Class LocalConstraint

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    Index, PrimaryKey, Unique

    public abstract class LocalConstraint
    extends Constraint
    Constraint over local table columns, as opposed to a foreign key which spans tables. Column APIs can represent a full constraint or a partial constraint, aligning with DatabaseMetaData.
    Abe White
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalConstraint

        public LocalConstraint()
        Default constructor.
      • LocalConstraint

        public LocalConstraint​(java.lang.String name,
                               Table table)
        name - the name of the constraint, if any
        table - the table of the constraint
    • Method Detail

      • getColumns

        public Column[] getColumns()
        Return all the columns the constraint spans.
      • setColumns

        public void setColumns​(Column[] cols)
        Set the columns the constraint spans.
      • addColumn

        public void addColumn​(Column col)
        Add a column to the constraint.
      • removeColumn

        public boolean removeColumn​(Column col)
        Remove a column from the constraint.
        true if the column was removed, false if not part of the primary key
      • containsColumn

        public boolean containsColumn​(Column col)
        Return true if the pk includes the given column.
      • refColumns

        public void refColumns()
        Ref all columns in this constraint.
      • derefColumns

        public void derefColumns()
        Deref all columns in this constraint.
      • columnsMatch

        public boolean columnsMatch​(Column[] ocols)
        Return true if the given columns match the columns of this constraint.
      • equalsLocalConstraint

        protected boolean equalsLocalConstraint​(LocalConstraint lc)
        Return true if the columns of this constraint matches that of the given one. The constraints are not compared on name.
      • getRefCount

        public int getRefCount()
      • ref

        public void ref()
      • deref

        public void deref()