Class JDBCConfigurationImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ConfigurationImpl
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanInfo, Externalizable, Serializable, Cloneable, OpenJPAConfiguration, JDBCConfiguration, Configuration, ValueListener, Closeable

public class JDBCConfigurationImpl
extends OpenJPAConfigurationImpl
implements JDBCConfiguration

Default implementation of the JDBCConfiguration interface.

Marc Prud'hommeaux, Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 ObjectValue connectionDecoratorPlugins
 PluginValue dbdictionaryPlugin
 PluginValue driverDataSourcePlugin
 FetchModeValue eagerFetchMode
 IntValue fetchDirection
 ObjectValue jdbcListenerPlugins
 IntValue lrsSize
 ObjectValue mappingDefaultsPlugin
 MappingFactoryValue mappingFactoryPlugin
 IntValue resultSetType
 StringValue schema
 ObjectValue schemaFactoryPlugin
 StringListValue schemas
 ObjectValue sqlFactoryPlugin
 FetchModeValue subclassFetchMode
 StringValue synchronizeMappings
 IntValue transactionIsolation
 ObjectValue updateManagerPlugin
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl
aggregateListenerPlugins, autoClear, autoDetach, brokerFactoryPlugin, brokerPlugin, classResolverPlugin, compatibilityPlugin, connection2DriverName, connection2Password, connection2Properties, connection2URL, connection2UserName, connectionDriverName, connectionFactory, connectionFactory2, connectionFactory2Name, connectionFactory2Properties, connectionFactoryMode, connectionFactoryName, connectionFactoryProperties, connectionPassword, connectionProperties, connectionRetainMode, connectionURL, connectionUserName, dataCacheManagerPlugin, dataCachePlugin, dataCacheTimeout, detachStatePlugin, dynamicDataStructs, fetchBatchSize, fetchGroups, filterListenerPlugins, flushBeforeQueries, ignoreChanges, inverseManagerPlugin, lockManagerPlugin, lockTimeout, managedRuntimePlugin, mapping, maxFetchDepth, metaFactoryPlugin, metaRepository, metaRepositoryPlugin, multithreaded, nontransactionalRead, nontransactionalWrite, optimistic, orphanedKeyPlugin, proxyManagerPlugin, queryCachePlugin, queryCompilationCachePlugin, readLockLevel, remoteEventManager, remoteProviderPlugin, restoreState, retainState, retryClassRegistration, savepointManagerPlugin, seqPlugin, transactionMode, writeLockLevel
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ConfigurationImpl
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration
Fields inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_16x16, ICON_COLOR_32x32, ICON_MONO_16x16, ICON_MONO_32x32
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
JDBCConfigurationImpl(boolean loadGlobals)
JDBCConfigurationImpl(boolean derivations, boolean loadGlobals)
JDBCConfigurationImpl(JDBCConfiguration conf)
          Copy constructor
Method Summary
 void close()
          Free the data sources.
 ConnectionDecorator[] getConnectionDecoratorInstances()
          The ConnectionDecorators to use.
 String getConnectionDecorators()
          A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.
 Object getConnectionFactory()
          The connection factory, possibly from JNDI.
 Object getConnectionFactory2()
          The non-XA connection factory.
 DataSource getDataSource(StoreContext ctx)
          Return the primary data source to use.
 DataSource getDataSource2(StoreContext ctx)
          Return the non-enlisted data source to use.
 String getDBDictionary()
          The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
 DBDictionary getDBDictionaryInstance()
          The DBDictionary to use.
 String getDriverDataSource()
          The DriverDataSource to use for creating a DataSource from a JDBC Driver.
 String getEagerFetchMode()
          Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use.
 int getEagerFetchModeConstant()
          Return the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: EagerFetchModes.EAGER_NONE EagerFetchModes.EAGER_JOIN EagerFetchModes.EAGER_PARALLEL
 String getFetchDirection()
          The JDBC fetch direction.
 int getFetchDirectionConstant()
          Return the result set constant for the fetch direction.
 JDBCListener[] getJDBCListenerInstances()
          The JDBCListeners to use.
 String getJDBCListeners()
          A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.
 String getLRSSize()
          How to obtain the size of large result sets.
 int getLRSSizeConstant()
          Return the LRSSizes constant for the large result set size setting.
 String getMappingDefaults()
          A plugin string describing the MappingDefaults to use.
 MappingDefaults getMappingDefaultsInstance()
          The MappingDefaults to use with a repository.
 String getMappingFactory()
          A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use for loading and storing object-relational mapping data.
 MappingRepository getMappingRepositoryInstance()
          Return the mapping repository.
 String getResultSetType()
          The JDBC result set type.
 int getResultSetTypeConstant()
          Return the result set constant for the result set type.
