Class InMemorySavepointManager

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.kernel.InMemorySavepointManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InMemorySavepointManager
extends Object
implements SavepointManager

A SavepointManager implementation which stores all data in memory.

Steve Kim

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean getPreFlush()
          Return whether to call Broker.preFlush() when a savepoint is set.
 OpenJPASavepoint newSavepoint(String name, Broker broker)
          Return a new savepoint for the given name, which may be null.
 void setPreFlush(boolean preFlush)
          Set whether to call Broker.preFlush() when a savepoint is set.
 boolean supportsIncrementalFlush()
          Return whether the savepoints generated by this manager can handle incremental flushes to the datastore.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InMemorySavepointManager()
Method Detail


public boolean getPreFlush()
Return whether to call Broker.preFlush() when a savepoint is set. While this will allow for tracking of newly embedded fields, it has the side effect of going through pre-flush operations.


public void setPreFlush(boolean preFlush)
Set whether to call Broker.preFlush() when a savepoint is set. While this will allow for tracking of newly embedded fields, it has the side effect of going through pre-flush operations.


public OpenJPASavepoint newSavepoint(String name,
                                     Broker broker)
Description copied from interface: SavepointManager
Return a new savepoint for the given name, which may be null.

Specified by:
newSavepoint in interface SavepointManager


public boolean supportsIncrementalFlush()
Description copied from interface: SavepointManager
Return whether the savepoints generated by this manager can handle incremental flushes to the datastore.

Specified by:
supportsIncrementalFlush in interface SavepointManager

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