Class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ConfigurationImpl
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanInfo, Externalizable, Serializable, Cloneable, OpenJPAConfiguration, Configuration, ValueListener, Closeable
Direct Known Subclasses:
JDBCConfigurationImpl, XMLConfiguration

public class OpenJPAConfigurationImpl
extends ConfigurationImpl
implements OpenJPAConfiguration

Implementation of the OpenJPAConfiguration interface.

Marc Prud'hommeaux, Abe White
See Also:
ConfigurationImpl, Serialized Form

Field Summary
 PluginListValue aggregateListenerPlugins
 IntValue autoClear
 org.apache.openjpa.conf.AutoDetachValue autoDetach
 BrokerFactoryValue brokerFactoryPlugin
 BrokerValue brokerPlugin
 CacheMarshallersValue cacheMarshallerPlugins
 ObjectValue classResolverPlugin
 ObjectValue compatibilityPlugin
 StringValue connection2DriverName
 StringValue connection2Password
 StringValue connection2Properties
 StringValue connection2URL
 StringValue connection2UserName
 StringValue connectionDriverName
 ObjectValue connectionFactory
 ObjectValue connectionFactory2
 StringValue connectionFactory2Name
 StringValue connectionFactory2Properties
 BooleanValue connectionFactoryMode
 StringValue connectionFactoryName
 StringValue connectionFactoryProperties
 StringValue connectionPassword
 StringValue connectionProperties
 IntValue connectionRetainMode
 StringValue connectionURL
 StringValue connectionUserName
 ObjectValue dataCacheManagerPlugin
 ObjectValue dataCachePlugin
 IntValue dataCacheTimeout
 ObjectValue detachStatePlugin
 BooleanValue dynamicDataStructs
 IntValue fetchBatchSize
 StringListValue fetchGroups
 PluginListValue filterListenerPlugins
 IntValue flushBeforeQueries
 BooleanValue ignoreChanges
 ObjectValue inverseManagerPlugin
 ObjectValue lockManagerPlugin
 IntValue lockTimeout
 ObjectValue managedRuntimePlugin
 StringValue mapping
 IntValue maxFetchDepth
 PluginValue metaFactoryPlugin
protected  MetaDataRepository metaRepository
 ObjectValue metaRepositoryPlugin
 BooleanValue multithreaded
 BooleanValue nontransactionalRead
 BooleanValue nontransactionalWrite
 BooleanValue optimistic
 ObjectValue orphanedKeyPlugin
 ObjectValue proxyManagerPlugin
 ObjectValue queryCachePlugin
 QueryCompilationCacheValue queryCompilationCachePlugin
 IntValue readLockLevel
 BooleanValue refreshFromDataCache
protected  RemoteCommitEventManager remoteEventManager
 RemoteCommitProviderValue remoteProviderPlugin
 IntValue restoreState
 BooleanValue retainState
 BooleanValue retryClassRegistration
 IntValue runtimeUnenhancedClasses
 ObjectValue savepointManagerPlugin
 ObjectValue seqPlugin
 BooleanValue transactionMode
 IntValue writeLockLevel
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ConfigurationImpl
id, logFactoryPlugin
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration
Fields inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
ICON_COLOR_16x16, ICON_COLOR_32x32, ICON_MONO_16x16, ICON_MONO_32x32
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
OpenJPAConfigurationImpl(boolean loadGlobals)
OpenJPAConfigurationImpl(boolean derivations, boolean loadGlobals)
Method Summary
 AggregateListener[] getAggregateListenerInstances()
          Return the query function listeners.
 String getAggregateListeners()
          A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query AggregateListeners to use.
 String getAutoClear()
          Whether instances clear their state when entering a transaction.
 int getAutoClearConstant()
          Return the AutoClear constant.
 String getAutoDetach()
          A comma-separated list of events which trigger auto-detachment in place of managed states.
 int getAutoDetachConstant()
          The AutoDetach flags.
 String getBrokerFactory()
          The BrokerFactory class to use.
 BrokerFactoryEventManager getBrokerFactoryEventManager()
          Return the BrokerFactoryEventManager associated with this configuration.
 String getBrokerImpl()
          The plugin string of the BrokerImpl extension to create.
 Map getCacheMarshallerInstances()
          Return the cache marshaller listeners.
 String getCacheMarshallers()
          A comma-separted list of the plugin strings specifying the CacheMarshallers to use.
 String getClassResolver()
          The plugin string for the ClassResolver to use for custom class loading.
 ClassResolver getClassResolverInstance()
          The ClassResolver to use.
 String getCompatibility()
          Backwards compatibility options.
 Compatibility getCompatibilityInstance()
          Backwards compatibility options.
 Log getConfigurationLog()
          Returns the logging channel openjpa.Runtime by default.
 String getConnection2DriverName()
          Class name of the non-XA connection driver.
 String getConnection2Password()
          The password for the non-XA data store connection.
 String getConnection2Properties()
          These properties provide any additional information needed to establish non-XA connections.
 String getConnection2URL()
          The URL for the non-XA data store connection.
 String getConnection2UserName()
          The user name for the non-XA data store connection.
 String getConnectionDriverName()
          Class name of the connection driver.
 Object getConnectionFactory()
          The connection factory, possibly from JNDI.
 Object getConnectionFactory2()
          The non-XA connection factory.
 String getConnectionFactory2Name()
          The name for the second data store connection factory.
 String getConnectionFactory2Properties()
          Configuration properties for the non-XA connection factory.
 String getConnectionFactoryMode()
          The mode of the connection factory in use.
 String getConnectionFactoryName()
          The name for the data store connection factory.
 String getConnectionFactoryProperties()
          Configuration properties for the connection factory.
 String getConnectionPassword()
          The password for the data store connection.
 String getConnectionProperties()
          These properties provide any additional information needed to establish connections.
 String getConnectionRetainMode()
          Specifies the behavior of the broker with respect to data store connections.
 int getConnectionRetainModeConstant()
          Return the connection retain mode as one of the following symbolic constants: ConnectionRetainModes.CONN_RETAIN_ALWAYS ConnectionRetainModes.CONN_RETAIN_TRANS ConnectionRetainModes.CONN_RETAIN_DEMAND
 String getConnectionURL()
          The URL for the data store connection.
 String getConnectionUserName()
          The user name for the data store connection.
 String getDataCache()
          The DataCache to use for level-2 data store caching.
 String getDataCacheManager()
          The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.
 DataCacheManager getDataCacheManagerInstance()
          The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.
 int getDataCacheTimeout()
          Default data cache timeout.
 String getDetachState()
 DetachOptions getDetachStateInstance()
          Return the instance specified by the detach state plugin.
 boolean getDynamicDataStructs()
          Return whether to generate dynamic data structures where possible for cache and runtime usage.
 int getFetchBatchSize()
          Get the size of the batch that will be pre-selected when accessing elements in a query or relationship.
 String getFetchGroups()
          Comma-separated list of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.
 String[] getFetchGroupsList()
          List of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.
 FilterListener[] getFilterListenerInstances()
          Return the query filter listeners.
 String getFilterListeners()
          A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query FilterListeners to use.
 String getFlushBeforeQueries()
          Returns whether or not OpenJPA should automatically flush modifications to the data store before executing queries.
 int getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant()
          Returns one of QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_TRUE, QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_FALSE, or QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION, as determined by parsing the string returned by OpenJPAConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries().
 boolean getIgnoreChanges()
          Whether changes in the current transaction are taken into account when executing queries and iterating extents.
 String getInverseManager()
          The plugin to use for managing inverse relations.
 String getLockManager()
          The plugin to use for datastore lock management.
 int getLockTimeout()
          The time to wait for an object lock in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.
 String getManagedRuntime()
          The plugin string for the ManagedRuntime to use for managed environments.
 ManagedRuntime getManagedRuntimeInstance()
          The plugin to use for integrating with a managed runtime.
 String getMapping()
          The name mapping to use for this data store.
 int getMaxFetchDepth()
          The maximum relation depth to traverse when eager fetching.
 String getMetaDataFactory()
          A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use.
 String getMetaDataRepository()
          A plugin string describing the MetaDataRepository to use.
 MetaDataRepository getMetaDataRepositoryInstance()
          The metadata repository of managed class information.
 boolean getMultithreaded()
          Whether brokers or their managed objects will be used by multiple concurrent threads.
 boolean getNontransactionalRead()
          Whether persistent state is accessible outside a transaction by default.
 boolean getNontransactionalWrite()
          Whether persistent state can be modified outside a transaction by default.
 boolean getOptimistic()
          Whether to use optimistic transactions by default.
 String getOrphanedKeyAction()
          The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
 OrphanedKeyAction getOrphanedKeyActionInstance()
          The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
 String getProxyManager()
          The plugin string for the ProxyManager to use for second class object proxies.
 ProxyManager getProxyManagerInstance()
          The ProxyManager to use.
 String getQueryCache()
          The plugin to use for level-2 data store query caching.
 String getQueryCompilationCache()
          Configuration settings for the query compilation cache to use.
 Map getQueryCompilationCacheInstance()
          Configuration settings for the query compilation cache to use.
 String getReadLockLevel()
          The default read lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
 int getReadLockLevelConstant()
          The numeric read lock level.
 boolean getRefreshFromDataCache()
          Gets whether entity state is to be refreshed from DataCache.
 RemoteCommitEventManager getRemoteCommitEventManager()
          The remote event manager that manages this configuration's remote event listeners.
 String getRemoteCommitProvider()
          The plugin to use for remote commit notification.
 String getRestoreState()
          Whether to restore initial state on rollback by default.
 int getRestoreStateConstant()
          Return the RestoreState constant.
 boolean getRetainState()
          Whether to retain state after a transaction by default.
 boolean getRetryClassRegistration()
          Whether to warn and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a registered persistent class cannot be processed.
 String getRuntimeUnenhancedClasses()
          Specifies how OpenJPA handles unenhanced types.
 int getRuntimeUnenhancedClassesConstant()
          Return the runtime class optimization setting as one of the following symbolic constants: RuntimeUnenhancedClasssesModes#SUPPORTED RuntimeUnenhancedClasssesModes#UNSUPPORTED RuntimeUnenhancedClasssesModes#WARN
 String getSavepointManager()
          The plugin to use for savepoint management.
 SavepointManager getSavepointManagerInstance()
          Return the configured savepoint manager instance.
 String getSequence()
          Plugin string for the default system Seq.
 Seq getSequenceInstance()
          The default system sequence.
 String getSpecification()
          A configuration can be set with defaults for a specific specification.
 StoreFacadeTypeRegistry getStoreFacadeTypeRegistry()
          Return the StoreFacadeTypeRegistry instance associated with this configuration.
 String getTransactionMode()
          Specifies the behavior of the transaction model.
 String getWriteLockLevel()
          The default write lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
 int getWriteLockLevelConstant()
          The numeric write lock level.
 void instantiateAll()
          Call the instantiating get methods for all values.
 boolean isConnectionFactoryModeManaged()
          Whether connections are automatically enlisted in global transactions.
 boolean isTransactionModeManaged()
          Return whether managed transactions are being used.
 boolean metaDataRepositoryAvailable()
          Returns true if a metaDataRepository has been created for this configuration.
 BrokerImpl newBrokerInstance(String user, String pass)
          Create a new broker instance with the configured plugin data.
 InverseManager newInverseManagerInstance()
          Return a new inverse manager instance using the configured plugin settings.
 LockManager newLockManagerInstance()
          Return a new lock manager instance using the configured plugin settings.
 MetaDataFactory newMetaDataFactoryInstance()
          Create a new MetaDataFactory to use with a repository.
 MetaDataRepository newMetaDataRepositoryInstance()
          Create a new empty metadata repository of the configured type.
 RemoteCommitProvider newRemoteCommitProviderInstance()
          Create a remote commit provider from the configured plugin.
protected  void preClose()
          Invoked by final method ConfigurationImpl.close() after invoking the ProductDerivation.beforeConfigurationClose(org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration) callbacks but before performing internal close operations.
 void setAggregateListeners(AggregateListener[] listeners)
          Set the query function listeners.
 void setAggregateListeners(String aggregateListeners)
          A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query AggregateListeners to use.
 void setAutoClear(int clear)
          Whether instances clear their state when entering a transaction.
 void setAutoClear(String clear)
          Whether instances clear their state when entering a transaction.
 void setAutoDetach(int autoDetachFlags)
          The AutoDetach flags.
 void setAutoDetach(String autoDetach)
          A comma-separated list of events which trigger auto-detachment in place of managed states.
 void setBrokerFactory(String factory)
          The BrokerFactory class to use.
 void setBrokerImpl(String broker)
          The plugin string of the BrokerImpl extension to create.
 void setCacheMarshallers(String marshallers)
          A comma-separted list of the plugin strings specifying the CacheMarshallers to use.
 void setClassResolver(ClassResolver classResolver)
          The ClassResolver to use.
 void setClassResolver(String classResolver)
          The plugin string for the ClassResolver to use for custom class loading.
 void setCompatibility(String compatibility)
          Backwards compatibility options.
 void setConnection2DriverName(String driverName)
          Class name of the non-XA connection driver.
 void setConnection2Password(String connection2Password)
          The password for the non-XA data store connection.
 void setConnection2Properties(String connection2Properties)
          These properties provide any additional information needed to establish non-XA connections.
 void setConnection2URL(String connection2URL)
          The URL for the non-XA data store connection.
 void setConnection2UserName(String connection2UserName)
          The user name for the non-XA data store connection.
 void setConnectionDriverName(String driverName)
          Class name of the connection driver.
 void setConnectionFactory(Object factory)
          The connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactory2(Object factory)
          The non-XA connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactory2Name(String connectionFactory2Name)
          The name for the second data store connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactory2Properties(String connectionFactory2Properties)
          Configuration properties for the non-XA connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactoryMode(String mode)
          The mode of the connection factory in use.
 void setConnectionFactoryModeManaged(boolean managed)
          Whether connections are automatically enlisted in global transactions.
 void setConnectionFactoryName(String connectionFactoryName)
          The name for the data store connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactoryProperties(String connectionFactoryProperties)
          Configuration properties for the connection factory.
 void setConnectionPassword(String connectionPassword)
          The password for the data store connection.
 void setConnectionProperties(String connectionProperties)
          These properties provide any additional information needed to establish connections.
 void setConnectionRetainMode(int connectionRetainMode)
          Set the connection retain mode as one of the following symbolic constants: ConnectionRetainModes.CONN_RETAIN_ALWAYS ConnectionRetainModes.CONN_RETAIN_TRANS ConnectionRetainModes.CONN_RETAIN_DEMAND
 void setConnectionRetainMode(String connectionRetainMode)
          Specifies the behavior of the broker with respect to data store connections.
 void setConnectionURL(String connectionURL)
          The URL for the data store connection.
 void setConnectionUserName(String connectionUserName)
          The user name for the data store connection.
 void setDataCache(String dataCache)
          The DataCache to use for level-2 data store caching.
 void setDataCacheManager(DataCacheManager dcm)
          The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.
 void setDataCacheManager(String mgr)
          The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.
 void setDataCacheTimeout(int dataCacheTimeout)
          Default data cache timeout.
