Interface QueryFlushModes

All Known Subinterfaces:
FetchConfiguration, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Query
All Known Implementing Classes:
DelegatingFetchConfiguration, DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration, DelegatingQuery, FetchConfigurationImpl, JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl, QueryImpl

public interface QueryFlushModes

Constants for determining when to flush before queries.

Abe White

Field Summary
static int FLUSH_FALSE
          Constant denoting that queries should never flush data to the database automatically before executing a query, but should instead execute queries in-memory if necessary.
static int FLUSH_TRUE
          Constant denoting that queries should flush data to the database automatically whenever OpenJPA determines that relevant modifications have been made and IgnoreCache is false.
          Constant denoting that queries should flush data to the database automatically when OpenJPA determines that relevant modifications have been made and the current context already has a dedicated connection.

Field Detail


static final int FLUSH_TRUE
Constant denoting that queries should flush data to the database automatically whenever OpenJPA determines that relevant modifications have been made and IgnoreCache is false. See OpenJPAConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries() for more info.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int FLUSH_FALSE
Constant denoting that queries should never flush data to the database automatically before executing a query, but should instead execute queries in-memory if necessary. See OpenJPAConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries() for more info.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION
Constant denoting that queries should flush data to the database automatically when OpenJPA determines that relevant modifications have been made and the current context already has a dedicated connection. See OpenJPAConfiguration.getFlushBeforeQueries() for more info.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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