Class DelegatingMetaDataFactory

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.meta.DelegatingMetaDataFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
MetaDataFactory, MetaDataModes
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DelegatingMetaDataFactory
extends Object
implements MetaDataFactory

Base class for factory instances that use a delegate.

Abe White

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataFactory
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataModes
Constructor Summary
DelegatingMetaDataFactory(MetaDataFactory delegate)
          Constructor; supply delegate.
Method Summary
 void addClassExtensionKeys(Collection exts)
          Add any extension keys used by this instance to the given set.
 void addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection exts)
          Add any extension keys used by this instance to the given set.
 void clear()
          Clear any internal caches.
 boolean drop(Class[] cls, int mode, ClassLoader envLoader)
          Drop the metadata for the given classes in the given mode(s).
 MetaDataDefaults getDefaults()
          Return the metadata defaults for this factory.
 MetaDataFactory getDelegate()
          Factory delegate.
 MetaDataFactory getInnermostDelegate()
          Innermost delegate.
 Set getPersistentTypeNames(boolean classpath, ClassLoader envLoader)
          Return all persistent class names, using the metadata locations supplied in configuration, optionally scanning the classpath.
 Class getQueryScope(String queryName, ClassLoader loader)
          Return the type defining the given query name, if any.
 Class getResultSetMappingScope(String resultSetMappingName, ClassLoader loader)
          Return the type defining the given result set mapping name, if any.
 void load(Class cls, int mode, ClassLoader envLoader)
          Load metadata for the given class in the given mode(s).
 void loadXMLMetaData(FieldMetaData fmd)
          Load XMLClassMetadata for the given class.
 ClassArgParser newClassArgParser()
          Return a properly-configured class arg parser for our expected metadata format.
 void setRepository(MetaDataRepository repos)
          Set the repository to load metadata into.
 void setStoreDirectory(File dir)
          Base directory for storing metadata.
 void setStoreMode(int store)
          Storage mode.
 void setStrict(boolean strict)
          If true, I/O's must exactly obey the mode directives given, and may not load additional information.
 boolean store(ClassMetaData[] metas, QueryMetaData[] queries, SequenceMetaData[] seqs, int mode, Map output)
          Store the given metadata.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DelegatingMetaDataFactory(MetaDataFactory delegate)
Constructor; supply delegate.

Method Detail


public MetaDataFactory getDelegate()
Factory delegate.


public MetaDataFactory getInnermostDelegate()
Innermost delegate.


public void setRepository(MetaDataRepository repos)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Set the repository to load metadata into. This method will be called before use.

Specified by:
setRepository in interface MetaDataFactory


public void setStoreDirectory(File dir)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Base directory for storing metadata. May not be called.

Specified by:
setStoreDirectory in interface MetaDataFactory


public void setStoreMode(int store)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Storage mode. May not be called.

Specified by:
setStoreMode in interface MetaDataFactory


public void setStrict(boolean strict)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
If true, I/O's must exactly obey the mode directives given, and may not load additional information.

Specified by:
setStrict in interface MetaDataFactory


public void load(Class cls,
                 int mode,
                 ClassLoader envLoader)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Load metadata for the given class in the given mode(s). If loading in MetaDataModes.MODE_QUERY, the class may be null. Loaded metadata should be added directly to the repository. It should have its source mode set appropriately via ClassMetaData.setSourceMode(int).

Specified by:
load in interface MetaDataFactory
mode - the mode to load metadata in: if mapping information is stored together with metadata, then you can load mapping data even if this mode only includes MODE_META, so long as the strict property hasn't been set


public boolean store(ClassMetaData[] metas,
                     QueryMetaData[] queries,
                     SequenceMetaData[] seqs,
                     int mode,
                     Map output)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Store the given metadata.

Specified by:
store in interface MetaDataFactory
mode - hint about what aspects of the metadata have changed
output - if non-null, rather than storing metadata directly, add entries mapping each output destination such as a File to the planned output for that destination in string form
false if this factory is unable to store metadata


public boolean drop(Class[] cls,
                    int mode,
                    ClassLoader envLoader)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Drop the metadata for the given classes in the given mode(s).

Specified by:
drop in interface MetaDataFactory
false if any metadata could not be dropped


public MetaDataDefaults getDefaults()
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Return the metadata defaults for this factory.

Specified by:
getDefaults in interface MetaDataFactory


public ClassArgParser newClassArgParser()
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Return a properly-configured class arg parser for our expected metadata format.

Specified by:
newClassArgParser in interface MetaDataFactory


public Set getPersistentTypeNames(boolean classpath,
                                  ClassLoader envLoader)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Return all persistent class names, using the metadata locations supplied in configuration, optionally scanning the classpath. Return null if no types are supplied and this factory is unable to scan the classpath. This method should not be used directly by outside code; use MetaDataRepository.getPersistentTypeNames(boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) instead.

Specified by:
getPersistentTypeNames in interface MetaDataFactory
See Also:
MetaDataRepository.getPersistentTypeNames(boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader), MetaDataRepository.loadPersistentTypes(boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader)


public Class getQueryScope(String queryName,
                           ClassLoader loader)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Return the type defining the given query name, if any.

Specified by:
getQueryScope in interface MetaDataFactory


public Class getResultSetMappingScope(String resultSetMappingName,
                                      ClassLoader loader)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Return the type defining the given result set mapping name, if any.

Specified by:
getResultSetMappingScope in interface MetaDataFactory


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Clear any internal caches.

Specified by:
clear in interface MetaDataFactory


public void addClassExtensionKeys(Collection exts)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Add any extension keys used by this instance to the given set.

Specified by:
addClassExtensionKeys in interface MetaDataFactory


public void addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection exts)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Add any extension keys used by this instance to the given set.

Specified by:
addFieldExtensionKeys in interface MetaDataFactory


public void loadXMLMetaData(FieldMetaData fmd)
Description copied from interface: MetaDataFactory
Load XMLClassMetadata for the given class. Loaded metadata should be added directly to the repository.

Specified by:
loadXMLMetaData in interface MetaDataFactory

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