 void setDataCacheTimeout(Integer dataCacheTimeout)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setDataCacheTimeout(int).
 void setDetachState(DetachOptions detachState)
          Return the instance specified by the detach state plugin.
 void setDetachState(String detachState)
          Which field values to include when detaching.
 void setDynamicDataStructs(boolean dynamic)
          Set whether to generate dynamic data structures where possible for cache and runtime usage.
 void setDynamicDataStructs(Boolean dynamic)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setDynamicDataStructs(boolean).
 void setFetchBatchSize(int fetchBatchSize)
          Set the size of the batch that will be pre-selected when accessing elements in a query or relationship.
 void setFetchBatchSize(Integer fetchBatchSize)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setFetchBatchSize(int).
 void setFetchGroups(String fetchGroups)
          Comma-separated list of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.
 void setFetchGroups(String[] fetchGroups)
          List of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.
 void setFilterListeners(FilterListener[] listeners)
          Set the query filter listeners.
 void setFilterListeners(String filterListeners)
          A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query FilterListeners to use.
 void setFlushBeforeQueries(int flush)
          Set to one of QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_TRUE, QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_FALSE, or QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION.
 void setFlushBeforeQueries(String flush)
          Sets whether or not OpenJPA should automatically flush modifications to the data store before executing queries.
 void setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignoreChanges)
          Whether changes in the current transaction are taken into account when executing queries and iterating extents.
 void setIgnoreChanges(Boolean ignoreChanges)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setIgnoreChanges(boolean).
 void setInverseManager(String inverseManager)
          The plugin to use for managing inverse relations.
 void setLockManager(String lockManager)
          The plugin to use for datastore lock management.
 void setLockTimeout(int timeout)
          The time to wait for an object lock in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.
 void setLockTimeout(Integer timeout)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setLockTimeout(int).
 void setManagedRuntime(ManagedRuntime managedRuntime)
          The plugin to use for integrating with a managed runtime.
 void setManagedRuntime(String managedRuntime)
          The plugin string for the ManagedRuntime to use for managed environments.
 void setMapping(String mapping)
          The name mapping to use for this data store.
 void setMaxFetchDepth(int maxFetchDepth)
          The maximum relation depth to traverse when eager fetching.
 void setMaxFetchDepth(Integer maxFetchDepth)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setMaxFetchDepth(int).
 void setMetaDataFactory(String meta)
          A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use.
 void setMetaDataRepository(MetaDataRepository meta)
          The metadata repository of managed class information.
 void setMetaDataRepository(String meta)
          A plugin string describing the MetaDataRepository to use.
 void setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded)
          Whether brokers or their managed objects will be used by multiple concurrent threads.
 void setMultithreaded(Boolean multithreaded)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setMultithreaded(boolean).
 void setNontransactionalRead(boolean nontransactionalRead)
          Whether persistent state is accessible outside a transaction by default.
 void setNontransactionalRead(Boolean nontransactionalRead)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setNontransactionalRead(boolean).
 void setNontransactionalWrite(boolean nontransactionalWrite)
          Whether persistent state can be modified outside a transaction by default.
 void setNontransactionalWrite(Boolean nontransactionalWrite)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setNontransactionalWrite(boolean).
 void setOptimistic(boolean optimistic)
          Whether to use optimistic transactions by default.
 void setOptimistic(Boolean optimistic)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setOptimistic(boolean).
 void setOrphanedKeyAction(OrphanedKeyAction action)
          The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
 void setOrphanedKeyAction(String action)
          The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.
 void setProxyManager(ProxyManager proxyManager)
          The ProxyManager to use.
 void setProxyManager(String proxyManager)
          The plugin string for the ProxyManager to use for second class object proxies.
 void setQueryCache(String queryCache)
          The plugin to use for level-2 data store query caching.
 void setQueryCompilationCache(String queryCompilationCache)
          Configuration settings for the query compilation cache to use.
 void setReadLockLevel(int level)
          The numeric read lock level.
 void setReadLockLevel(String level)
          The default read lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
 void setRefreshFromDataCache(boolean flag)
          Sets whether entity state is to be refreshed from DataCache.
 void setRefreshFromDataCache(Boolean flag)
          Sets whether entity state is to be refreshed from DataCache.
 void setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager remoteEventManager)
          The remote event manager that manages this configuration's remote event listeners.
 void setRemoteCommitProvider(String remoteCommitProvider)
          The plugin to use for remote commit notification.
 void setRestoreState(int restoreState)
          Whether to restore initial state on rollback by default.
 void setRestoreState(String restoreState)
          Whether to restore initial state on rollback by default.
 void setRetainState(boolean retainState)
          Whether to retain state after a transaction by default.
 void setRetainState(Boolean retainState)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setRetainState(boolean).
 void setRetryClassRegistration(boolean retry)
          Whether to warn and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a registered persistent class cannot be processed.
 void setRetryClassRegistration(Boolean retry)
          Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setRetryClassRegistration(boolean).
 void setRuntimeUnenhancedClasses(int mode)
          Set the runtime class optimization setting as one of the following symbolic constants: RuntimeUnenhancedClasssesModes#SUPPORTED RuntimeUnenhancedClasssesModes#UNSUPPORTED RuntimeUnenhancedClasssesModes#WARN
 void setRuntimeUnenhancedClasses(String mode)
          Specifies how OpenJPA handles unenhanced types.
 void setSavepointManager(String savepointManager)
          The plugin to use for savepoint management.
 void setSequence(Seq seq)
          The default system sequence.
 void setSequence(String sequence)
          Plugin string for the default system Seq.
 boolean setSpecification(String spec)
          Set the specification that this configuration should use for the various properties that need to have different defaults for different spec environments.
 void setTransactionMode(String transactionMode)
          Specifies the behavior of the transaction model.
 void setTransactionModeManaged(boolean managed)
          Set whether managed transactions are being used.
 void setWriteLockLevel(int level)
          The numeric write lock level.
 void setWriteLockLevel(String level)
          The default write lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions.
 Collection supportedOptions()
          Return the set of option strings supported by this runtime.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.ConfigurationImpl
addBoolean, addDouble, addFile, addInt, addObject, addPlugin, addPluginList, addPropertyChangeListener, addString, addStringList, addValue, clone, close, equals, fromProperties, getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getId, getLog, getLog, getLogFactory, getMethodDescriptors, getProductName, getPropertiesResource, getPropertyDescriptors, getValue, getValues, hashCode, isInvalidProperty, isReadOnly, loadGlobals, readExternal, removePropertyChangeListener, removeValue, setId, setLog, setLogFactory, setProductName, setProperties, setPropertiesFile, setReadOnly, toProperties, toXMLName, valueChanged, writeExternal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration
addPropertyChangeListener, addValue, clone, close, fromProperties, getId, getLog, getLog, getLogFactory, getProductName, getValue, getValues, isReadOnly, removePropertyChangeListener, removeValue, setId, setLog, setLogFactory, setProductName, setReadOnly, toProperties
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.BeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo, getBeanDescriptor, getDefaultEventIndex, getDefaultPropertyIndex, getEventSetDescriptors, getIcon, getMethodDescriptors, getPropertyDescriptors