 String getSchema()
          Default schema for unqualified tables.
 String getSchemaFactory()
          The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.
 SchemaFactory getSchemaFactoryInstance()
          The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.
 String getSchemas()
          Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for persistent instances.
 String[] getSchemasList()
          Modificable schema components.
 String getSQLFactory()
          The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
 SQLFactory getSQLFactoryInstance()
          The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
 String getSubclassFetchMode()
          Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use.
 int getSubclassFetchModeConstant()
          Return the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: EagerFetchModes.EAGER_NONE EagerFetchModes.EAGER_JOIN EagerFetchModes.EAGER_PARALLEL
 String getSynchronizeMappings()
          Whether OpenJPA should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.
 String getTransactionIsolation()
          The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
 int getTransactionIsolationConstant()
          Return the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.
 String getUpdateManager()
          The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.
 UpdateManager getUpdateManagerInstance()
          The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.
protected  boolean isInvalidProperty(String propName)
          Returns true if the specified property name should raise a warning if it is not found in the list of known properties.
 BrokerImpl newBrokerInstance(String user, String pass)
          Create a new broker instance with the configured plugin data.
 DriverDataSource newDriverDataSourceInstance()
          Create an instance of the DriverDataSource to use for creating a DataSource from a JDBC Driver.
 MappingRepository newMappingRepositoryInstance()
          Return a new empty mapping repository of the configured type.
 MetaDataFactory newMetaDataFactoryInstance()
          Create a new MetaDataFactory to use with a repository.
 void setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[] decorators)
          The ConnectionDecorators to use.
 void setConnectionDecorators(String connectionDecorators)
          A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.
 void setConnectionFactory(Object factory)
          The connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactory2(Object factory)
          The non-XA connection factory.
 void setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary)
          The DBDictionary to use.
 void setDBDictionary(String dbdictionary)
          The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
 void setDriverDataSource(String driverDataSource)
          The DriverDataSource to use for creating a DataSource from a JDBC Driver.
 void setEagerFetchMode(int eagerFetchMode)
          Set the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: EagerFetchModes.EAGER_NONE EagerFetchModes.EAGER_JOIN EagerFetchModes.EAGER_PARALLEL
 void setEagerFetchMode(String eagerFetchMode)
          Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use.
 void setFetchDirection(int fetchDirection)
          Set the result set fetch direction constant.
 void setFetchDirection(String fetchDirection)
          The JDBC fetch direction.
 void setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[] listeners)
          The JDBCListeners to use.
 void setJDBCListeners(String jdbcListeners)
          A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.
 void setLRSSize(int lrsSize)
          Set the fetch configuration large result set size constant.
 void setLRSSize(String lrsSize)
          How to obtain the size of large result sets.
 void setMappingDefaults(MappingDefaults mapping)
          The MappingDefaults to use with a repository.
 void setMappingDefaults(String mapping)
          A plugin string describing the MappingDefaults to use.
 void setMappingFactory(String mapping)
          A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use for loading and storing object-relational mapping data.
 void setResultSetType(int resultSetType)
          Set the result set constant type.
 void setResultSetType(String resultSetType)
          The JDBC result set type.
 void setSchema(String schema)
          Default schema for unqualified tables.
 void setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory schemaFactory)
          The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.
 void setSchemaFactory(String schemaFactory)
          The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.
 void setSchemas(String schemas)
          Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for persistent instances.
 void setSchemas(String[] schemas)
          Modifiable schema components.
 void setSQLFactory(SQLFactory sqlFactory)
          The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
 void setSQLFactory(String sqlFactory)
          The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
 void setSubclassFetchMode(int subclassFetchMode)
          Set the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants: EagerFetchModes.EAGER_NONE EagerFetchModes.EAGER_JOIN EagerFetchModes.EAGER_PARALLEL
 void setSubclassFetchMode(String subclassFetchMode)
          Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use.
 void setSynchronizeMappings(String synchronizeMappings)
          Whether OpenJPA should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.
 void setTransactionIsolation(int transactionIsolation)
          Set the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.
 void setTransactionIsolation(String transactionIsolation)
          The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
 void setUpdateManager(String updateManager)
          The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.
 void setUpdateManager(UpdateManager updateManager)
          The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl
getAggregateListenerInstances, getAggregateListeners, getAutoClear, getAutoClearConstant, getAutoDetach, getAutoDetachConstant, getBrokerFactory, getBrokerImpl, getClassResolver, getClassResolverInstance, getCompatibility, getCompatibilityInstance, getConfigurationLog, getConnection2DriverName, getConnection2Password, getConnection2Properties, getConnection2URL, getConnection2UserName, getConnectionDriverName, getConnectionFactory2Name, getConnectionFactory2Properties, getConnectionFactoryMode, getConnectionFactoryName, getConnectionFactoryProperties, getConnectionPassword, getConnectionProperties, getConnectionRetainMode, getConnectionRetainModeConstant, getConnectionURL, getConnectionUserName, getDataCache, getDataCacheManager, getDataCacheManagerInstance, getDataCacheTimeout, getDetachState, getDetachStateInstance, getDynamicDataStructs, getFetchBatchSize, getFetchGroups, getFetchGroupsList, getFilterListenerInstances, getFilterListeners, getFlushBeforeQueries, getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant, getIgnoreChanges, getInverseManager, getLockManager, getLockTimeout, getManagedRuntime, getManagedRuntimeInstance, getMapping, getMaxFetchDepth, getMetaDataFactory, getMetaDataRepository, getMetaDataRepositoryInstance, getMultithreaded, getNontransactionalRead, getNontransactionalWrite, getOptimistic, getOrphanedKeyAction, getOrphanedKeyActionInstance, getProxyManager, getProxyManagerInstance, getQueryCache, getQueryCompilationCache, getQueryCompilationCacheInstance, getReadLockLevel, getReadLockLevelConstant, getRemoteCommitEventManager, getRemoteCommitProvider, getRestoreState, getRestoreStateConstant, getRetainState, getRetryClassRegistration, getSavepointManager, getSavepointManagerInstance, getSequence, getSequenceInstance, getSpecification, getStoreFacadeTypeRegistry, getTransactionMode, getWriteLockLevel, getWriteLockLevelConstant, instantiateAll, isConnectionFactoryModeManaged, isTransactionModeManaged, newInverseManagerInstance, newLockManagerInstance, newMetaDataRepositoryInstance, newRemoteCommitProviderInstance, setAggregateListeners, setAggregateListeners, setAutoClear, setAutoClear, setAutoDetach, setAutoDetach, setBrokerFactory, setBrokerImpl, setClassResolver, setClassResolver, setCompatibility, setConnection2DriverName, setConnection2Password, setConnection2Properties, setConnection2URL, setConnection2UserName, setConnectionDriverName, setConnectionFactory2Name, setConnectionFactory2Properties, setConnectionFactoryMode, setConnectionFactoryModeManaged, setConnectionFactoryName, setConnectionFactoryProperties, setConnectionPassword, setConnectionProperties, setConnectionRetainMode, setConnectionRetainMode, setConnectionURL, setConnectionUserName, setDataCache, setDataCacheManager, setDataCacheManager, setDataCacheTimeout, setDataCacheTimeout, setDetachState, setDetachState, setDynamicDataStructs, setDynamicDataStructs, setFetchBatchSize, setFetchBatchSize, setFetchGroups, setFetchGroups, setFilterListeners, setFilterListeners, setFlushBeforeQueries, setFlushBeforeQueries, setIgnoreChanges, setIgnoreChanges, setInverseManager, setLockManager, setLockTimeout, setLockTimeout, setManagedRuntime, setManagedRuntime, setMapping, setMaxFetchDepth, setMaxFetchDepth, setMetaDataFactory, setMetaDataRepository, setMetaDataRepository, setMultithreaded, setMultithreaded, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalWrite, setNontransactionalWrite, setOptimistic, setOptimistic, setOrphanedKeyAction, setOrphanedKeyAction, setProxyManager, setProxyManager, setQueryCache, setQueryCompilationCache, setReadLockLevel, setReadLockLevel, setRemoteCommitEventManager, setRemoteCommitProvider, setRestoreState, setRestoreState, setRetainState, setRetainState, setRetryClassRegistration, setRetryClassRegistration, setSavepointManager, setSequence, setSequence, setSpecification, setTransactionMode, setTransactionModeManaged, setWriteLockLevel, setWriteLockLevel, supportedOptions
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ConfigurationImpl
addBoolean, addDouble, addFile, addInt, addObject, addPlugin, addPluginList, addPropertyChangeListener, addString, addStringList, addValue, assertNotReadOnly, clone, equals, fromProperties, getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getLog, getLog, getLogFactory, getMethodDescriptors, getProductName, getPropertiesResource, getPropertyDescriptors, getValue, getValues, hashCode, isReadOnly, loadGlobals, readExternal, removePropertyChangeListener, removeValue, setLog, setLogFactory, setProductName, setProperties, setPropertiesFile, setReadOnly, toProperties, toXMLName, valueChanged, writeExternal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration
getAggregateListenerInstances, getAggregateListeners, getAutoClear, getAutoClearConstant, getAutoDetach, getAutoDetachConstant, getBrokerFactory, getBrokerImpl, getClassResolver, getClassResolverInstance, getCompatibility, getCompatibilityInstance, getConnection2DriverName, getConnection2Password, getConnection2Properties, getConnection2URL, getConnection2UserName, getConnectionDriverName, getConnectionFactory2Name, getConnectionFactory2Properties, getConnectionFactoryMode, getConnectionFactoryName, getConnectionFactoryProperties, getConnectionPassword, getConnectionProperties, getConnectionRetainMode, getConnectionRetainModeConstant, getConnectionURL, getConnectionUserName, getDataCache, getDataCacheManager, getDataCacheManagerInstance, getDataCacheTimeout, getDetachStateInstance, getDynamicDataStructs, getFetchBatchSize, getFetchGroups, getFetchGroupsList, getFilterListenerInstances, getFilterListeners, getFlushBeforeQueries, getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant, getIgnoreChanges, getInverseManager, getLockManager, getLockTimeout, getManagedRuntime, getManagedRuntimeInstance, getMapping, getMaxFetchDepth, getMetaDataFactory, getMetaDataRepository, getMetaDataRepositoryInstance, getMultithreaded, getNontransactionalRead, getNontransactionalWrite, getOptimistic, getOrphanedKeyAction, getOrphanedKeyActionInstance, getProxyManager, getProxyManagerInstance, getQueryCache, getQueryCompilationCache, getQueryCompilationCacheInstance, getReadLockLevel, getReadLockLevelConstant, getRemoteCommitEventManager, getRemoteCommitProvider, getRestoreState, getRestoreStateConstant, getRetainState, getRetryClassRegistration, getSavepointManager, getSavepointManagerInstance, getSequence, getSequenceInstance, getSpecification, getStoreFacadeTypeRegistry, getTransactionMode, getWriteLockLevel, getWriteLockLevelConstant, isConnectionFactoryModeManaged, isTransactionModeManaged, newInverseManagerInstance, newLockManagerInstance, newMetaDataRepositoryInstance, newRemoteCommitProviderInstance, setAggregateListeners, setAggregateListeners, setAutoClear, setAutoClear, setAutoDetach, setAutoDetach, setBrokerFactory, setBrokerImpl, setClassResolver, setClassResolver, setCompatibility, setConnection2DriverName, setConnection2Password, setConnection2Properties, setConnection2URL, setConnection2UserName, setConnectionDriverName, setConnectionFactory2Name, setConnectionFactory2Properties, setConnectionFactoryMode, setConnectionFactoryModeManaged, setConnectionFactoryName, setConnectionFactoryProperties, setConnectionPassword, setConnectionProperties, setConnectionRetainMode, setConnectionRetainMode, setConnectionURL, setConnectionUserName, setDataCache, setDataCacheManager, setDataCacheManager, setDataCacheTimeout, setDataCacheTimeout, setDetachState, setDetachState, setDynamicDataStructs, setDynamicDataStructs, setFetchBatchSize, setFetchBatchSize, setFetchGroups, setFetchGroups, setFilterListeners, setFilterListeners, setFlushBeforeQueries, setFlushBeforeQueries, setIgnoreChanges, setIgnoreChanges, setInverseManager, setLockManager, setLockTimeout, setLockTimeout, setManagedRuntime, setManagedRuntime, setMapping, setMaxFetchDepth, setMaxFetchDepth, setMetaDataFactory, setMetaDataRepository, setMetaDataRepository, setMultithreaded, setMultithreaded, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalRead, setNontransactionalWrite, setNontransactionalWrite, setOptimistic, setOptimistic, setOrphanedKeyAction, setOrphanedKeyAction, setProxyManager, setProxyManager, setQueryCache, setQueryCompilationCache, setReadLockLevel, setReadLockLevel, setRemoteCommitEventManager, setRemoteCommitProvider, setRestoreState, setRestoreState, setRetainState, setRetainState, setRetryClassRegistration, setRetryClassRegistration, setSavepointManager, setSequence, setSequence, setSpecification, setTransactionMode, setTransactionModeManaged, setWriteLockLevel, setWriteLockLevel, supportedOptions
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration
addPropertyChangeListener, addValue, clone, fromProperties, getConfigurationLog, getLog, getLog, getLogFactory, getProductName, getValue, getValues, instantiateAll, isReadOnly, removePropertyChangeListener, removeValue, setLog, setLogFactory, setProductName, setReadOnly, toProperties
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getMethodDescriptors, getPropertyDescriptors

