Interface Summary | |
EagerFetchModes | Eager fetch mode constants. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration | JDBC extensions to OpenJPA's FetchConfiguration . |
JDBCLockManager | Extension of the LockManager interface with methods for
datastore locking during the select and load process. |
JDBCSeq | Specialization of the the Seq interface to provide information
on the schema needed by this sequence. |
JDBCStore | Represents the JDBC store. |
LRSSizes | Ways of calculating the size of large result sets. |
PreparedStatementManager | Manages prepared statement execution. |
UpdateManager | This interface is used to customize the way that updates are made to database records. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractJDBCSavepointManager | Abstract SavepointManager implementation that
delegates to the subclass for savepoint operations on the active
Connection . |
AbstractJDBCSeq | Abstract sequence implementation. |
AbstractUpdateManager | Base update manager with common functionality. |
AbstractUpdateManager.CustomMapping | Executes customized mapping updates. |
BatchingConstraintUpdateManager | Batch update manager that writes the SQL in object-level operation order. |
BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager | Batch update manager that writes the SQL in object-level operation order. |
BatchingPreparedStatementManagerImpl | Batch prepared statement manager implementation. |
ClassTableJDBCSeq | Specialization of the TableJDBCSeq that maintains a
separate sequence count per-class. |
ConnectionInfo | Struct to hold data about the current connection state. |
ConstraintUpdateManager | Standard update manager, capable of foreign key constraint evaluation. |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration | Delegating fetch configuration that can also perform exception transation for use in facades. |
FinderCacheImpl | Implementation of FinderCache for JDBC. |
FinderQueryImpl | Implements Finder Query identified by ClassMappping for SelectExecutor that can be executed to generate Result. |
GenericResultObjectProvider | Object provider implementation wrapped around a generic Result . |
InstanceResultObjectProvider | Object provider implementation wrapped around a Select . |
JDBC3SavepointManager | SavepointManager implementation that uses JDBC 3 savepoints
to store state. |
JDBCBrokerFactory | BrokerFactory type for use with the JDBC runtime. |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl | JDBC extensions to OpenJPA's FetchConfiguration . |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.JDBCConfigurationState | Configurable JDBC state shared throughout a traversal chain. |
JDBCStoreManager | StoreManager plugin that uses JDBC to store persistent data in a relational data store. |
JDBCStoreManager.ClientConnection | Connection returned to client code. |
JDBCStoreQuery | JDBC query implementation. |
MixedLockManager | Mixed lock manager implements both optimistic and pessimistic locking semantics in parallel to the JPA 2.0 specification. |
NativeJDBCSeq | JDBCSeq implementation that uses a database sequence
to generate numbers. |
OperationOrderUpdateManager | Update manager that writes SQL in object-level operation order. |
PagingResultObjectProvider | Object provider implementation that fetches one page of results at a a time as it scrolls. |
PessimisticLockManager | Lock manager that uses exclusive database locks. |
PreparedQueryCacheImpl | An implementation of the cache of prepared queries . |
PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion | Strong exclusion. |
PreparedQueryCacheImpl.WeakExclusion | Weak exclusion. |
PreparedQueryImpl | Implements PreparedQuery for SQL queries. |
PreparedResultObjectProvider | A Select-oriented Result Object Provider whose Select has been executed outside its own scope. |
PreparedSQLStoreQuery | A executor for Prepared SQL Query. |
PreparedSQLStoreQuery.PreparedSQLExecutor | Executor of a prepared query uses the QueryExpressions of the original query available via the PreparedQuery. |
PreparedStatementManagerImpl | Basic prepared statement manager implementation. |
SelectResultObjectProvider | Abstract provider implementation wrapped around a Select . |
SQLStoreQuery | A SQL query. |
SQLStoreQuery.SQLExecutor | Executes the filter as a SQL query. |
TableJDBCSeq | JDBCSeq implementation that uses a database table
for sequence number generation. |
TableJDBCSeq.Status | Helper struct to hold status information. |
ValueTableJDBCSeq | Specialization of the TableJDBCSeq that maintains multiple
sequence counts. |
OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel
Runtime services for the JDBC OpenJPA implementation.