Field Detail


protected MetaDataRepository metaRepository


protected RemoteCommitEventManager remoteEventManager


public ObjectValue classResolverPlugin


public BrokerValue brokerPlugin


public ObjectValue dataCachePlugin


public ObjectValue dataCacheManagerPlugin


public IntValue dataCacheTimeout


public ObjectValue queryCachePlugin


public BooleanValue dynamicDataStructs


public ObjectValue managedRuntimePlugin


public BooleanValue transactionMode


public IntValue connectionRetainMode


public IntValue fetchBatchSize


public IntValue maxFetchDepth


public StringListValue fetchGroups


public IntValue flushBeforeQueries


public IntValue lockTimeout


public IntValue readLockLevel


public IntValue writeLockLevel


public ObjectValue seqPlugin


public PluginListValue filterListenerPlugins


public PluginListValue aggregateListenerPlugins


public BooleanValue retryClassRegistration


public ObjectValue proxyManagerPlugin


public StringValue connectionUserName


public StringValue connectionPassword


public StringValue connectionURL


public StringValue connectionDriverName


public ObjectValue connectionFactory


public StringValue connectionFactoryName


public StringValue connectionProperties


public StringValue connectionFactoryProperties


public BooleanValue connectionFactoryMode


public StringValue connection2UserName


public StringValue connection2Password


public StringValue connection2URL


public StringValue connection2DriverName


public StringValue connection2Properties


public ObjectValue connectionFactory2


public StringValue connectionFactory2Name


public StringValue connectionFactory2Properties


public BooleanValue optimistic


public IntValue autoClear


public BooleanValue retainState


public IntValue restoreState


public ObjectValue detachStatePlugin


public BooleanValue ignoreChanges


public BooleanValue nontransactionalRead


public BooleanValue nontransactionalWrite


public BooleanValue refreshFromDataCache


public BooleanValue multithreaded


public StringValue mapping


public PluginValue metaFactoryPlugin


public ObjectValue metaRepositoryPlugin


public ObjectValue lockManagerPlugin


public ObjectValue inverseManagerPlugin


public ObjectValue savepointManagerPlugin


public ObjectValue orphanedKeyPlugin


public ObjectValue compatibilityPlugin


public QueryCompilationCacheValue queryCompilationCachePlugin


public IntValue runtimeUnenhancedClasses


public CacheMarshallersValue cacheMarshallerPlugins


public BrokerFactoryValue brokerFactoryPlugin


public RemoteCommitProviderValue remoteProviderPlugin


public org.apache.openjpa.conf.AutoDetachValue autoDetach
Constructor Detail


public OpenJPAConfigurationImpl()
Default constructor. Attempts to load global properties.


public OpenJPAConfigurationImpl(boolean loadGlobals)

loadGlobals - whether to attempt to load the global properties


public OpenJPAConfigurationImpl(boolean derivations,
                                boolean loadGlobals)

derivations - whether to apply product derivations
loadGlobals - whether to attempt to load the global properties
Method Detail


public Collection supportedOptions()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the set of option strings supported by this runtime. This set is mutable.