Field Detail


public StringValue schema


public StringListValue schemas


public IntValue transactionIsolation


public IntValue resultSetType


public IntValue fetchDirection


public FetchModeValue eagerFetchMode


public FetchModeValue subclassFetchMode


public IntValue lrsSize


public StringValue synchronizeMappings


public ObjectValue jdbcListenerPlugins


public ObjectValue connectionDecoratorPlugins


public PluginValue dbdictionaryPlugin


public ObjectValue updateManagerPlugin


public ObjectValue schemaFactoryPlugin


public ObjectValue sqlFactoryPlugin


public ObjectValue mappingDefaultsPlugin


public PluginValue driverDataSourcePlugin


public MappingFactoryValue mappingFactoryPlugin
Constructor Detail


public JDBCConfigurationImpl()
Default constructor. Attempts to load default properties.


public JDBCConfigurationImpl(boolean loadGlobals)

loadGlobals - whether to attempt to load the global properties


public JDBCConfigurationImpl(boolean derivations,
                             boolean loadGlobals)

derivations - whether to apply product derivations
loadGlobals - whether to attempt to load the global properties


public JDBCConfigurationImpl(JDBCConfiguration conf)
Copy constructor

Method Detail


public void setSchema(String schema)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Default schema for unqualified tables.

Specified by:
setSchema in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getSchema()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Default schema for unqualified tables.

Specified by:
getSchema in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSchemas(String schemas)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for persistent instances.

Specified by:
setSchemas in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getSchemas()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for persistent instances.

Specified by:
getSchemas in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSchemas(String[] schemas)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Modifiable schema components.

Specified by:
setSchemas in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String[] getSchemasList()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Modificable schema components.

Specified by:
getSchemasList in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setTransactionIsolation(String transactionIsolation)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The transaction isolation level to use at the database level. Possible values are:

Specified by:
setTransactionIsolation in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getTransactionIsolation()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The transaction isolation level to use at the database level. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getTransactionIsolation in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setTransactionIsolation(int transactionIsolation)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Set the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.

Specified by:
setTransactionIsolation in interface JDBCConfiguration


public int getTransactionIsolationConstant()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the proper transaction isolation level constant from Connection, or -1 for the default level.

Specified by:
getTransactionIsolationConstant in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setResultSetType(String resultSetType)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC result set type. Defaults to forward-only.

Specified by:
setResultSetType in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getResultSetType()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC result set type. Defaults to forward-only.

Specified by:
getResultSetType in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setResultSetType(int resultSetType)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Set the result set constant type.

Specified by:
setResultSetType in interface JDBCConfiguration


public int getResultSetTypeConstant()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the result set constant for the result set type.

