Interface ValueHandler

    • Method Detail

      • map

        Column[] map​(ValueMapping vm,
                     java.lang.String name,
                     ColumnIO io,
                     boolean adapt)
        Map the given value and return all mapped columns, or simply return an array of unmapped default columns. The columns should have at least their Name and JavaType properties set.
        name - use as a base to form column name(s); the column names of unmapped columns will automatically be made to fit database limitations
        io - I/O information about mapped columns; you do not have to set this information if returning templates
        adapt - whether to adapt the mapping or schema
      • isVersionable

        boolean isVersionable​(ValueMapping vm)
        Return whether the values managed by this handler can be used in state image versioning.
      • objectValueRequiresLoad

        boolean objectValueRequiresLoad​(ValueMapping vm)
        Return whether this handler potentially must load extra data to extract the object value from its datastore representation.
      • getResultArgument

        java.lang.Object getResultArgument​(ValueMapping vm)
        Return the argument to pass to the result set when loading data via Result.getObject(java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object), or null if none. If this value occupies multiple columns, return an array with one element per column. You may return null if all array elements would be null.
      • toDataStoreValue

        java.lang.Object toDataStoreValue​(ValueMapping vm,
                                          java.lang.Object val,
                                          JDBCStore store)
        Translate the given value to its datastore equivalent. If this value occupies multiple columns, return an object array with one element per column. For relation id columns, return the state manager the column depends on.