Specified by:
supportedOptions in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getSpecification()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A configuration can be set with defaults for a specific specification.

Specified by:
getSpecification in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean setSpecification(String spec)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set the specification that this configuration should use for the various properties that need to have different defaults for different spec environments. This should be invoked before any configuration options are set, as it will mutate various values. You can only assign the specification once, though it is not fatal to attempt to do so multiple times. Attempts to set to null will be ignored.

Specified by:
setSpecification in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setClassResolver(String classResolver)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string for the ClassResolver to use for custom class loading.

Specified by:
setClassResolver in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getClassResolver()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string for the ClassResolver to use for custom class loading.

Specified by:
getClassResolver in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setClassResolver(ClassResolver classResolver)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The ClassResolver to use.

Specified by:
setClassResolver in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public ClassResolver getClassResolverInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The ClassResolver to use.

Specified by:
getClassResolverInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setBrokerFactory(String factory)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The BrokerFactory class to use.

Specified by:
setBrokerFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getBrokerFactory()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The BrokerFactory class to use.

Specified by:
getBrokerFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setBrokerImpl(String broker)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string of the BrokerImpl extension to create.

Specified by:
setBrokerImpl in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getBrokerImpl()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string of the BrokerImpl extension to create.

Specified by:
getBrokerImpl in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public BrokerImpl newBrokerInstance(String user,
                                    String pass)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Create a new broker instance with the configured plugin data.

Specified by:
newBrokerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDataCacheManager(String mgr)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.

Specified by:
setDataCacheManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getDataCacheManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.

Specified by:
getDataCacheManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDataCacheManager(DataCacheManager dcm)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances.

Specified by:
setDataCacheManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public DataCacheManager getDataCacheManagerInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The data cache manager manages this configuration's cache instances. The cache manager is created if it has not been set. Once the cache manager has been set/created, all changes to caching configuration must proceed through the cache manager.

Specified by:
getDataCacheManagerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDataCache(String dataCache)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The DataCache to use for level-2 data store caching.

Specified by:
setDataCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getDataCache()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The DataCache to use for level-2 data store caching.

Specified by:
getDataCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDataCacheTimeout(int dataCacheTimeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Default data cache timeout.

Specified by:
setDataCacheTimeout in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDataCacheTimeout(Integer dataCacheTimeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setDataCacheTimeout(int).

Specified by:
setDataCacheTimeout in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getDataCacheTimeout()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Default data cache timeout.

Specified by:
getDataCacheTimeout in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setQueryCache(String queryCache)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for level-2 data store query caching.

Specified by:
setQueryCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getQueryCache()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for level-2 data store query caching.

Specified by:
getQueryCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getRefreshFromDataCache()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Gets whether entity state is to be refreshed from DataCache. The entities are never refreshed from DataCache if lock is being applied (e.g. in a pessimistic transaction) and hence this setting only refers to behavior when not locking.

Specified by:
getRefreshFromDataCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRefreshFromDataCache(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Sets whether entity state is to be refreshed from DataCache. The entities are never refreshed from DataCache if lock is being applied (e.g. in a pessimistic transaction) and hence this setting only refers to behavior when not locking.

Specified by:
setRefreshFromDataCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRefreshFromDataCache(Boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Sets whether entity state is to be refreshed from DataCache. The entities are never refreshed from DataCache if lock is being applied (e.g. in a pessimistic transaction) and hence this setting only refers to behavior when not locking.

Specified by:
setRefreshFromDataCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getDynamicDataStructs()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return whether to generate dynamic data structures where possible for cache and runtime usage.

Specified by:
getDynamicDataStructs in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDynamicDataStructs(boolean dynamic)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set whether to generate dynamic data structures where possible for cache and runtime usage.

Specified by:
setDynamicDataStructs in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDynamicDataStructs(Boolean dynamic)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setDynamicDataStructs(boolean).

Specified by:
setDynamicDataStructs in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setLockManager(String lockManager)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for datastore lock management.

Specified by:
setLockManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getLockManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for datastore lock management.

Specified by:
getLockManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public LockManager newLockManagerInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return a new lock manager instance using the configured plugin settings.

Specified by:
newLockManagerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setInverseManager(String inverseManager)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for managing inverse relations.

Specified by:
setInverseManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getInverseManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for managing inverse relations.

Specified by:
getInverseManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public InverseManager newInverseManagerInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return a new inverse manager instance using the configured plugin settings.

Specified by:
newInverseManagerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setSavepointManager(String savepointManager)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for savepoint management.

Specified by:
setSavepointManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getSavepointManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for savepoint management.

Specified by:
getSavepointManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public SavepointManager getSavepointManagerInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the configured savepoint manager instance.

Specified by:
getSavepointManagerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setOrphanedKeyAction(String action)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.

Specified by:
setOrphanedKeyAction in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getOrphanedKeyAction()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.

Specified by:
getOrphanedKeyAction in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public OrphanedKeyAction getOrphanedKeyActionInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.

Specified by:
getOrphanedKeyActionInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setOrphanedKeyAction(OrphanedKeyAction action)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The action to take when an orphaned key is detected.

Specified by:
setOrphanedKeyAction in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRemoteCommitProvider(String remoteCommitProvider)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for remote commit notification.

Specified by:
setRemoteCommitProvider in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getRemoteCommitProvider()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for remote commit notification.

Specified by:
getRemoteCommitProvider in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public RemoteCommitProvider newRemoteCommitProviderInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Create a remote commit provider from the configured plugin.

Specified by:
newRemoteCommitProviderInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRemoteCommitEventManager(RemoteCommitEventManager remoteEventManager)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The remote event manager that manages this configuration's remote event listeners.

