Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassMapping
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc OpenJPA JPA-JDBC 

Uses of ClassMapping in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel declared as ClassMapping
 ClassMapping ConnectionInfo.mapping

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type ClassMapping
 void TableJDBCSeq.addSchema(ClassMapping mapping, SchemaGroup group)
 void NativeJDBCSeq.addSchema(ClassMapping mapping, SchemaGroup group)
 void JDBCSeq.addSchema(ClassMapping mapping, SchemaGroup group)
          Add any tables, etc needed by this factory for the given mapping to the given schema group, if they do not exist already.
 void AbstractJDBCSeq.addSchema(ClassMapping mapping, SchemaGroup group)
protected  void TableJDBCSeq.allocateInternal(int count, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
protected  void AbstractJDBCSeq.allocateInternal(int additional, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
          Allocate additional sequence values.
protected  Object TableJDBCSeq.currentInternal(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
protected  Object AbstractJDBCSeq.currentInternal(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
          Return the current sequence object.
static BitSet PagingResultObjectProvider.getPagedFields(Select sel, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, long size)
          Return a bit set representing batch select fields that will be paged, or null if no fields need paging, which indicates that this provider should not be used.
protected  Object ValueTableJDBCSeq.getPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping)
protected  Object TableJDBCSeq.getPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping)
          Return the primary key value for the given class.
protected  Object ClassTableJDBCSeq.getPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping)
protected  long TableJDBCSeq.getSequence(ClassMapping mapping, Connection conn)
          Return the current sequence value, or -1 if unattainable.
protected  TableJDBCSeq.Status TableJDBCSeq.getStatus(ClassMapping mapping)
          Return the appropriate status object for the given class, or null if cannot handle the given class.
protected  TableJDBCSeq.Status ClassTableJDBCSeq.getStatus(ClassMapping mapping)
 int JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.getSubclassFetchMode(ClassMapping cls)
 int JDBCFetchConfiguration.getSubclassFetchMode(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the effective subclass fetch mode for the given type.
 int DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.getSubclassFetchMode(ClassMapping cls)
 Object JDBCStoreManager.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, BitSet exclude, Result result)
          Load the object in the current row of the given result.
 void JDBCStoreManager.loadSubclasses(ClassMapping mapping)
          Makes sure all subclasses of the given type are loaded in the JVM.
 void JDBCStore.loadSubclasses(ClassMapping mapping)
          Makes sure all subclasses of the given type are loaded in the JVM.
 Id JDBCStoreManager.newDataStoreId(long id, ClassMapping mapping, boolean subs)
 Id JDBCStore.newDataStoreId(long id, ClassMapping mapping, boolean subs)
          Create a new datastore identity object from the given id value and mapping.
protected  Object TableJDBCSeq.nextInternal(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
protected  Object NativeJDBCSeq.nextInternal(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
protected abstract  Object AbstractJDBCSeq.nextInternal(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping mapping)
          Return the next sequence object.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping, int subs, OpenJPAStateManager sm, BitSet fields, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, boolean ident, boolean outer)
          For implementation use only.
protected  boolean TableJDBCSeq.setSequence(ClassMapping mapping, TableJDBCSeq.Status stat, int inc, boolean updateStatSeq, Connection conn)
          Grabs the next handful of sequence numbers.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type ClassMapping
GenericResultObjectProvider(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Result res)
InstanceResultObjectProvider(SelectExecutor sel, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
PagingResultObjectProvider(SelectExecutor sel, ClassMapping[] mappings, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, BitSet[] paged, long size)
PagingResultObjectProvider(SelectExecutor sel, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, BitSet paged, long size)

Uses of ClassMapping in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that return ClassMapping
 ClassMapping FilterValue.getClassMapping()
          If this is a path to a persistent object, return its class mapping, else return null.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type ClassMapping
 void JDBCAggregateListener.appendTo(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue[] args, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
          Append the SQL for this aggregate.
 void SQLEmbed.appendTo(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue target, FilterValue[] args, ClassMapping type, JDBCStore store)
 void JDBCWildcardMatch.appendTo(SQLBuffer sql, FilterValue target, FilterValue[] args, ClassMapping type, JDBCStore store)
 void JDBCStringContains.appendTo(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue target, FilterValue[] args, ClassMapping type, JDBCStore store)
 void JDBCFilterListener.appendTo(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue target, FilterValue[] args, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
          Append the SQL for this expression or value.
 void GetColumn.appendTo(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue target, FilterValue[] args, ClassMapping type, JDBCStore store)
 void sel, ExpContext ctx, ClassMapping mapping, boolean subclasses, QueryExpressions exps, QueryExpressionsState state, int eager)
          Select the data for this query.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type ClassMapping
JDBCExpressionFactory(ClassMapping type)

