Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProxyCollection
org.apache.openjpa.util OpenJPA Utilities 

Uses of ProxyCollection in org.apache.openjpa.util

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.util that implement ProxyCollection
 class ProxyArrayList
          Extension of the ArrayList type that dirties the persistent/transactional field it is assigned to on modification.
 class ProxyHashSet
          Extension of the HashSet type that dirties the persistent/transactional field it is assigned to on modification.
 class ProxyLinkedList
          Extension of the LinkedList type that dirties the persistent/transactional field it is assigned to on modification.
 class ProxyTreeSet
          Extension of the TreeSet type that dirties the persistent/transactional field it is assigned to on modification.
 class ProxyVector
          Extension of the Vector type that dirties the persistent/transactional field it is assigned to on modification.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.util that return ProxyCollection
 ProxyCollection ProxyVector.newInstance(Class elementType, Comparator compare, boolean trackChanges, OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
 ProxyCollection ProxyTreeSet.newInstance(Class elementType, Comparator compare, boolean trackChanges, OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
 ProxyCollection ProxyLinkedList.newInstance(Class elementType, Comparator compare, boolean trackChanges, OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
 ProxyCollection ProxyHashSet.newInstance(Class elementType, Comparator compare, boolean trackChanges, OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
 ProxyCollection ProxyCollection.newInstance(Class elementType, Comparator compare, boolean trackChanges, OpenJPAConfiguration conf)
          This method should return a new proxy of the same concrete type as the implementing class.
 ProxyCollection ProxyArrayList.newInstance(Class elementType, Comparator compare, boolean trackChanges, OpenJPAConfiguration conf)

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.util with parameters of type ProxyCollection
static Iterator Proxies.iterator(ProxyCollection proxy, Iterator itr)
          Return an iterator that dirties its owner on calls to remove.
static ListIterator Proxies.listIterator(ProxyCollection proxy, ListIterator itr, Class allowed)
          Return a proxy iterator that dirties its owner on remove, set, and add.
protected  void ProxyManagerImpl.setProxyTemplate(Class collType, ProxyCollection proxy)
          Add a supported proxy collection type.

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