Specified by:
setRemoteCommitEventManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public RemoteCommitEventManager getRemoteCommitEventManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The remote event manager that manages this configuration's remote event listeners.

Specified by:
getRemoteCommitEventManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setTransactionMode(String transactionMode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the transaction model. Possible values are:

Specified by:
setTransactionMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getTransactionMode()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the transaction model. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getTransactionMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setTransactionModeManaged(boolean managed)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set whether managed transactions are being used.

Specified by:
setTransactionModeManaged in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean isTransactionModeManaged()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return whether managed transactions are being used.

Specified by:
isTransactionModeManaged in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setManagedRuntime(String managedRuntime)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string for the ManagedRuntime to use for managed environments.

Specified by:
setManagedRuntime in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getManagedRuntime()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string for the ManagedRuntime to use for managed environments.

Specified by:
getManagedRuntime in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setManagedRuntime(ManagedRuntime managedRuntime)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for integrating with a managed runtime.

Specified by:
setManagedRuntime in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public ManagedRuntime getManagedRuntimeInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin to use for integrating with a managed runtime.

Specified by:
getManagedRuntimeInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setProxyManager(String proxyManager)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string for the ProxyManager to use for second class object proxies.

Specified by:
setProxyManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getProxyManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The plugin string for the ProxyManager to use for second class object proxies.

Specified by:
getProxyManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setProxyManager(ProxyManager proxyManager)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The ProxyManager to use.

Specified by:
setProxyManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public ProxyManager getProxyManagerInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The ProxyManager to use.

Specified by:
getProxyManagerInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMapping(String mapping)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The name mapping to use for this data store.

Specified by:
setMapping in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getMapping()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The name mapping to use for this data store.

Specified by:
getMapping in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMetaDataFactory(String meta)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use.

Specified by:
setMetaDataFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getMetaDataFactory()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MetaDataFactory to use.

Specified by:
getMetaDataFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public MetaDataFactory newMetaDataFactoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Create a new MetaDataFactory to use with a repository.

Specified by:
newMetaDataFactoryInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMetaDataRepository(String meta)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MetaDataRepository to use.

Specified by:
setMetaDataRepository in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getMetaDataRepository()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A plugin string describing the MetaDataRepository to use.

Specified by:
getMetaDataRepository in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMetaDataRepository(MetaDataRepository meta)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The metadata repository of managed class information.

Specified by:
setMetaDataRepository in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public MetaDataRepository getMetaDataRepositoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The metadata repository of managed class information. If no repository has been set, creates one.

Specified by:
getMetaDataRepositoryInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean metaDataRepositoryAvailable()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Returns true if a metaDataRepository has been created for this configuration.

Specified by:
metaDataRepositoryAvailable in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public MetaDataRepository newMetaDataRepositoryInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Create a new empty metadata repository of the configured type.

Specified by:
newMetaDataRepositoryInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionUserName(String connectionUserName)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The user name for the data store connection.

Specified by:
setConnectionUserName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionUserName()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The user name for the data store connection.

Specified by:
getConnectionUserName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionPassword(String connectionPassword)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The password for the data store connection.

Specified by:
setConnectionPassword in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionPassword()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The password for the data store connection.

Specified by:
getConnectionPassword in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionURL(String connectionURL)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The URL for the data store connection.

Specified by:
setConnectionURL in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionURL()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The URL for the data store connection.

Specified by:
getConnectionURL in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionDriverName(String driverName)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Class name of the connection driver.

Specified by:
setConnectionDriverName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionDriverName()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Class name of the connection driver.

Specified by:
getConnectionDriverName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionProperties(String connectionProperties)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish connections.

Specified by:
setConnectionProperties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionProperties()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish connections.

Specified by:
getConnectionProperties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactoryProperties(String connectionFactoryProperties)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration properties for the connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactoryProperties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionFactoryProperties()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration properties for the connection factory.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactoryProperties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionFactoryMode()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The mode of the connection factory in use. Available options are: Defaults to local.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactoryMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactoryMode(String mode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The mode of the connection factory in use. Available options are: Defaults to local.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactoryMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean isConnectionFactoryModeManaged()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether connections are automatically enlisted in global transactions.

Specified by:
isConnectionFactoryModeManaged in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactoryModeManaged(boolean managed)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether connections are automatically enlisted in global transactions.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactoryModeManaged in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactoryName(String connectionFactoryName)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The name for the data store connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactoryName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionFactoryName()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The name for the data store connection factory.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactoryName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactory(Object factory)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public Object getConnectionFactory()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The connection factory, possibly from JNDI.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactory in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnection2UserName(String connection2UserName)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The user name for the non-XA data store connection.

Specified by:
setConnection2UserName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnection2UserName()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The user name for the non-XA data store connection.

Specified by:
getConnection2UserName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnection2Password(String connection2Password)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The password for the non-XA data store connection.

Specified by:
setConnection2Password in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnection2Password()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The password for the non-XA data store connection.

Specified by:
getConnection2Password in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnection2URL(String connection2URL)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The URL for the non-XA data store connection.

Specified by:
setConnection2URL in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnection2URL()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The URL for the non-XA data store connection.

Specified by:
getConnection2URL in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnection2DriverName(String driverName)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Class name of the non-XA connection driver.

Specified by:
setConnection2DriverName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnection2DriverName()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Class name of the non-XA connection driver.

Specified by:
getConnection2DriverName in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnection2Properties(String connection2Properties)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish non-XA connections.

Specified by:
setConnection2Properties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnection2Properties()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
These properties provide any additional information needed to establish non-XA connections.

Specified by:
getConnection2Properties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactory2Properties(String connectionFactory2Properties)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration properties for the non-XA connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactory2Properties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionFactory2Properties()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration properties for the non-XA connection factory.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactory2Properties in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactory2Name(String connectionFactory2Name)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The name for the second data store connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactory2Name in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionFactory2Name()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The name for the second data store connection factory.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactory2Name in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionFactory2(Object factory)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The non-XA connection factory.

Specified by:
setConnectionFactory2 in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public Object getConnectionFactory2()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The non-XA connection factory.