Uses of ClassMapping in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta declared as ClassMapping
static ClassMapping[] ClassMapping.EMPTY_MAPPINGS

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta that return ClassMapping
 ClassMapping QueryResultMapping.PCResult.getCandidateTypeMapping()
          Candidate mapping.
 ClassMapping Version.getClassMapping()
          Return the owning mapping.
 ClassMapping Discriminator.getClassMapping()
          Return the owning mapping.
 ClassMapping ReverseMappingTool.getClassMapping(Table table)
          Return the class mapping for the given table, or null if none.
 ClassMapping ValueMappingImpl.getDeclaredTypeMapping()
 ClassMapping ValueMapping.getDeclaredTypeMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getDeclaredTypeMetaData().
 ClassMapping FieldMapping.getDeclaredTypeMapping()
 ClassMapping FieldMapping.getDeclaringMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from FieldMetaData.getDeclaringMetaData()
 ClassMapping FieldMapping.getDefiningMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from FieldMetaData.getDefiningMetaData()
 ClassMapping ValueMappingImpl.getEmbeddedMapping()
 ClassMapping ValueMapping.getEmbeddedMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getEmbeddedMetaData().
 ClassMapping FieldMapping.getEmbeddedMapping()
 ClassMapping[] MappingRepository.getImplementorMappings(Class cls, ClassLoader envLoader, boolean mustExist)
 ClassMapping[] ClassMapping.getIndependentAssignableMappings()
          Returns the closest-derived list of non-inter-joinable mapped types assignable to this type.
 ClassMapping[] ValueMappingImpl.getIndependentTypeMappings()
 ClassMapping[] ValueMapping.getIndependentTypeMappings()
          Return all independently-mapped joinable types for this value, depending on whether this value is polymorphic and how the related type is mapped.
 ClassMapping[] FieldMapping.getIndependentTypeMappings()
 ClassMapping[] ClassMapping.getJoinablePCSubclassMappings()
          Return mapped subclasses that are reachable via joins.
 ClassMapping ClassMapping.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping()
          Return the nearest mapped superclass that can join to this class.
 ClassMapping[] ClassMapping.getMappedPCSubclassMappings()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ClassMetaData.getMappedPCSubclassMetaDatas().
 ClassMapping ClassMapping.getMappedPCSuperclassMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ClassMetaData.getMappedPCSuperclassMetaData().
 ClassMapping MappingRepository.getMapping(Class cls, ClassLoader envLoader, boolean mustExist)
 ClassMapping MappingRepository.getMapping(Object oid, ClassLoader envLoader, boolean mustExist)
 ClassMapping[] ReverseMappingTool.getMappings()
          Return the generated mappings.
 ClassMapping[] MappingRepository.getMappings()
 ClassMapping[] ClassMapping.getPCSubclassMappings()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ClassMetaData.getPCSubclassMetaDatas().
 ClassMapping ClassMapping.getPCSuperclassMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ClassMetaData.getPCSuperclassMetaData().
 ClassMapping ValueMappingImpl.getTypeMapping()
 ClassMapping ValueMapping.getTypeMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getTypeMetaData().
 ClassMapping FieldMapping.getTypeMapping()
 ClassMapping ReverseMappingTool.newClassMapping(Class cls, Table table)
          Create a new class to be mapped to a table.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type ClassMapping
protected  ForeignKey MappingInfo.createForeignKey(MetaDataContext context, String prefix, List given, MappingInfo.ForeignKeyDefaults def, Table table, ClassMapping cls, ClassMapping rel, boolean inversable, boolean adapt)
          Retrieve/create a foreign key (possibly logical) on the given columns by merging the given template information with any user-provided information.
 void ReverseCustomizer.customize(ClassMapping cls)
          Customize the given class information produced by the reverse mapping tool.
 void PropertiesReverseCustomizer.customize(ClassMapping cls)
protected  ClassStrategy MappingRepository.defaultStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
          Determine the default strategy to use for the given class.
protected  ClassStrategy MappingRepository.defaultStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapting)
          Determine the default strategy to use for the given class.
 Class DiscriminatorStrategy.getClass(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, Result result)
          Return the class for the current result row.
 Class Discriminator.getClass(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, Result result)
 String ReverseCustomizer.getClassCode(ClassMapping mapping)
          Return a code template for the given class, or null to use the standard system-generated Java code.
 String PropertiesReverseCustomizer.getClassCode(ClassMapping mapping)
 SQLBuffer DiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
          Return SQL to limit the classes selected as much as possible to the given base class, and optionally its subclasses.
 SQLBuffer Discriminator.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
 Column[] ClassMappingInfo.getDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Column[] tmplates, Table table, boolean adapt)
          Return the datastore identity columns for the given class, based on the given templates.
 String ReverseCustomizer.getFieldName(ClassMapping dec, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, String defaultName)
          Return the field name used to map the given columns, or null to prevent the columns from being mapped.
 String PropertiesReverseCustomizer.getFieldName(ClassMapping dec, Column[] cols, ForeignKey fk, String defaultName)
 String ReverseMappingTool.getFieldName(String name, ClassMapping dec)
