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Tips on Using Apache BuildBot for OpenJPA Documentation Build

Get Help from Infrastructure team

  • Open an INFRA JIRA issue to request:

    • new requirements and set up for the build system
    • creating new build queue
  • Here's an example JIRA that was used to enable the 2.3.x doc builds.

    • note the Buildbot component and the openjpa label
    • also note that we as OpenJPA committers have commit karma for the openjpa.conf file required for this doc buildbot

Use IRC to communicate with openjpa-bot server

  • From a browser or an IRC application, join the #asftest channel in server irc://

    • /join #asftest
  • Direct message the openjpa-bot

    • /msg openjpa-bot status
    • If openjpa-bot member does not exist, then ask about it on the #asftest channel. They are very helpful.
  • On most irc clients this will open a direct dialog with the openjpa-bot member and you can use the commands outlined below

Get Help

Enter> openjpa-bot: help
openjpa-bot	Get help on what? (try 'help <foo>', or 'commands' for a command list)

Enter> openjpa-bot: commands
openjpa-bot	buildbot commands: commands, dance, destroy, excited, force, hello, help, \
    last, list, mute, notify, source, status, stop, unmute, version, watch

Enter> openjpa-bot: help force
openjpa-bot	Usage: force build [--branch=branch] [--revision=revision] [--props=prop1=val1,prop2=val2...] \
    <which> <reason> - Force a build

Get BuildBot status

Enter> openjpa-bot: status    
openjpa-bot	openjpa-1.0.x-docs: idle, last build 7h21m20s ago: failed
openjpa-bot	openjpa-1.2.x-docs: idle, last build 7h23m18s ago: build successful
openjpa-bot	openjpa-1.3.x-docs: idle, last build 7h30m12s ago: build successful
openjpa-bot	openjpa-2.0.x-docs: idle, last build 7h37m27s ago: build successful
openjpa-bot	openjpa-2.1.x-docs: idle, last build 7h46m19s ago: build successful
openjpa-bot	openjpa-2.2.1.x-docs: idle, last build 8h09m07s ago: build successful
openjpa-bot	openjpa-2.2.x-docs: idle, last build 7h56m22s ago: build successful
openjpa-bot	openjpa-trunk-docs: idle, last build 8h22m07s ago: build successful

Submit build

Enter> openjpa-bot: force build openjpa-1.0.x-docs "a description here....."    
openjpa-bot	build #35 forced
openjpa-bot	I'll give a shout when the build finishes
openjpa-bot	build #35 of openjpa-1.0.x-docs is complete: Success [build successful] \
    Build details are at
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