Specified by:
getResultSetTypeConstant in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setFetchDirection(String fetchDirection)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC fetch direction. Defaults to forward.

Specified by:
setFetchDirection in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getFetchDirection()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The JDBC fetch direction. Defaults to forward.

Specified by:
getFetchDirection in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setFetchDirection(int fetchDirection)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Set the result set fetch direction constant.

Specified by:
setFetchDirection in interface JDBCConfiguration


public int getFetchDirectionConstant()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the result set constant for the fetch direction.

Specified by:
getFetchDirectionConstant in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setEagerFetchMode(String eagerFetchMode)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use. Defaults to parallel unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:

Specified by:
setEagerFetchMode in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getEagerFetchMode()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use. Defaults to parallel unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getEagerFetchMode in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setEagerFetchMode(int eagerFetchMode)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Set the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
setEagerFetchMode in interface JDBCConfiguration


public int getEagerFetchModeConstant()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
getEagerFetchModeConstant in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSubclassFetchMode(String subclassFetchMode)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use. Defaults to join unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:

Specified by:
setSubclassFetchMode in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getSubclassFetchMode()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use. Defaults to join unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getSubclassFetchMode in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSubclassFetchMode(int subclassFetchMode)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Set the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
setSubclassFetchMode in interface JDBCConfiguration


public int getSubclassFetchModeConstant()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
getSubclassFetchModeConstant in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setLRSSize(String lrsSize)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
How to obtain the size of large result sets. Defaults to unknown.

Specified by:
setLRSSize in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getLRSSize()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
How to obtain the size of large result sets. Defaults to unknown.

Specified by:
getLRSSize in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setLRSSize(int lrsSize)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Set the fetch configuration large result set size constant.

Specified by:
setLRSSize in interface JDBCConfiguration


public int getLRSSizeConstant()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the LRSSizes constant for the large result set size setting.

Specified by:
getLRSSizeConstant in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSynchronizeMappings(String synchronizeMappings)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Whether OpenJPA should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.

Specified by:
setSynchronizeMappings in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getSynchronizeMappings()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Whether OpenJPA should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping information and the database schema.

Specified by:
getSynchronizeMappings in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setJDBCListeners(String jdbcListeners)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.

Specified by:
setJDBCListeners in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getJDBCListeners()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the JDBCListener plugins for listening to JDBCEvents.

Specified by:
getJDBCListeners in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[] listeners)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The JDBCListeners to use.

Specified by:
setJDBCListeners in interface JDBCConfiguration


public JDBCListener[] getJDBCListenerInstances()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The JDBCListeners to use.

Specified by:
getJDBCListenerInstances in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setConnectionDecorators(String connectionDecorators)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.

Specified by:
setConnectionDecorators in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getConnectionDecorators()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A comma-separated list of the ConnectionDecorator for adding functionality to JDBC connections.

Specified by:
getConnectionDecorators in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[] decorators)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The ConnectionDecorators to use.

Specified by:
setConnectionDecorators in interface JDBCConfiguration


public ConnectionDecorator[] getConnectionDecoratorInstances()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The ConnectionDecorators to use.

Specified by:
getConnectionDecoratorInstances in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setDBDictionary(String dbdictionary)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.

Specified by:
setDBDictionary in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getDBDictionary()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.

Specified by:
getDBDictionary in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use.

Specified by:
setDBDictionary in interface JDBCConfiguration


public DBDictionary getDBDictionaryInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The DBDictionary to use.

Specified by:
getDBDictionaryInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setUpdateManager(String updateManager)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.

Specified by:
setUpdateManager in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getUpdateManager()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager to use for managing SQL updates.

Specified by:
getUpdateManager in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setUpdateManager(UpdateManager updateManager)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.

Specified by:
setUpdateManager in interface JDBCConfiguration


public UpdateManager getUpdateManagerInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The UpdateManager for runtime data store interaction.

Specified by:
getUpdateManagerInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setDriverDataSource(String driverDataSource)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The DriverDataSource to use for creating a DataSource from a JDBC Driver.

Specified by:
setDriverDataSource in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getDriverDataSource()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The DriverDataSource to use for creating a DataSource from a JDBC Driver.