          Return a default Java identifier-formatted name for the given column/table name.
 ForeignKey ValueMappingImpl.getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
 ForeignKey ValueMapping.getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
          Return an equivalent of this value's foreign key, but joining to the given target, which may be an unjoined subclass of this value's related type.
 ForeignKey FieldMapping.getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
 ForeignKey NoneMappingDefaults.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaultsImpl.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
 ForeignKey MappingDefaults.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local, Table foreign)
          Return a default foreign key for the join from this class' table to its superclass' table, or null for a logical foreign key only.
 String NoneMappingDefaults.getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm, Table table)
 String MappingDefaultsImpl.getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm, Table table)
 String MappingDefaults.getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm, Table table)
          Return the name of the primary key for the table of the given class, or null for database default.
 Object NoneMappingDefaults.getStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt)
 Object MappingDefaultsImpl.getStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt)
 Object MappingDefaults.getStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt)
          Default mapping strategy when there is no explicit strategy and no hierarchy strategy given.
 ForeignKey ClassMappingInfo.getSuperclassJoin(ClassMapping cls, Table table, boolean adapt)
          Return the join from this class to its superclass.
 Table ClassMappingInfo.getTable(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt)
          Return the table for the given class.
 String NoneMappingDefaults.getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema schema)
 String MappingDefaultsImpl.getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema schema)
 String MappingDefaults.getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema defaultSchema)
          Return the default table name for the given class.
abstract  void StrategyInstaller.installStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
          Install a strategy on the given mapping.
 void RuntimeStrategyInstaller.installStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
 void RefreshStrategyInstaller.installStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
 void NoneStrategyInstaller.installStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
 void MappingStrategyInstaller.installStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
protected  ClassStrategy MappingRepository.instantiateClassStrategy(String name, ClassMapping cls)
          Return the strategy for the given name.
protected  ClassStrategy MappingRepository.namedStrategy(ClassMapping cls)
          Instantiate the given class' named strategy, or return null if no named strategy.
protected  Discriminator MappingRepository.newDiscriminator(ClassMapping cls)
          Create discriminator metadata for the given class.
 FieldMapping ReverseMappingTool.newFieldMapping(String name, Class type, Column col, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping dec)
          Create a field mapping for the given info, or return null if customizer rejects.
protected  ClassMappingInfo MappingRepository.newMappingInfo(ClassMapping cls)
          Create raw mapping info for the given instance.
protected  Version MappingRepository.newVersion(ClassMapping cls)
          Create version metadata for the given class.
 void FieldMapping.orderLocal(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, Joins joins)
          Add ordering to the given select for all non-relation order values, including the synthetic order column, if any.
 void FieldMapping.orderRelation(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, Joins joins)
          Add ordering to the given select for all relation-based values.
 void NoneMappingDefaults.populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Table table, Column[] cols)
 void MappingDefaultsImpl.populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Table table, Column[] cols)
 void MappingDefaults.populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Fill in default information for the given datastore identity columns.
 void NoneMappingDefaults.populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
 void MappingDefaultsImpl.populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
 void MappingDefaults.populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm, Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols)
          Fill in default information for the given column used to join a class to its superclass table.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
          Select the data for this indicator.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
          Select the data for this Discriminator.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 void ClassStrategy.setClassMapping(ClassMapping owner)
          Set the class mapping using this strategy.
 void ClassMapping.setClassMapping(ClassMapping owner)
 boolean ClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Return true if this strategy can perform the given select from the given base mapping.
 boolean ClassMapping.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 void ClassMappingInfo.syncWith(ClassMapping cls)
          Synchronize internal information with the mapping data for the given class.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type ClassMapping
Discriminator(ClassMapping mapping)
FieldMapping(String name, Class type, ClassMapping owner)
Version(ClassMapping mapping)

