Uses of Interface

Packages that use Select
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction 

Uses of Select in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type Select
static BitSet PagingResultObjectProvider.getPagedFields(Select sel, ClassMapping mapping, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, long size)
          Return a bit set representing batch select fields that will be paged, or null if no fields need paging, which indicates that this provider should not be used.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping, int subs, OpenJPAStateManager sm, BitSet fields, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eager, boolean ident, boolean outer)
          For implementation use only.
 boolean PessimisticLockManager.selectForUpdate(Select sel, int lockLevel)
 boolean JDBCLockManager.selectForUpdate(Select sel, int lockLevel)
          Return whether to issue the given select FOR UPDATE, depending on the capabilities of the dictionary and the fetch configuration.

Uses of Select in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that return Select
 Select SelectConstructor.evaluate(ExpContext ctx, Select parent, String alias, QueryExpressions exps, QueryExpressionsState state)
          Evaluate the expression, returning a new select and filling in any associated expression state.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type Select
 void Val.appendIsEmpty(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is empty to the given buffer.
 void Args.appendIsEmpty(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
 void Val.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is not empty to the given buffer.
 void Args.appendIsNotEmpty(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
 void Val.appendIsNotNull(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is not null to the given buffer.
 void Args.appendIsNotNull(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
 void Val.appendIsNull(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL testing whether this value is null to the given buffer.
 void Args.appendIsNull(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
 void Val.appendSize(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
          Append the SQL checking the size of this value.
 void Args.appendSize(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql)
 void Val.appendTo(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql, int index)
          Append the indexth SQL element to the given buffer.
 void Args.appendTo(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql, int index)
 void Val.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
          Calculate and cache the SQL for this value.
 void Args.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 Select SelectConstructor.evaluate(ExpContext ctx, Select parent, String alias, QueryExpressions exps, QueryExpressionsState state)
          Evaluate the expression, returning a new select and filling in any associated expression state.
 void Val.groupBy(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
          Group by this value.
 void Args.groupBy(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
 ExpState Val.initialize(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, int flags)
          Initialize the value.
 ExpState Args.initialize(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, int flags)
 int Val.length(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
          Return the number of SQL elements in this value.
 int Args.length(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
 FilterValue[] Args.newFilterValues(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state)
          Return a filter value for each argument.
 void Val.orderBy(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean asc)
          Order by this value.
 void Args.orderBy(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean asc)
 void sel, ExpContext ctx, ClassMapping mapping, boolean subclasses, QueryExpressions exps, QueryExpressionsState state, int eager)
          Select the data for this query.
 void sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean pks)
          Select the data for this value.
 void sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean pks)
 void Val.selectColumns(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean pks)
          Select just the columns for this value.
 void Args.selectColumns(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, boolean pks)
 Object Val.toDataStoreValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Object val)
          Return the datastore value of the given object in the context of this value.

Uses of Select in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type Select
 boolean Discriminator.addClassConditions(Select sel, boolean subs, Joins joins)
          Add WHERE conditions to the given select limiting the returned results to our mapping type, possibly including subclasses.
 void FieldStrategy.appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is empty.
 void FieldMapping.appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void FieldStrategy.appendIsNotEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not empty.
 void FieldMapping.appendIsNotEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void FieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not null.
 void FieldMapping.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void FieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is null.
 void FieldMapping.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void FieldStrategy.appendSize(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking the size of the value.
 void FieldMapping.appendSize(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 SQLBuffer DiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
          Return SQL to limit the classes selected as much as possible to the given base class, and optionally its subclasses.
 SQLBuffer Discriminator.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
 Joins FieldMapping.join(Select sel)
          Return any joins needed to get from the primary table to this table.
 void FieldMapping.orderLocal(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, Joins joins)
          Add ordering to the given select for all non-relation order values, including the synthetic order column, if any.
 void FieldMapping.orderRelation(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, Joins joins)
          Add ordering to the given select for all relation-based values.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
          Select the data for this indicator.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
          Select the data for this Discriminator.
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
          Select the virtual row columns of this mapping.
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 void FieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
          Fill in joined select to related objects.
 void FieldMapping.selectEagerJoin(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 boolean ClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Return true if this strategy can perform the given select from the given base mapping.
 boolean ClassMapping.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int FieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Return whether this mapping can perform the given select type.
 int FieldMapping.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 void FieldMapping.wherePrimaryKey(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store)
          Add a wherePrimaryKey or whereForeignKey condition to the given select, depending on whether we have a join foreign key.

