatable​(Column[] cols,
                                      boolean nullValue)
        Equivalent to isAllUpdatable (cols.length, nullValue).
      • isAllUpdatable

        public boolean isAllUpdatable​(ForeignKey fk,
                                      boolean nullValue)
        Return true if all columns for the given key are updatable.
      • setUpdatable

        public void setUpdatable​(int col,
                                 boolean updatable)
        Whether the column at the given index is updatable in this context.
      • setNullUpdatable

        public void setNullUpdatable​(int col,
                                     boolean updatable)
        Whether this context can set the given column to null/default in this context.