Uses of ClassMapping in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats declared as ClassMapping
protected  ClassMapping AbstractClassStrategy.cls
          The owning class mapping.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats that return ClassMapping
protected  ClassMapping[] RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
protected  ClassMapping[] RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
protected  ClassMapping[] MapTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
          Return all independent mappings to which this strategy must join in order to access collection elements, or empty array if none.
protected abstract  ClassMapping[] ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
          Return all independent mappings to which this strategy must join in order to access collection elements, or empty array if none.
 ClassMapping[] RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] MapTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean traverse)
          Return all independent mappings to which this strategy must join in order to access map keys, or empty array if none.
 ClassMapping[] RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] MapTableFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean traverse)
 ClassMapping[] LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean traverse)
          Return all independent mappings to which this strategy must join in order to access map values, or empty array if none.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats with parameters of type ClassMapping
 Class SuperclassDiscriminatorStrategy.getClass(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, Result res)
 Class SubclassJoinDiscriminatorStrategy.getClass(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, Result res)
 Class InValueDiscriminatorStrategy.getClass(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, Result res)
 Class AbstractDiscriminatorStrategy.getClass(JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, Result result)
 SQLBuffer SuperclassDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subclasses)
 SQLBuffer SubclassJoinDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subclasses)
 SQLBuffer InValueDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subclasses)
 SQLBuffer AbstractDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
protected  Object ValueMapDiscriminatorStrategy.getDiscriminatorValue(ClassMapping cls)
protected abstract  Object InValueDiscriminatorStrategy.getDiscriminatorValue(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the discriminator value for the given type.
protected  Object ClassNameDiscriminatorStrategy.getDiscriminatorValue(ClassMapping cls)
 Column[] RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.getElementColumns(ClassMapping elem)
 Column[] RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getElementColumns(ClassMapping elem)
 Column[] LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getElementColumns(ClassMapping elem)
          Return the columns holding the data for a collection element for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected abstract  ForeignKey StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
          Return the foreign key used to join to the owning field for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected  ForeignKey RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
protected  ForeignKey RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
 ForeignKey RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
 ForeignKey RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
 ForeignKey RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
 ForeignKey RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
 ForeignKey MapTableFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
 ForeignKey LRSMapFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the foreign key used to join to the owning field for the given mapping from either LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean) or LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean) (or null).
 ForeignKey LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping elem)
          Return the foreign key used to join to the owning field for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
 Column[] RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getKeyColumns(ClassMapping cls)
 Column[] RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getKeyColumns(ClassMapping cls)
 Column[] LRSMapFieldStrategy.getKeyColumns(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the columns holding data for a map key for the given key mapping from LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean) or LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean) (or null).
 Column[] RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getValueColumns(ClassMapping cls)
 Column[] RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getValueColumns(ClassMapping cls)
 Column[] LRSMapFieldStrategy.getValueColumns(ClassMapping cls)
          Return the columns holding data for a map value for the given value mapping from LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean) or LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected abstract  Joins StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.join(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
          Join to the owning field table for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected  Joins RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.join(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
protected  Joins RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.join(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
 Joins RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.join(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
 Joins RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.join(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
protected abstract  Joins StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.joinElementRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
          Join this value's table to the table for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected  Joins RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.joinElementRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
protected  Joins RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.joinElementRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
 Joins RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.joinElementRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
 Joins RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.joinElementRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
 Joins LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.joinElementRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping elem)
          Join this value's table to the table for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
 Joins RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.joinKeyRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping key)
 Joins RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.joinKeyRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping key)
 Joins MapTableFieldStrategy.joinKeyRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping key)
          Invokes FieldStrategy.joinKeyRelation(org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Joins, boolean, boolean) by default.
 Joins LRSMapFieldStrategy.joinKeyRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping key)
          Join this value's table to the table for the given key mapping from LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentKeyMappings(boolean) (or null).
 Joins RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.joinValueRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping val)
 Joins RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.joinValueRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping val)
 Joins MapTableFieldStrategy.joinValueRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping val)
          Invokes FieldStrategy.joinRelation(org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Joins, boolean, boolean) by default.
 Joins LRSMapFieldStrategy.joinValueRelation(Joins joins, ClassMapping val)
          Join this value's table to the table for the given value mapping from LRSMapFieldStrategy.getIndependentValueMappings(boolean) (or null).
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
protected  Joins StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectAll(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
          Select data for loading, starting in field table.
protected abstract  void StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the elements of this field for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected  void RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
protected  void RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
 void RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
 void RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
 void LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the elements of this field for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
 void RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel, ClassMapping key, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel, ClassMapping key, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void LRSMapFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel, ClassMapping key, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the keys of this field.
 void RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel, ClassMapping val, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel, ClassMapping val, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void LRSMapFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel, ClassMapping val, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the values of this field.
 void NoneClassStrategy.setClassMapping(ClassMapping owner)
 void AbstractClassStrategy.setClassMapping(ClassMapping owner)
 boolean VerticalClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 boolean FullClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 boolean AbstractClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)

