Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryKey
org.apache.openjpa.datacache OpenJPA Data Cache 

Uses of QueryKey in org.apache.openjpa.datacache

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.datacache that return QueryKey
static QueryKey QueryKey.newInstance(Query q)
          Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cacheable.
static QueryKey QueryKey.newInstance(Query q, Map args)
          Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cacheable.
static QueryKey QueryKey.newInstance(Query q, Object[] args)
          Return a key for the given query, or null if it is not cacheable.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.datacache with parameters of type QueryKey
 QueryResult AbstractQueryCache.get(QueryKey key)
 QueryResult DelegatingQueryCache.get(QueryKey qk)
 QueryResult QueryCache.get(QueryKey qk)
          Return a list of oids for the given query key.
protected abstract  QueryResult AbstractQueryCache.getInternal(QueryKey qk)
          Return the list for the given key.
protected  QueryResult ConcurrentQueryCache.getInternal(QueryKey qk)
 boolean key)
 boolean qk)
 boolean qk)
          Pin the value stored under qk into the cache.
protected abstract  boolean AbstractQueryCache.pinInternal(QueryKey qk)
          Pin an object to the cache.
protected  boolean ConcurrentQueryCache.pinInternal(QueryKey qk)
 QueryResult AbstractQueryCache.put(QueryKey qk, QueryResult oids)
 QueryResult DelegatingQueryCache.put(QueryKey qk, QueryResult oids)
 QueryResult QueryCache.put(QueryKey qk, QueryResult oids)
          Set the list of OIDs for the given query key.
protected abstract  QueryResult AbstractQueryCache.putInternal(QueryKey qk, QueryResult oids)
          Add the given result to the cache, returning the old result under the given key.
protected  QueryResult ConcurrentQueryCache.putInternal(QueryKey qk, QueryResult result)
 QueryResult AbstractQueryCache.remove(QueryKey key)
 QueryResult DelegatingQueryCache.remove(QueryKey qk)
 QueryResult QueryCache.remove(QueryKey qk)
          Remove the value stored under the given query key.
protected abstract  QueryResult AbstractQueryCache.removeInternal(QueryKey qk)
          Remove the result under the given key from the cache.
protected  QueryResult ConcurrentQueryCache.removeInternal(QueryKey qk)
 boolean AbstractQueryCache.unpin(QueryKey key)
 boolean DelegatingQueryCache.unpin(QueryKey qk)
 boolean QueryCache.unpin(QueryKey qk)
          Unpin the value stored under key into the cache.
protected abstract  boolean AbstractQueryCache.unpinInternal(QueryKey qk)
          Unpin an object from the cache.
protected  boolean ConcurrentQueryCache.unpinInternal(QueryKey qk)

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.datacache with parameters of type QueryKey
QueryResult(QueryKey key, Collection data)
          Constructor; supply corresponding query key and result data.

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