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OpenJPA Downloads

Use the links below to download a distribution of Apache OpenJPA. It is good practice to verify the integrity of the distribution files.

For information on obtaining OpenJPA binaries, see the Obtaining page. For information on building OpenJPA from source, see the Building page.

Official JPA 3.0 Releases

4.0.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 4.0.0 Binary Feb 14 2024 sha512 PGP
OpenJPA 4.0.0 Source Feb 14 2024 sha512 PGP
OpenJPA 4.0.0 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html Feb 14 2024

Official JPA 2.2 Releases

These releases raised the minimum Java version to Java 8 and implement most of JSR-338 Java Persistence 2.2 features.

3.2.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 3.2.2 Binary 16 Mar 2022 sha512 PGP
OpenJPA 3.2.2 Source 16 Mar 2022 sha512 PGP
OpenJPA 3.2.2 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 16 Mar 2022

3.1.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 3.1.2 Binary 07 Jul 2020 sha512 PGP
OpenJPA 3.1.2 Source 07 Jul 2020 sha512 PGP
OpenJPA 3.1.2 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 07 Jul 2020

3.0.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 3.0.0 Binary 12 Jun 2018 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 3.0.0 Source 12 Jun 2018 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 3.0.0 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 12 Jun 2018

Official JPA 2.0 Releases

These releases implement the JSR-317 Java Persistence 2.0 specification and pass the JPA 2.0 TCK.

2.4.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 2.4.3 Binary 12 Jun 2018 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 2.4.3 Source 12 Jun 2018 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 2.4.3 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 12 Jun 2018
OpenJPA 2.4.2 Binary 12 Jun 2018 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 2.4.2 Source 3 Jan 2017 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 2.4.2 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 3 Jan 2017
OpenJPA 2.4.1 Binary 21 Feb 2016 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 2.4.1 Source 21 Feb 2016 sha1 PGP
OpenJPA 2.4.1 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 21 Feb 2016

2.3.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 2.3.0 Binary 25 Nov 2013 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.3.0 Source 25 Nov 2013 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.3.0 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 25 Nov 2013

2.2.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 2.2.2 Binary 22 April 2013 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.2.2 Source 22 April 2013 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.2.2 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 22 April 2013
OpenJPA 2.2.1 Binary 1 November 2012 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.2.1 Source 1 November 2012 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.2.1 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 1 November 2012
OpenJPA 2.2.0 Binary (**) 20 February 2012 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.2.0 Source 20 February 2012 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.2.0 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 20 February 2012

2.1.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 2.1.1 Binary 25 July 2011 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.1.1 Source 25 July 2011 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.1.1 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 25 July 2011
OpenJPA 2.1.0 Binary 21 February 2011 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.1.0 Source 21 February 2011 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.1.0 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 21 February 2011

2.0.x Releases

Download Release Date Checksum Signatures
OpenJPA 2.0.1 Binary 30 August 2010 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.0.1 Source 30 August 2010 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.0.1 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 30 August 2010
OpenJPA 2.0.0 Binary 22 April 2010 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.0.0 Source 22 April 2010 MD5 PGP
OpenJPA 2.0.0 Release Notes RELEASE-NOTES.html 22 April 2010

Official JPA 1.0 Releases

These releases implement the JSR-220 Java Persistence 1.0 specification and pass the Sun JPA 1.0b Technology Compatibility Kit.

1.2.x Releases

Download Release Date Signatures Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.2.3 17 April 2013 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.2.3 Source 17 April 2013 PGP
OpenJPA 1.2.2 18 Jan 2010 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.2.2 Source Code 18 Jan 2010 PGP
OpenJPA 1.2.1 18 Mar 2009 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.2.1 Source Code 18 Mar 2009 PGP
OpenJPA 1.2.0 14 Aug 2008 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.2.0 Source Code 14 Aug 2008 PGP

1.1.x Releases

Download Release Date Signatures Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.1.0 22 May 2008 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.1.0 Source Code 22 May 2008 PGP

1.0.x Releases

Download Release Date Signatures Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.0.4 18 Jan 2010 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.0.4 Source Code 18 Jan 2010 PGP
OpenJPA 1.0.3 18 Feb 2008 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.0.3 Source Code 18 Feb 2008 PGP
OpenJPA 1.0.2 18 Feb 2008 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.0.2 Source Code 18 Feb 2008 PGP
OpenJPA 1.0.1 9 Nov 2007 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.0.1 Source Code 9 Nov 2007 PGP
OpenJPA 1.0.0 28 Aug 2007 PGP Release Notes
OpenJPA 1.0.0 Source Code 28 Au 2007 PGP

Verifying Release Version and Revision

OpenJPA jar is self-describing and after downloading a release, you can find out the revision number included in the build by:

% java -jar your/path/to/openjpa.jar

which will print the version and revision numbers, for example:

OpenJPA 2.1.0
version id: openjpa-2.1.0-r422266:1071315
Apache svn revision: 422266:1071315

which designates that the 2.1.0 release includes Apache SVN revision 1071315 as the latest.

Verifying Releases

We strongly recommend you verify the integrity of the downloaded files with both PGP and MD5. The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG . First download the KEYS as well as the *.asc signature file for the particular distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using one of the following sets of commands:

Verifying Release Files using the pgpk Utility

% pgpk -a KEYS
% pgpv openjpa-*.zip.asc

Verifying Release Files using the pgp Utility

% pgp -ka KEYS
% pgp openjpa-*.zip.asc

Verifying Release Files using the gpg Utility

% gpg --import KEYS
% gpg --verify openjpa-*.zip.asc

Alternatively, you can verify the checksums on the files. Unix programs called md5/sha1 or md5sum/sha1sum are included in many unix distributions. *sum is also available as part of GNU Textutils . Windows users can get binary md5 programs from [here|] or here . fsum supports MD5 and SHA1.

(**) asm-3.2.jar can be found from .

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Apache, the Apache feather logo and OpenJPA are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.