Package org.apache.openjpa.kernel

OpenJPA Runtime Kernel


Interface Summary
AutoClear State clearing constants.
AutoDetach Bit flags for when to automatically detach the entire persistence context.
Broker The broker is the primary interface into the OpenJPA runtime.
BrokerFactory Factory for Broker instances.
ConnectionRetainModes Connection retain mode constants.
DetachState Constants for which fields to include in the detach graph.
Extent Representation of all members of a persistent class.
FetchConfiguration Allows configuration and optimization of how objects are loaded from the data store.
FindCallbacks Allows facades to control the particulars of the find operation through callbacks.
LockLevels Standard object lock levels.
LockManager Handles obtaining and releasing locks on objects.
OpCallbacks Allows facades to control the particulars of persistence operations through callbacks.
OpenJPAStateManager Interface implemented by OpenJPA state managers.
PCData Holds data about a single persistence capable instance.
PCResultObjectProvider Variant of ResultObjectProvider that populates a OpenJPAStateManager object in an application-defined manner.
Query OpenJPA query interface.
QueryContext A query execution context.
QueryFlushModes Constants for determining when to flush before queries.
QueryHints Standard query hint keys.
QueryOperations Query operation constants.
RestoreState State restore constants.
SavepointManager A manager for handling savepoints.
Seq Internal OpenJPA sequence interface.
StoreContext Represents a set of managed objects and their environment.
StoreManager Interface to be implemented by data store mechanisms to interact with this runtime.
StoreQuery Component that executes queries against the datastore.
StoreQuery.Executor An executor provides a uniform interface to the mechanism for executing either an in-memory or datastore query.

Class Summary
AbstractBrokerFactory Abstract implementation of the BrokerFactory that must be subclassed for a specific runtime.
AbstractLockManager Abstract LockManager implementation.
AbstractPCData Abstract base class which implements core PCData behavior.
AbstractPCResultObjectProvider Abstract implementation of PCResultObjectProvider that implements ResultObjectProvider.getResultObject() by assembling the necessary information about the object to be loaded.
AbstractStoreQuery Abstract StoreQuery that implements most methods as no-ops.
AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor Abstract AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor that implements most methods as no-ops.
Bootstrap Helper methods for acquiring BrokerFactory objects
BrokerImpl Concrete Broker.
DelegatingBroker Delegating broker that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingBrokerFactory Delegating broker factory that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingExtent Delegating extent that also can perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingFetchConfiguration Delegating fetch configuration that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingQuery Delegating query that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingResultList Delegating result list that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingSeq Delegating sequence that can also perform exception translation for use in facades.
DelegatingStoreManager Base class for store manager decorators that delegate to another store manager for some operations.
DetachedStateManager Internal state manager for detached instances.
DetachedValueStateManager Implementation of OpenJPAStateManager designed to retrieve values from a detached instance, including when managed by a DetachedStateManager.
DetachManager Handles detaching instances.
ExpressionStoreQuery Implementation of an expression-based query, which can handle String-based query expressions such as JPQL and JDOQL.
ExpressionStoreQuery.AbstractExpressionExecutor Provides support for queries that hold query information in a QueryExpressions instance.
ExpressionStoreQuery.DataStoreExecutor The DataStoreExecutor executes the query against the implementation's overridden ExpressionStoreQuery.DataStoreExecutor.executeQuery(org.apache.openjpa.kernel.StoreQuery, java.lang.Object[], org.apache.openjpa.kernel.StoreQuery.Range) method.
ExtentImpl Representation of all members of a persistent class.
FetchConfigurationImpl Allows configuration and optimization of how objects are loaded from the data store.
FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState Configurable state shared throughout a traversal chain.
Filters Helper methods for dealing with query filters.
FinalizingBrokerImpl Subtype of BrokerImpl that automatically closes itself during finalization.
InMemorySavepointManager A SavepointManager implementation which stores all data in memory.
InverseManager Class which manages inverse relations before flushing to the datastore.
MethodStoreQuery A query that is executed by a user-defined method.
NoneLockManager A lock manager that does not perform any locking.
ObjectIdStateManager State manager used to access state of embedded object id primary key fields.
OpenJPASavepoint Represents a savepoint where operations afterwards can be rolled back and restored to this point
OrderingMergedResultObjectProvider Merged result object provider specialization that extracts ordering values from results for comparison.
PCDataImpl Default PCData implementation.
PCState Base class for all lifecycle states.
PNonTransDeletedState Lifecycle state.
QueryImpl Implementation of the Query interface.
QueryImpl.Compilation Struct of compiled query properties.
QueryLanguages Constants and utilities for query languages.
ResultPacker Helper class to pack results into the result class set on the query.
SaveFieldManager FieldManager type used to store information for rollback.
StateManagerImpl Implementation of the OpenJPAStateManager interface for use with this runtime.
StoreQuery.Range A query result range.
TimeSeededSeq A simplistic implementation of a Seq used to provide datastore ids.
UUIDHexSeq Sequence for generating 32-character hex UUID strings.
UUIDStringSeq Sequence for generating 16-character UUID strings.
UUIDType4HexSeq Sequence for generating 32-character hex Type 4 UUID strings.
UUIDType4StringSeq Sequence for generating 16-character UUID strings.
VersionLockManager LockManager implementation that provides support for version checking and version updating when locks are acquired.

Package org.apache.openjpa.kernel Description

OpenJPA Runtime Kernel

This package provides a common OpenJPA runtime environment that can be adapted for use with various data store mechanisms.

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