Specified by:
getConnectionFactory2 in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setOptimistic(boolean optimistic)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to use optimistic transactions by default.

Specified by:
setOptimistic in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setOptimistic(Boolean optimistic)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setOptimistic(boolean).

Specified by:
setOptimistic in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getOptimistic()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to use optimistic transactions by default.

Specified by:
getOptimistic in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setAutoClear(String clear)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether instances clear their state when entering a transaction.

Specified by:
setAutoClear in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getAutoClear()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether instances clear their state when entering a transaction.

Specified by:
getAutoClear in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setAutoClear(int clear)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether instances clear their state when entering a transaction.

Specified by:
setAutoClear in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getAutoClearConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the AutoClear constant.

Specified by:
getAutoClearConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRetainState(boolean retainState)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to retain state after a transaction by default.

Specified by:
setRetainState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRetainState(Boolean retainState)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setRetainState(boolean).

Specified by:
setRetainState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getRetainState()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to retain state after a transaction by default.

Specified by:
getRetainState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRestoreState(String restoreState)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to restore initial state on rollback by default.

Specified by:
setRestoreState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getRestoreState()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to restore initial state on rollback by default.

Specified by:
getRestoreState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRestoreState(int restoreState)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to restore initial state on rollback by default.

Specified by:
setRestoreState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getRestoreStateConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the RestoreState constant.

Specified by:
getRestoreStateConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setAutoDetach(String autoDetach)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separated list of events which trigger auto-detachment in place of managed states. Possible values are:

Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getAutoDetach()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separated list of events which trigger auto-detachment in place of managed states. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setAutoDetach(int autoDetachFlags)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The AutoDetach flags.

Specified by:
setAutoDetach in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getAutoDetachConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The AutoDetach flags.

Specified by:
getAutoDetachConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setDetachState(String detachState)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Which field values to include when detaching.

Specified by:
setDetachState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getDetachState()


public void setDetachState(DetachOptions detachState)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the instance specified by the detach state plugin.

Specified by:
setDetachState in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public DetachOptions getDetachStateInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the instance specified by the detach state plugin.

Specified by:
getDetachStateInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignoreChanges)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether changes in the current transaction are taken into account when executing queries and iterating extents.

Specified by:
setIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setIgnoreChanges(Boolean ignoreChanges)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setIgnoreChanges(boolean).

Specified by:
setIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getIgnoreChanges()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether changes in the current transaction are taken into account when executing queries and iterating extents.

Specified by:
getIgnoreChanges in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setNontransactionalRead(boolean nontransactionalRead)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether persistent state is accessible outside a transaction by default.

Specified by:
setNontransactionalRead in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setNontransactionalRead(Boolean nontransactionalRead)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setNontransactionalRead(boolean).

Specified by:
setNontransactionalRead in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getNontransactionalRead()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether persistent state is accessible outside a transaction by default.

Specified by:
getNontransactionalRead in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setNontransactionalWrite(boolean nontransactionalWrite)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether persistent state can be modified outside a transaction by default.

Specified by:
setNontransactionalWrite in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setNontransactionalWrite(Boolean nontransactionalWrite)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setNontransactionalWrite(boolean).

Specified by:
setNontransactionalWrite in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getNontransactionalWrite()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether persistent state can be modified outside a transaction by default.

Specified by:
getNontransactionalWrite in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether brokers or their managed objects will be used by multiple concurrent threads.

Specified by:
setMultithreaded in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMultithreaded(Boolean multithreaded)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setMultithreaded(boolean).

Specified by:
setMultithreaded in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getMultithreaded()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether brokers or their managed objects will be used by multiple concurrent threads.

Specified by:
getMultithreaded in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFetchBatchSize(int fetchBatchSize)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set the size of the batch that will be pre-selected when accessing elements in a query or relationship. Use -1 to prefetch all results.

Specified by:
setFetchBatchSize in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFetchBatchSize(Integer fetchBatchSize)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setFetchBatchSize(int).

Specified by:
setFetchBatchSize in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getFetchBatchSize()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Get the size of the batch that will be pre-selected when accessing elements in a query or relationship. Use -1 to prefetch all results.

Specified by:
getFetchBatchSize in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMaxFetchDepth(int maxFetchDepth)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The maximum relation depth to traverse when eager fetching. Use -1 for no limit.

Specified by:
setMaxFetchDepth in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setMaxFetchDepth(Integer maxFetchDepth)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setMaxFetchDepth(int).

Specified by:
setMaxFetchDepth in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getMaxFetchDepth()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The maximum relation depth to traverse when eager fetching. Use -1 for no limit.

Specified by:
getMaxFetchDepth in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFetchGroups(String fetchGroups)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Comma-separated list of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.

Specified by:
setFetchGroups in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getFetchGroups()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Comma-separated list of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.

Specified by:
getFetchGroups in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String[] getFetchGroupsList()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
List of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.

Specified by:
getFetchGroupsList in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFetchGroups(String[] fetchGroups)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
List of fetch group names that will be pre-set for all new FetchConfigurations.

Specified by:
setFetchGroups in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFlushBeforeQueries(String flush)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Sets whether or not OpenJPA should automatically flush modifications to the data store before executing queries.

Specified by:
setFlushBeforeQueries in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getFlushBeforeQueries()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Returns whether or not OpenJPA should automatically flush modifications to the data store before executing queries.

Specified by:
getFlushBeforeQueries in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFlushBeforeQueries(int flush)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set to one of QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_TRUE, QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_FALSE, or QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION.

Specified by:
setFlushBeforeQueries in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Returns one of QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_TRUE, QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_FALSE, or QueryFlushModes.FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION, as determined by parsing the string returned by OpenJPAConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries().

Specified by:
getFlushBeforeQueriesConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setLockTimeout(int timeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The time to wait for an object lock in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.

Specified by:
setLockTimeout in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setLockTimeout(Integer timeout)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setLockTimeout(int).

Specified by:
setLockTimeout in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getLockTimeout()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The time to wait for an object lock in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.

Specified by:
getLockTimeout in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setReadLockLevel(String level)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The default read lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions. Defaults to read.

Specified by:
setReadLockLevel in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getReadLockLevel()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The default read lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions. Defaults to read.

