Class LifecycleMetaData

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.meta.LifecycleMetaData
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LifecycleMetaData
extends Object
implements Serializable

Information about lifecycle events for a managed type.

Steve Kim, Abe White
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int IGNORE_HIGH
static int IGNORE_LOW
static int IGNORE_NONE
Method Summary
 LifecycleCallbacks[] getCallbacks(int eventType)
          Return all callbacks for the given event type, including superclass callbacks if appropriate.
 LifecycleCallbacks[] getDeclaredCallbacks(int eventType)
          Return the declared callbacks for the given event type.
 int getIgnoreSuperclassCallbacks()
          Whether to exclude superclass callbacks from events.
 boolean getIgnoreSystemListeners()
          Whether to exclude system listeners from events.
 LifecycleCallbacks[] getNonPCSuperclassCallbacks(int eventType)
          Return the callbacks for the non-PC superclass.
 void setDeclaredCallbacks(int eventType, LifecycleCallbacks[] callbacks, int highPriority)
          Set the callbacks for the given event type.
 void setIgnoreSuperclassCallbacks(int ignore)
          Whether to exclude superclass callbacks from events.
 void setIgnoreSystemListeners(boolean ignore)
          Whether to exclude system listeners from events.
 void setNonPCSuperclassCallbacks(int eventType, LifecycleCallbacks[] callbacks, int highPriority)
          Set the callbacks for the given event type for non-persistent superclass.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int IGNORE_NONE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IGNORE_HIGH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int IGNORE_LOW
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public boolean getIgnoreSystemListeners()
Whether to exclude system listeners from events.


public void setIgnoreSystemListeners(boolean ignore)
Whether to exclude system listeners from events.


public int getIgnoreSuperclassCallbacks()
Whether to exclude superclass callbacks from events.


public void setIgnoreSuperclassCallbacks(int ignore)
Whether to exclude superclass callbacks from events.


public LifecycleCallbacks[] getDeclaredCallbacks(int eventType)
Return the declared callbacks for the given event type.


public LifecycleCallbacks[] getCallbacks(int eventType)
Return all callbacks for the given event type, including superclass callbacks if appropriate.


public void setDeclaredCallbacks(int eventType,
                                 LifecycleCallbacks[] callbacks,
                                 int highPriority)
Set the callbacks for the given event type.

highPriority - the first N given callbacks are high priority; high priority callbacks will be returned before non-high-priority superclass callbacks


public LifecycleCallbacks[] getNonPCSuperclassCallbacks(int eventType)
Return the callbacks for the non-PC superclass.


public void setNonPCSuperclassCallbacks(int eventType,
                                        LifecycleCallbacks[] callbacks,
                                        int highPriority)
Set the callbacks for the given event type for non-persistent superclass. Note these callbacks will only be used where the non-persistent superclass is the direct ancestor of the described class.

highPriority - the first N given callbacks are high priority; high priority callbacks will be returned before non-high-priority superclass callbacks

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