Uses of Select in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats with parameters of type Select
 void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void AbstractFieldStrategy.appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendIsNotEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void AbstractFieldStrategy.appendIsNotEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void StringFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void RelationFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void PrimitiveFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void HandlerFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void EmbedFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void AbstractFieldStrategy.appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void StringFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void RelationFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void PrimitiveFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void HandlerFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void EmbedFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void AbstractFieldStrategy.appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
protected static void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendJoinCount(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins, DBDictionary dict, FieldMapping field, ForeignKey fk)
 void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendSize(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
 void AbstractFieldStrategy.appendSize(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
static void ContainerFieldStrategy.appendUnaliasedJoin(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins, DBDictionary dict, FieldMapping field, ForeignKey fk)
 SQLBuffer SuperclassDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subclasses)
 SQLBuffer SubclassJoinDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subclasses)
 SQLBuffer InValueDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subclasses)
 SQLBuffer AbstractDiscriminatorStrategy.getClassConditions(Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 boolean sel, ClassMapping mapping)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 int sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
protected  Joins StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectAll(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
          Select data for loading, starting in field table.
 void StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 void RelationFieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
 void AbstractFieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode)
protected abstract  void StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the elements of this field for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
protected  void RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
protected  void RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
 void RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
 void RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
 void LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, int eagerMode, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the elements of this field for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) (or null).
 void RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel, ClassMapping key, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel, ClassMapping key, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void LRSMapFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel, ClassMapping key, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the keys of this field.
 void RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel, ClassMapping val, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel, ClassMapping val, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
 void LRSMapFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel, ClassMapping val, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Joins joins)
          Implement this method to select the values of this field.
 boolean VerticalClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 boolean FullClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 boolean AbstractClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int StringFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int RelationFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int PrimitiveFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int MapTableFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int HandlerFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int EmbedFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
 int AbstractFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel, int type, OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)

Uses of Select in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that implement Select
protected  class LogicalUnion.UnionSelect
          A select that is part of a logical union.
 class SelectImpl
          Standard Select implementation.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that return Select
 Select SelectImpl.getFromSelect()
 Select Select.getFromSelect()
          Another select instance that creates a temporary table from which this select pulls data.
 Select LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.getFromSelect()
 Select SelectImpl.getParent()
 Select Select.getParent()
          Return the parent of this select, if it is a subselect.
 Select LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.getParent()
 Select[] Union.getSelects()
          Return the selects that make up this union.
 Select[] LogicalUnion.getSelects()
 Select SQLFactoryImpl.newSelect()
 Select SQLFactory.newSelect()
          Select factory.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type Select
 SQLBuffer SQLBuffer.append(Select sel, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Append a subselect.
 SQLBuffer SQLBuffer.appendCount(Select sel, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Append a subselect count.
protected  void DBDictionary.appendUpdates(Select sel, JDBCStore store, SQLBuffer sql, Object[] params, Map updateParams, boolean allowAlias)
protected  SQLBuffer DBDictionary.getFrom(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the portion of the select statement between the FROM keyword and the WHERE keyword.
protected  SQLBuffer DBDictionary.getFromSelect(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the FROM clause for a select that selects from a tmp table created by an inner select.
protected  SQLBuffer OracleDictionary.getSelects(Select sel, boolean distinctIdentifiers, boolean forUpdate)
protected  SQLBuffer DBDictionary.getSelects(Select sel, boolean distinctIdentifiers, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the portion of the select statement between the SELECT keyword and the FROM keyword.
protected  SQLBuffer DBDictionary.getWhere(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return the WHERE portion of the select statement, or null if no where conditions.
 Union SQLFactoryImpl.newUnion(Select[] selects)
 Union SQLFactory.newUnion(Select[] selects)
          Union factory.
 boolean SQLBuffer.replace(Select old, Select sel)
          Replace a subselect.
 void sel, int i)
          Populate the ith select in the union.
 void sel, int i)
          Populate the ith select in the union.
 void SelectImpl.setFromSelect(Select sel)
 void Select.setFromSelect(Select sel)
          Another select instance that creates a temporary table from which this select pulls data.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.setFromSelect(Select sel)
 void SelectImpl.setParent(Select parent, String path)
 void Select.setParent(Select parent, String path)
          Turn this select into a subselect of the given instance.
 void LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.setParent(Select parent, String path)
 boolean OracleDictionary.supportsLocking(Select sel)
 boolean DBDictionary.supportsLocking(Select sel)
          Returns true if a "FOR UPDATE" clause can be used for the specified Select object.
 boolean InformixDictionary.supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
 boolean DBDictionary.supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
          Return false if the given select requires a forward-only result set.
 boolean DB2Dictionary.supportsRandomAccessResultSet(Select sel, boolean forUpdate)
protected  SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toBulkOperation(ClassMapping mapping, Select sel, JDBCStore store, Object[] params, Map updateParams)
          Returns the SQL for a bulk operation, either a DELETE or an UPDATE.
 SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toDelete(ClassMapping mapping, Select sel, JDBCStore store, Object[] params)
          Create a DELETE statement for the specified Select.
 SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toSelect(Select sel, boolean forUpdate, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
          Create a SELECT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.
 SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toSelectCount(Select sel)
          Create a SELECT COUNT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance.
 SQLBuffer DBDictionary.toUpdate(ClassMapping mapping, Select sel, JDBCStore store, Object[] params, Map updates)

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type Select
LogicalUnion(JDBCConfiguration conf, int sels, Select[] seeds)
          Delegate constructor.
LogicalUnion(JDBCConfiguration conf, Select[] seeds)
          Constructor used to seed the internal selects.

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