Interface Summary | |
FilterValue | The simplified public view of any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields. |
JDBCAggregateListener | JDBC extension to the AggregateListener . |
JDBCFilterListener | JDBC extension to the FilterListener . |
Val | A Value represents any non-operator in a query filter, including constants, variables, and object fields. |
Class Summary | |
Abs | Absolute value. |
Args | A list of arguments to a multi-argument function. |
CoalesceExpression | Coalesce expression. |
CollectionParam | A collection-valued input parameter in an in-expression. |
CollectionParam.ParamExpState | Expression state. |
Concat | Concatenate one string with another. |
DatastoreFunction | A unary operator that executes a datastore specific function with zero or more arguments. |
ExpContext | Expression tree context. |
ExpState | Expression tree state. |
GeneralCaseExpression | General case expression. |
GetColumn | Returns the SQL alias of the named column for use in a query. |
IndexOf | Find the index of one string within another. |
JDBCExpressionFactory | Expression factory implementation that can be used to execute queries via SQL. |
JDBCStringContains | Deprecated. Use matches() instead. |
JDBCWildcardMatch | Deprecated. Use matches() instead. |
Lit | A literal value in a filter. |
MapEntry | Returns the Map.Entry |
MapEntry.EntryExpState | Expression state. |
MapKey | Returns the key of a map value. |
MapKey.KeyExpState | Expression state. |
Math | Value produced by a mathematical operation on two values. |
Null | A literal null value in a filter. |
NullableAggregateUnaryOp | OPENJPA-1794 An aggregate unary operation that can indicate whether a null value from the data store should be returned as null. |
NullIfExpression | NullIf expression. |
Param | A parameter in a filter. |
Param.ParamExpState | Expression state. |
PCPath | A path represents a traversal into fields of a candidate object. |
PCPath.PathExpState | Expression state. |
QueryExpressionsState | Struct to hold the state of a query expressions instance. |
SelectConstructor | Turns parsed queries into selects. |
SimpleCaseExpression | Simple case expression. |
SQLEmbed | Simple listener which embeds its SQL argument into the query. |
SQLExpression | Deprecated. Use SQLEmbed directly |
SQLValue | Deprecated. Use SQLEmbed directly |
Sqrt | Square root. |
StringLength | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
SubQ | A subquery. |
Substring | Take a substring of a string. |
ToLowerCase | Lower-cases a string. |
ToUpperCase | Upper-cases a string. |
Trim | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
TypeLit | A type literal value. |
WhenCondition | Value produced by a when_clause of a case expression. |
WhenScalar | Value produced by a when_clause of a case expression. |
OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree