Class ValueMappingImpl

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.meta.ValueMetaDataImpl
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.ValueMappingImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ValueMapping, MetaDataContext, MetaDataModes, ValueMetaData

public class ValueMappingImpl
extends ValueMetaDataImpl
implements ValueMapping

Standalone ValueMapping implementation.

Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.ValueMapping
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.ValueMetaData
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataModes
Constructor Summary
protected ValueMappingImpl()
          Constructor for deserialization.
  ValueMappingImpl(FieldMapping owner)
Method Summary
 void clearMapping()
          Clear mapping information, including strategy.
 void copyMappingInfo(ValueMapping vm)
          Copy mapping info from the given instance to this one.
 ColumnIO getColumnIO()
          I/O information on the foreign key, or columns if this value doesn't have a key.
 Column[] getColumns()
          The columns that hold the data for this value.
 ClassMapping getDeclaredTypeMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getDeclaredTypeMetaData().
 ClassMapping getEmbeddedMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getEmbeddedMetaData().
 FieldMapping getFieldMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getFieldMetaData().
 ForeignKey getForeignKey()
          If this value joins to another record, the foreign key.
 ForeignKey getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
          Return an equivalent of this value's foreign key, but joining to the given target, which may be an unjoined subclass of this value's related type.
 ValueHandler getHandler()
          The handler used for this value, or null if none.
 ClassMapping[] getIndependentTypeMappings()
          Return all independently-mapped joinable types for this value, depending on whether this value is polymorphic and how the related type is mapped.
 int getJoinDirection()
          The join direction.
 MappingRepository getMappingRepository()
          Convenience method to perform cast from MetaDataContext.getRepository().
 int getPolymorphic()
          The degree to which this relation is polymorphic.
 int getSelectSubclasses()
          Return the org.apache.openjpa.sql.Select subclasses constant for loading this relation, based on how the related type is mapped, whether this relation is polymorphic, and whether it is configured to use class criteria.
 ClassMapping getTypeMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getTypeMetaData().
 boolean getUseClassCriteria()
          Whether to use class criteria when joining to related type.
 Index getValueIndex()
          Index on this value's columns, or null if none.
 ValueMappingInfo getValueInfo()
          Raw mapping data.
 FieldMapping getValueMappedByMapping()
          Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getValueMappedByMetaData().
 Unique getValueUnique()
          Unique constraint on this value's columns, or null if none.
 void mapConstraints(String name, boolean adapt)
          Map indexes and constraints for this value, using the current ValueMappingInfo.
 void refSchemaComponents()
          Increase the reference count on used schema components.
 boolean resolve(int mode)
          Resolve and validate metadata.
 void setColumnIO(ColumnIO io)
          I/O information on the foreign key, or columns if this value doesn't have a key.
 void setColumns(Column[] cols)
          The columns that hold the data for this value.
 void setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
          If this value joins to another record, the foreign key.
 void setForeignKey(Row row, OpenJPAStateManager rel)
          Sets this value's foreign key to the given related object.
 void setHandler(ValueHandler handler)
          The handler used for this value, or null if none.
 void setJoinDirection(int direction)
          The join direction.
 void setPolymorphic(int poly)
          The degree to which this relation is polymorphic.
 void setUseClassCriteria(boolean criteria)
          Whether to use class criteria when joining to related type.
 void setValueIndex(Index idx)
          Index on this value's columns, or null if none.
 void setValueUnique(Unique unq)
          Unique constraint on this value's columns, or null if none.
 void syncMappingInfo()
          Update MappingInfo with our current mapping information.
 void whereForeignKey(Row row, OpenJPAStateManager rel)
          Sets this value's foreign key to the given related object.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.meta.ValueMetaDataImpl
addEmbeddedMetaData, copy, getCascadeAttach, getCascadeDelete, getCascadePersist, getCascadeRefresh, getDeclaredType, getDeclaredTypeCode, getDeclaredTypeMetaData, getEmbeddedMetaData, getFieldMetaData, getRepository, getResolve, getType, getTypeCode, getTypeMetaData, getTypeOverride, getValueMappedBy, getValueMappedByMetaData, isDeclaredTypePC, isEmbedded, isEmbeddedPC, isSerialized, isTypePC, setCascadeAttach, setCascadeDelete, setCascadePersist, setCascadeRefresh, setDeclaredType, setDeclaredTypeCode, setEmbedded, setResolve, setResolve, setSerialized, setType, setTypeCode, setTypeOverride, setValueMappedBy, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.ValueMetaData
addEmbeddedMetaData, copy, getCascadeAttach, getCascadeDelete, getCascadePersist, getCascadeRefresh, getDeclaredType, getDeclaredTypeCode, getDeclaredTypeMetaData, getEmbeddedMetaData, getFieldMetaData, getResolve, getType, getTypeCode, getTypeMetaData, getTypeOverride, getValueMappedBy, getValueMappedByMetaData, isDeclaredTypePC, isEmbedded, isEmbeddedPC, isSerialized, isTypePC, setCascadeAttach, setCascadeDelete, setCascadePersist, setCascadeRefresh, setDeclaredType, setDeclaredTypeCode, setEmbedded, setResolve, setResolve, setSerialized, setType, setTypeCode, setTypeOverride, setValueMappedBy
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataContext

Constructor Detail


public ValueMappingImpl(FieldMapping owner)
Constructor. Supply owning mapping.


protected ValueMappingImpl()
Constructor for deserialization.

Method Detail


public ValueMappingInfo getValueInfo()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Raw mapping data.