Specified by:
getReadLockLevel in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setReadLockLevel(int level)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The numeric read lock level.

Specified by:
setReadLockLevel in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getReadLockLevelConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The numeric read lock level.

Specified by:
getReadLockLevelConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setWriteLockLevel(String level)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The default write lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions. Defaults to write.

Specified by:
setWriteLockLevel in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getWriteLockLevel()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The default write lock level to use during non-optimistic transactions. Defaults to write.

Specified by:
getWriteLockLevel in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setWriteLockLevel(int level)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The numeric write lock level.

Specified by:
setWriteLockLevel in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getWriteLockLevelConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The numeric write lock level.

Specified by:
getWriteLockLevelConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setSequence(String sequence)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Plugin string for the default system Seq.

Specified by:
setSequence in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getSequence()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Plugin string for the default system Seq.

Specified by:
getSequence in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setSequence(Seq seq)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The default system sequence.

Specified by:
setSequence in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public Seq getSequenceInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
The default system sequence.

Specified by:
getSequenceInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionRetainMode(String connectionRetainMode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the broker with respect to data store connections. Possible values are:

Specified by:
setConnectionRetainMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getConnectionRetainMode()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Specifies the behavior of the broker with respect to data store connections. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getConnectionRetainMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setConnectionRetainMode(int connectionRetainMode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set the connection retain mode as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
setConnectionRetainMode in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getConnectionRetainModeConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the connection retain mode as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
getConnectionRetainModeConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFilterListeners(String filterListeners)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query FilterListeners to use.

Specified by:
setFilterListeners in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getFilterListeners()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query FilterListeners to use.

Specified by:
getFilterListeners in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setFilterListeners(FilterListener[] listeners)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set the query filter listeners. Overrides the list of listener classes.

Specified by:
setFilterListeners in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public FilterListener[] getFilterListenerInstances()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the query filter listeners. If none have been set explicitly, this method instantiates the listeners from the set plugin list.

Specified by:
getFilterListenerInstances in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setAggregateListeners(String aggregateListeners)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query AggregateListeners to use.

Specified by:
setAggregateListeners in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getAggregateListeners()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separted list of the plugin strings of the query AggregateListeners to use.

Specified by:
getAggregateListeners in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setAggregateListeners(AggregateListener[] listeners)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set the query function listeners. Overrides the list of listener classes.

Specified by:
setAggregateListeners in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public AggregateListener[] getAggregateListenerInstances()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the query function listeners. If none have been set explicitly, this method instantiates the listeners from the set plugin list.

Specified by:
getAggregateListenerInstances in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRetryClassRegistration(boolean retry)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to warn and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a registered persistent class cannot be processed. Should only be set to true in complex classloader topologies. Defaults to false.

Specified by:
setRetryClassRegistration in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRetryClassRegistration(Boolean retry)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Wrapper for JCA usage of OpenJPAConfiguration.setRetryClassRegistration(boolean).

Specified by:
setRetryClassRegistration in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public boolean getRetryClassRegistration()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Whether to warn and defer registration instead of throwing an exception when a registered persistent class cannot be processed. Should only be set to true in complex classloader topologies. Defaults to false.

Specified by:
getRetryClassRegistration in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getCompatibility()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Backwards compatibility options.

Specified by:
getCompatibility in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setCompatibility(String compatibility)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Backwards compatibility options.

Specified by:
setCompatibility in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public Compatibility getCompatibilityInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Backwards compatibility options.

Specified by:
getCompatibilityInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getQueryCompilationCache()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration settings for the query compilation cache to use.

Specified by:
getQueryCompilationCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
See Also:


public void setQueryCompilationCache(String queryCompilationCache)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration settings for the query compilation cache to use.

Specified by:
setQueryCompilationCache in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
See Also:


public Map getQueryCompilationCacheInstance()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Configuration settings for the query compilation cache to use.

Specified by:
getQueryCompilationCacheInstance in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
See Also:


public StoreFacadeTypeRegistry getStoreFacadeTypeRegistry()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the StoreFacadeTypeRegistry instance associated with this configuration.

Specified by:
getStoreFacadeTypeRegistry in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public BrokerFactoryEventManager getBrokerFactoryEventManager()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the BrokerFactoryEventManager associated with this configuration.

Specified by:
getBrokerFactoryEventManager in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public String getRuntimeUnenhancedClasses()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Specifies how OpenJPA handles unenhanced types. Possible values are:

Specified by:
getRuntimeUnenhancedClasses in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public int getRuntimeUnenhancedClassesConstant()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the runtime class optimization setting as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
getRuntimeUnenhancedClassesConstant in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRuntimeUnenhancedClasses(int mode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Set the runtime class optimization setting as one of the following symbolic constants:

Specified by:
setRuntimeUnenhancedClasses in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setRuntimeUnenhancedClasses(String mode)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Specifies how OpenJPA handles unenhanced types.

Specified by:
setRuntimeUnenhancedClasses in interface OpenJPAConfiguration
See Also:


public String getCacheMarshallers()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separted list of the plugin strings specifying the CacheMarshallers to use.

Specified by:
getCacheMarshallers in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void setCacheMarshallers(String marshallers)
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
A comma-separted list of the plugin strings specifying the CacheMarshallers to use.

Specified by:
setCacheMarshallers in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public Map getCacheMarshallerInstances()
Description copied from interface: OpenJPAConfiguration
Return the cache marshaller listeners.

Specified by:
getCacheMarshallerInstances in interface OpenJPAConfiguration


public void instantiateAll()
Description copied from interface: Configuration
Call the instantiating get methods for all values. Up-front instantiation allows one to avoid the synchronization necessary with lazy instantiation.

Specified by:
instantiateAll in interface Configuration
instantiateAll in class ConfigurationImpl


protected void preClose()
Description copied from class: ConfigurationImpl
Invoked by final method ConfigurationImpl.close() after invoking the ProductDerivation.beforeConfigurationClose(org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration) callbacks but before performing internal close operations.

preClose in class ConfigurationImpl


public Log getConfigurationLog()
Description copied from class: ConfigurationImpl
Returns the logging channel openjpa.Runtime by default.

Specified by:
getConfigurationLog in interface Configuration
getConfigurationLog in class ConfigurationImpl

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