Uses of Interface

Packages that use Val
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction Utilities for generating SQL. 

Uses of Val in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that implement Val
 class Abs
          Absolute value.
 class Args
          A list of arguments to a multi-argument function.
 class CoalesceExpression
          Coalesce expression.
 class CollectionParam
          A collection-valued input parameter in an in-expression.
 class Concat
          Concatenate one string with another.
 class DatastoreFunction
          A unary operator that executes a datastore specific function with zero or more arguments.
 class GeneralCaseExpression
          General case expression.
 class IndexOf
          Find the index of one string within another.
 class Lit
          A literal value in a filter.
 class MapEntry
          Returns the Map.Entry of a map value.
 class MapKey
          Returns the key of a map value.
 class Math
          Value produced by a mathematical operation on two values.
 class Null
          A literal null value in a filter.
 class NullableAggregateUnaryOp
          OPENJPA-1794 An aggregate unary operation that can indicate whether a null value from the data store should be returned as null.
 class NullIfExpression
          NullIf expression.
 class Param
          A parameter in a filter.
 class SimpleCaseExpression
          Simple case expression.
 class Sqrt
          Square root.
 class StringLength
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
 class SubQ
          A subquery.
 class Substring
          Take a substring of a string.
 class ToLowerCase
          Lower-cases a string.
 class ToUpperCase
          Upper-cases a string.
 class Trim
          Returns the number of characters in a string.
 class TypeLit
          A type literal value.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that return Val
 Val SimpleCaseExpression.getCaseOperand()
 Val Trim.getTrimChar()
 Val WhenCondition.getVal()
 Val Trim.getVal()
 Val SimpleCaseExpression.getVal()
 Val GeneralCaseExpression.getVal()
 Val[] CoalesceExpression.getVal()
 Val WhenScalar.getVal1()
 Val Substring.getVal1()
 Val NullIfExpression.getVal1()
 Val Math.getVal1()
 Val IndexOf.getVal1()
 Val Concat.getVal1()
 Val WhenScalar.getVal2()
 Val Substring.getVal2()
 Val NullIfExpression.getVal2()
 Val Math.getVal2()
 Val IndexOf.getVal2()
 Val Concat.getVal2()
 Val[] Args.getVals()

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type Val
 void Val.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
          Calculate and cache the SQL for this value.
 void TypeLit.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Trim.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Substring.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void SubQ.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void SimpleCaseExpression.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Param.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void PCPath.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void NullIfExpression.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Null.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Math.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void MapKey.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void MapEntry.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Lit.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void IndexOf.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void GeneralCaseExpression.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Concat.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void CollectionParam.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void CoalesceExpression.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)
 void Args.calculateValue(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Val other, ExpState otherState)

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type Val
Abs(Val val)
Args(Val... values)
Args(Val val1, Val val2)
CoalesceExpression(Val[] vals)
Concat(Val val1, Val val2)
GeneralCaseExpression(org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.Exp[] exp, Val val)
IndexOf(Val val1, Val val2)
MapEntry(Val key, Val val)
MapKey(Val key)
Math(Val val1, Val val2, String op)
NullableAggregateUnaryOp(Val val)
NullableAggregateUnaryOp(Val val, boolean noParen)
NullIfExpression(Val val1, Val val2)
SimpleCaseExpression(Val caseOperand, org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.Exp[] exp, Val val)
Sqrt(Val val)
StringLength(Val val)
Substring(Val val1, Val val2)
ToLowerCase(Val val)
ToUpperCase(Val val)
Trim(Val val, Val trimChar, Boolean where)
WhenCondition(org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.Exp exp, Val val)
WhenScalar(Val val1, Val val2)

Uses of Val in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type Val
 String DBDictionary.addCastAsType(String func, Val val)
          add CAST for a function operator where operand is a param
 String DB2Dictionary.addCastAsType(String func, Val val)
          add CAST for a function operator where operand is a param
 void SQLBuffer.addCastForParam(String oper, Val val)
          Replace SQL '?'
protected  void DBDictionary.calculateValue(Val val, Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, Path path, ExpState pathState)
          This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of calculating value.
 String DBDictionary.getCastFunction(Val val, String func)
          Attach CAST to the current function if necessary
 String DB2Dictionary.getCastFunction(Val val, String func)
          Return the correct CAST function syntax
 String DBDictionary.getCastFunction(Val val, String func, Column col)
          Return the correct CAST function syntax.
 String DB2Dictionary.getCastFunction(Val val, String func, Column col)
          Return the correct CAST function syntax

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