Specified by:
getDriverDataSource in interface JDBCConfiguration


public DriverDataSource newDriverDataSourceInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Create an instance of the DriverDataSource to use for creating a DataSource from a JDBC Driver.

Specified by:
newDriverDataSourceInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSchemaFactory(String schemaFactory)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.

Specified by:
setSchemaFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getSchemaFactory()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The plugin string for the SchemaFactory to use to provide schema information during system initialization.

Specified by:
getSchemaFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory schemaFactory)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.

Specified by:
setSchemaFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public SchemaFactory getSchemaFactoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The SchemaFactory to use for schema information.

Specified by:
getSchemaFactoryInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSQLFactory(String sqlFactory)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.

Specified by:
setSQLFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getSQLFactory()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.

Specified by:
getSQLFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setSQLFactory(SQLFactory sqlFactory)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.

Specified by:
setSQLFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public SQLFactory getSQLFactoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.

Specified by:
getSQLFactoryInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getMappingFactory()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use for loading and storing object-relational mapping data.

Specified by:
getMappingFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setMappingFactory(String mapping)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use for loading and storing object-relational mapping data.

Specified by:
setMappingFactory in interface JDBCConfiguration


public MetaDataFactory newMetaDataFactoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Create a new MetaDataFactory to use with a repository.

Specified by:
newMetaDataFactoryInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
newMetaDataFactoryInstance in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


public void setMappingDefaults(String mapping)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MappingDefaults to use.

Specified by:
setMappingDefaults in interface JDBCConfiguration


public String getMappingDefaults()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MappingDefaults to use.

Specified by:
getMappingDefaults in interface JDBCConfiguration


public void setMappingDefaults(MappingDefaults mapping)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The MappingDefaults to use with a repository.

Specified by:
setMappingDefaults in interface JDBCConfiguration


public MappingDefaults getMappingDefaultsInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
The MappingDefaults to use with a repository.

Specified by:
getMappingDefaultsInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public MappingRepository getMappingRepositoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the mapping repository. Convenience method to cast from the internal metadata repository.

Specified by:
getMappingRepositoryInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public MappingRepository newMappingRepositoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return a new empty mapping repository of the configured type. Convenience method to cast from metadata repository.

Specified by:
newMappingRepositoryInstance in interface JDBCConfiguration


public BrokerImpl newBrokerInstance(String user,
                                    String pass)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Create a new broker instance with the configured plugin data.

Specified by:
newBrokerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
newBrokerInstance in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


public Object getConnectionFactory()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The connection factory, possibly from JNDI.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
getConnectionFactory in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


public void setConnectionFactory(Object factory)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
setConnectionFactory in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


public Object getConnectionFactory2()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The non-XA connection factory.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactory2 in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
getConnectionFactory2 in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


public void setConnectionFactory2(Object factory)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The non-XA connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactory2 in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
setConnectionFactory2 in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


public DataSource getDataSource(StoreContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the primary data source to use. The data source will automatically use the given context's user name and password on calls to DataSource.getConnection(). If the given context is null, the data source will use the configuration's default connection user name and password. If those too are null and the first context has been obtained already, then the user name and password for that context will be used, as we know they represent a valid combination. This method avoids casting the result of OpenJPAConfiguration.getConnectionFactory(), and avoids having to pass in the user name and password to obtain connections.

Specified by:
getDataSource in interface JDBCConfiguration


public DataSource getDataSource2(StoreContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: JDBCConfiguration
Return the non-enlisted data source to use. If there is a valid non-xa connection factory configured, then it will be returned. Its default user name and password on calls to DataSource.getConnection() will be the specificed connection 2 user name and password. If those are null and the given context is non-null, its user name password will be used instead. If the context is null too, then the user name and password used to retrieve the first context will be used. If there is no second connection factory the primary connection factory is used.

Specified by:
getDataSource2 in interface JDBCConfiguration
See Also:


public void close()
Free the data sources.

Specified by:
close in interface Configuration
Specified by:
close in interface Closeable
close in class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl


protected boolean isInvalidProperty(String propName)
Description copied from class: ConfigurationImpl
Returns true if the specified property name should raise a warning if it is not found in the list of known properties.

isInvalidProperty in class ConfigurationImpl

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