Uses of ClassMapping in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql declared as ClassMapping
protected  ClassMapping[] LogicalUnion.mappings

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that return ClassMapping
 ClassMapping Result.getBaseMapping()
          If this is the result of a UNION used to select a hierarchy of mappings, the base mapping represented by the current row.
 ClassMapping MergedResult.getBaseMapping()
 ClassMapping AbstractResult.getBaseMapping()
 ClassMapping Join.getRelationTarget()
          If joining a relation, the target type.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type ClassMapping
 void SelectImpl.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 void Select.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Group by the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 void SelectImpl.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void Select.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
          Group by the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 Joins SelectImpl.joinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins SelectImpl.SelectResult.joinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins Joins.joinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subclasses, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
          Join the columns of the given foreign key, which represents a relation via the given field name.
 Object Result.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Load a pc object using the given store manager.
 Object MergedResult.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 Object AbstractResult.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 Object SelectImpl.SelectResult.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 Object Result.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
          Load a pc object using the given store manager.
 Object MergedResult.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 Object AbstractResult.load(ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 int SelectImpl.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, boolean sel)
 int Select.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, boolean sel)
          Order on the primary key columns of the given mapping, joining to superclasses as necessary to get all columns needed to construct an object id.
 int LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, boolean select)
 int SelectImpl.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, Joins joins, boolean sel)
 int Select.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, Joins joins, boolean sel)
          Select and order on the primary key columns of the given mapping, joining to superclasses as necessary to get all columns needed to construct an object id.
 int LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, Joins joins, boolean select)
 int SelectImpl.orderByPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, boolean asc, Joins joins, boolean sel, boolean aliasOrder)
          Allow unions to set aliases on order columns.
 Joins SelectImpl.outerJoinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins SelectImpl.SelectResult.outerJoinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subs, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
 Joins Joins.outerJoinRelation(String name, ForeignKey fk, ClassMapping target, int subclasses, boolean inverse, boolean toMany)
          Join the columns of the given foreign key, which represents a relation via the given field name.
 void mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager)
 void mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager)
          Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
 void mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager)
 void mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, Joins joins)
 void mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, Joins joins)
          Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
 void mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, Joins joins)
 void SelectImpl.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager)
 void Select.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager)
          Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager)
 void SelectImpl.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, Joins joins)
 void Select.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, Joins joins)
          Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping, int subclasses, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, Joins joins)
 int SelectImpl.selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping)
 int Select.selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping)
          Select the primary key columns of the given mapping, joining to superclasses as necessary to get all columns needed to construct an object id.
 int LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping)
 int SelectImpl.selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, Joins joins)
 int Select.selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, Joins joins)
          Select the primary key columns of the given mapping, joining to superclasses as necessary to get all columns needed to construct an object id.
 int LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.selectPrimaryKey(ClassMapping mapping, Joins joins)
 void Result.setBaseMapping(ClassMapping mapping)
          If this is the result of a UNION used to select a hierarchy of mappings, the base mapping represented by the current row.
 void MergedResult.setBaseMapping(ClassMapping mapping)
 void AbstractResult.setBaseMapping(ClassMapping base)
 void Join.setRelation(ClassMapping target, int subs, Joins joins)
          When joining a relation, set target type and how to deal with subclasses.
protected  SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toBulkOperation(ClassMapping mapping, Select sel, JDBCStore store, Object[] params, Map updateParams)
          Returns the SQL for a bulk operation, either a DELETE or an UPDATE.
 SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toDelete(ClassMapping mapping, Select sel, JDBCStore store, Object[] params)
          Create a DELETE statement for the specified Select.
 SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toUpdate(ClassMapping mapping, Select sel, JDBCStore store, Object[] params, Map updates)
 void SelectImpl.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
 void Select.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
          Add where conditions setting the given foreign key to the given oid values.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.whereForeignKey(ForeignKey fk, Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
 void SelectImpl.wherePrimaryKey(Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
 void Select.wherePrimaryKey(Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)
          Add where conditions setting the mapping's primary key to the given oid values.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.wherePrimaryKey(Object oid, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store)

Uses of ClassMapping in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc with parameters of type ClassMapping
 String PersistenceMappingDefaults.getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema schema)
protected  boolean AnnotationPersistenceMappingParser.handleUnknownClassMappingAnnotation(ClassMapping cls, Annotation anno)
          Allow subclasses to handle unknown annotations.

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