OpenJPA 3.1.x
This distribution is based on the final JSR 338 Java Persistence API, Version 2.2 specification.
Additional information on the OpenJPA project may be found at the project web site.
Changes in OpenJPA 3.1.2
- [OPENJPA-2807] - javax.persistence.Index#columnList should strip spaces
- [OPENJPA-2810] - Major version is returned instead of minor
Changes in OpenJPA 3.1.1
- [OPENJPA-2713] - [JPA-2.2] add support for Java8 Date/Time types
- [OPENJPA-2743] - AttributeConverter fails to enhance
- [OPENJPA-2799] - Karaf features contains mistake on the commons-collections4 location
Changes in OpenJPA 3.1.0
- [OPENJPA-1993] - Deadlock Potential with ORM XML Processing
- [OPENJPA-2555] - Timestamp precision from manual schema not respected
- [OPENJPA-2567] - TINY/MEDIUM/LONG TEXT fields for MySQL and MariaDB are not supported
- [OPENJPA-2673] - Table is not created in openjpa 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT and OSGi
- [OPENJPA-2704] - The openjpa.jdbc.Schema no longer overrides orm.xml default
- [OPENJPA-2733] - Subquery parameters are incorrectly assigned
- [OPENJPA-2742] - SchemaTool fails with MySQL
- [OPENJPA-2746] - OpenJPA Karaf feature is not complete
- [OPENJPA-2756] - PostgreSQL requires escaping of search strings in all versions
- [OPENJPA-2757] - upgrade to xbean-asm7 to support Java11
- [OPENJPA-2761] - problem inserting more than 4000 charcters in oracle XMLTYPE column
- [OPENJPA-2764] - Map path expression tests behave random
- [OPENJPA-2768] - XMLStore SAXParser doesn't distinguish between element and extent
- [OPENJPA-2770] - false boolean literal doesn't work
- [OPENJPA-2771] - It seems like h2 'unlimited' is not "LIMIT 0" but rather "LIMIT -1"
- [OPENJPA-2772] - list of h2 reserved words is incomplete
- [OPENJPA-2777] - Indices specified using javax.persistence.Index annotation are not being created
- [OPENJPA-2780] - ReverseMappingTool does not generate @Enumerated annotation
- [OPENJPA-2781] - OpenJPA need internet connection to read the persistence.xml
- [OPENJPA-2785] - Queries invoked by Spring data that have parameters fail
- [OPENJPA-2791] - Parsing persistence.xml throws premature end of file error
- [OPENJPA-2745] - Clean up try-catch implementation for DB2Dictionary
- [OPENJPA-2747] - Upgrade to JPA 2.2 and use javax.persistence-api spec
- [OPENJPA-2748] - commons-collections should be updated to most recent version
- [OPENJPA-2750] - commons-dbcp need to be updated to most recent version
- [OPENJPA-2751] - Code clean-up should be performed
- [OPENJPA-2752] - More libraries can be updated
- [OPENJPA-2753] - Create profiles to start various databases via Docker
- [OPENJPA-2755] - support MySQL DATETIME and TIMESTAMP fractions (milliseconds, nanos)
- [OPENJPA-2773] - set minIdle to > 0 in DBCPDriverDataSource
- [OPENJPA-2775] - hsqldb doesn't support NullTable to retrieve meta information
- [OPENJPA-2744] - commons-pool should be updated to most recent version
- [OPENJPA-2754] - update to latest dbcp and verify moving from maxActive to maxTotal
- [OPENJPA-2758] - JPA 2.2 compliance
Dependency upgrade