Interface PCData

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DataCachePCData, PCDataGenerator.DynamicPCData
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPCData, DataCachePCDataImpl, PCDataImpl

public interface PCData
extends Serializable

Holds data about a single persistence capable instance. This interface is used in the caching framework, and may also be used by simple store manager back-ends to hold persistent state.

Patrick Linskey

Method Summary
 Object getData(int i)
          Return the data stored in the given field index.
 Object getId()
          Return the id of this instance.
 Object getImplData()
          Returns the instance-level impl data, or null if none.
 Class getType()
          Return the type of this instance.
 Object getVersion()
          Returns the current version object that this data was loaded from.
 boolean isLoaded(int i)
          Whether the given field index has stored data.
 void load(OpenJPAStateManager sm, BitSet fields, FetchConfiguration fetch, Object context)
          Loads some or all of the marked fields from the cache into the given state manager.
 void load(OpenJPAStateManager sm, FetchConfiguration fetch, Object context)
          Loads all fields that are currently stored in the cache into the given state manager.
 void setImplData(Object val)
          Sets the stored instance-level impl data.
 void setVersion(Object version)
          Sets the current version object that this data was loaded from.
 void store(OpenJPAStateManager sm)
          Store all loaded fields of the state manager.
 void store(OpenJPAStateManager sm, BitSet fields)
          Store the given fields from the state manager.

Method Detail


Object getId()
Return the id of this instance.


Class getType()
Return the type of this instance.


Object getImplData()
Returns the instance-level impl data, or null if none.


void setImplData(Object val)
Sets the stored instance-level impl data.


Object getVersion()
Returns the current version object that this data was loaded from.


void setVersion(Object version)
Sets the current version object that this data was loaded from.


void load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
          FetchConfiguration fetch,
          Object context)
Loads all fields that are currently stored in the cache into the given state manager.

sm - the state manager to load
fetch - the fetch configuration to use for loading related objects
context - current context information


void load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
          BitSet fields,
          FetchConfiguration fetch,
          Object context)
Loads some or all of the marked fields from the cache into the given state manager.

sm - the state manager to load
fields - the fields to load; clear the bits for the fields that are successfully loaded
fetch - the fetch configuration to use for loading related objects
context - current context information


void store(OpenJPAStateManager sm)
Store all loaded fields of the state manager.


void store(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
           BitSet fields)
Store the given fields from the state manager.


Object getData(int i)
Return the data stored in the given field index.


boolean isLoaded(int i)
Whether the given field index has stored data.

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