Specified by:
getValueInfo in interface ValueMapping


public ValueHandler getHandler()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The handler used for this value, or null if none.

Specified by:
getHandler in interface ValueMapping


public void setHandler(ValueHandler handler)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The handler used for this value, or null if none.

Specified by:
setHandler in interface ValueMapping


public MappingRepository getMappingRepository()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Convenience method to perform cast from MetaDataContext.getRepository().

Specified by:
getMappingRepository in interface ValueMapping


public FieldMapping getFieldMapping()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getFieldMetaData().

Specified by:
getFieldMapping in interface ValueMapping


public ClassMapping getTypeMapping()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getTypeMetaData().

Specified by:
getTypeMapping in interface ValueMapping


public ClassMapping getDeclaredTypeMapping()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getDeclaredTypeMetaData().

Specified by:
getDeclaredTypeMapping in interface ValueMapping


public ClassMapping getEmbeddedMapping()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getEmbeddedMetaData().

Specified by:
getEmbeddedMapping in interface ValueMapping


public FieldMapping getValueMappedByMapping()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Convenience method to perform cast from ValueMetaData.getValueMappedByMetaData().

Specified by:
getValueMappedByMapping in interface ValueMapping


public Column[] getColumns()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The columns that hold the data for this value.

Specified by:
getColumns in interface ValueMapping


public void setColumns(Column[] cols)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The columns that hold the data for this value.

Specified by:
setColumns in interface ValueMapping


public ColumnIO getColumnIO()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
I/O information on the foreign key, or columns if this value doesn't have a key.

Specified by:
getColumnIO in interface ValueMapping


public void setColumnIO(ColumnIO io)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
I/O information on the foreign key, or columns if this value doesn't have a key.

Specified by:
setColumnIO in interface ValueMapping


public ForeignKey getForeignKey()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
If this value joins to another record, the foreign key.

Specified by:
getForeignKey in interface ValueMapping


public void setForeignKey(ForeignKey fk)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
If this value joins to another record, the foreign key.

Specified by:
setForeignKey in interface ValueMapping


public ForeignKey getForeignKey(ClassMapping target)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Return an equivalent of this value's foreign key, but joining to the given target, which may be an unjoined subclass of this value's related type.

Specified by:
getForeignKey in interface ValueMapping


public int getJoinDirection()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The join direction.

Specified by:
getJoinDirection in interface ValueMapping


public void setJoinDirection(int direction)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The join direction.

Specified by:
setJoinDirection in interface ValueMapping


public void setForeignKey(Row row,
                          OpenJPAStateManager rel)
                   throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Sets this value's foreign key to the given related object. The object may be null.

Specified by:
setForeignKey in interface ValueMapping


public void whereForeignKey(Row row,
                            OpenJPAStateManager rel)
                     throws SQLException
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Sets this value's foreign key to the given related object. The object may be null.

Specified by:
whereForeignKey in interface ValueMapping


public ClassMapping[] getIndependentTypeMappings()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Return all independently-mapped joinable types for this value, depending on whether this value is polymorphic and how the related type is mapped. Return an empty array if value type is not PC.

Specified by:
getIndependentTypeMappings in interface ValueMapping


public int getSelectSubclasses()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Return the org.apache.openjpa.sql.Select subclasses constant for loading this relation, based on how the related type is mapped, whether this relation is polymorphic, and whether it is configured to use class criteria.

Specified by:
getSelectSubclasses in interface ValueMapping


public Unique getValueUnique()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Unique constraint on this value's columns, or null if none.

Specified by:
getValueUnique in interface ValueMapping


public void setValueUnique(Unique unq)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Unique constraint on this value's columns, or null if none.

Specified by:
setValueUnique in interface ValueMapping


public Index getValueIndex()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Index on this value's columns, or null if none.

Specified by:
getValueIndex in interface ValueMapping


public void setValueIndex(Index idx)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Index on this value's columns, or null if none.

Specified by:
setValueIndex in interface ValueMapping


public boolean getUseClassCriteria()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Whether to use class criteria when joining to related type.

Specified by:
getUseClassCriteria in interface ValueMapping


public void setUseClassCriteria(boolean criteria)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Whether to use class criteria when joining to related type.

Specified by:
setUseClassCriteria in interface ValueMapping


public int getPolymorphic()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The degree to which this relation is polymorphic.

Specified by:
getPolymorphic in interface ValueMapping


public void setPolymorphic(int poly)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
The degree to which this relation is polymorphic.

Specified by:
setPolymorphic in interface ValueMapping


public void refSchemaComponents()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Increase the reference count on used schema components.

Specified by:
refSchemaComponents in interface ValueMapping


public void mapConstraints(String name,
                           boolean adapt)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Map indexes and constraints for this value, using the current ValueMappingInfo. The foreign key or columns of this value must be set before calling this method.

Specified by:
mapConstraints in interface ValueMapping


public void clearMapping()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Clear mapping information, including strategy.

Specified by:
clearMapping in interface ValueMapping


public void syncMappingInfo()
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Update MappingInfo with our current mapping information.

Specified by:
syncMappingInfo in interface ValueMapping


public void copyMappingInfo(ValueMapping vm)
Description copied from interface: ValueMapping
Copy mapping info from the given instance to this one.

Specified by:
copyMappingInfo in interface ValueMapping


public boolean resolve(int mode)
Description copied from interface: ValueMetaData
Resolve and validate metadata. Return true if already resolved.

Specified by:
resolve in interface ValueMetaData
resolve in class ValueMetaDataImpl

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