Packages that use DBDictionary | |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf | OpenJPA-JDBC Configuration This package provides JDBC configuration interfaces. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel | OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel Runtime services for the JDBC OpenJPA implementation. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta | OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata This package extends the standard persistence metadata with object-relational mapping information. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats | OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies Library of mapping strategies. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema | OpenJPA-JDBC Schema Management This package provides utilities for managing the schema of persistent objects stored in a relational database. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql | OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction Utilities for generating SQL. |
Uses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf that return DBDictionary | |
DBDictionary |
DBDictionary |
The DBDictionary to use. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf with parameters of type DBDictionary | |
void |
JDBCConfigurationImpl.setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary)
void |
JDBCConfiguration.setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary)
The DBDictionary to use. |
Uses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel declared as DBDictionary | |
protected DBDictionary |
protected DBDictionary |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel that return DBDictionary | |
DBDictionary |
DBDictionary |
Return the dictionary in use. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type DBDictionary | |
protected List<SQLBuffer> |
PessimisticLockManager.getLockRows(DBDictionary dict,
Object id,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLFactory factory)
protected List<SQLBuffer> |
MixedLockManager.getLockRows(DBDictionary dict,
Object id,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLFactory factory)
protected long |
TableJDBCSeq.getSequence(ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of getting sequence from the result set. |
protected void |
PessimisticLockManager.lockJoinTables(List<SQLBuffer> sqls,
DBDictionary dict,
Object id,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLFactory factory)
Uses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta declared as DBDictionary | |
protected DBDictionary |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta that return DBDictionary | |
DBDictionary |
Convenient access to dictionary for mappings. |
Uses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats with parameters of type DBDictionary | |
protected static void |
ContainerFieldStrategy.appendJoinCount(SQLBuffer sql,
Select sel,
Joins joins,
DBDictionary dict,
FieldMapping field,
ForeignKey fk)
static void |
ContainerFieldStrategy.appendUnaliasedJoin(SQLBuffer sql,
Select sel,
Joins joins,
DBDictionary dict,
FieldMapping field,
ForeignKey fk)
String |
StateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate.getSQL(DBDictionary dict)
Return a boolean SQL expression that should be added to the WHERE clause of an UPDATE to test whether the current database record matches our stored version. |
protected void |
MaxEmbeddedClobFieldStrategy.putData(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
protected void |
MaxEmbeddedCharArrayFieldStrategy.putData(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
protected void |
MaxEmbeddedByteArrayFieldStrategy.putData(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
protected void |
MaxEmbeddedBlobFieldStrategy.putData(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
Uses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema declared as DBDictionary | |
protected DBDictionary |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema with parameters of type DBDictionary | |
boolean |
Table.containsColumn(DBIdentifier name,
DBDictionary dict)
boolean |
Table.containsColumn(String name,
DBDictionary dict)
Deprecated. |
void |
SimpleDriverDataSource.initDBDictionary(DBDictionary dict)
void |
DriverDataSource.initDBDictionary(DBDictionary dict)
Initialize self and dictionary once available. |
static DecoratingDataSource |
DataSourceFactory.installDBDictionary(DBDictionary dict,
DecoratingDataSource ds,
JDBCConfiguration conf,
boolean factory2)
Install things deferred until the DBDictionary instance is available. |
DBIdentifier |
ForeignKey.loadIdentifierFromDB(DBDictionary dbdict,
Connection conn)
String |
ForeignKey.loadNameFromDB(DBDictionary dbdict,
Connection conn)
Deprecated. |
Uses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql |
Subclasses of DBDictionary in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql | |
class |
Base dictionary for the IBM DB2 family of databases. |
class |
Dictionary for the SQL Server databases (Sybase and MS SQL Server). |
class |
Dictionary for Access via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver. |
class |
Dictionary for Intersystems Cache. |
class |
Dictionary for IBM DB2 database. |
class |
Dictionary for Apache Derby (formerly Cloudscape). |
class |
Dictionary for Empress using ODBC server combined with their type 2 driver. |
class |
Dictionary for Firebird. |
class |
Dictionary for Visual FoxPro via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver. |
class |
Dictionary for H2 ( http://www.h2database.com ). |
class |
Dictionary for HyperSQL (HSQLDB) database. |
class |
Dictionary for Informix database. |
class |
class |
Dictionary for Borland Interbase. |
class |
Dictionary for Borland JDataStore |
class |
class |
Database dictionary for using SAP's MaxDB. |
class |
Dictionary for MySQL. |
class |
Dictionary for Oracle. |
class |
Dictionary for Pointbase Embedded. |
class |
Dictionary for PostgreSQL. |
class |
Dictionary for SolidDB database. |
class |
Dictionary for Microsoft SQL Server. |
class |
Dictionary for Sybase. |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql declared as DBDictionary | |
protected DBDictionary |
protected DBDictionary |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql that return DBDictionary | |
static DBDictionary |
DBDictionaryFactory.calculateDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf,
String url,
String driver,
String props)
Attempt to create the dictionary from the given connection URL and driver name, either or both of which may be null. |
DBDictionary |
Return the dictionary in use. |
DBDictionary |
DBDictionary |
DBDictionary |
DBDictionary |
static DBDictionary |
DBDictionaryFactory.newDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf,
DataSource ds,
String props)
Create the dictionary using connection metadata to determine its type. |
static DBDictionary |
DBDictionaryFactory.newDBDictionary(JDBCConfiguration conf,
String dclass,
String props)
Create the dictionary for the given class name and properties. |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type DBDictionary | |
void |
RowImpl.flush(PreparedStatement stmnt,
DBDictionary dict,
JDBCStore store)
Flush the row's values to the given prepared statement. |
void |
RowImpl.flush(PreparedStatement stmnt,
int idx,
DBDictionary dict,
JDBCStore store)
Flush the row's values to the given prepared statement. |
protected String |
SecondaryRow.generateSQL(DBDictionary dict)
protected String |
RowImpl.generateSQL(DBDictionary dict)
Generate the SQL for this row; the result of this method is cached. |
protected String |
PrimaryRow.generateSQL(DBDictionary dict)
String |
RowImpl.getSQL(DBDictionary dict)
Return the SQL for the operation on this row. |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(Localizer.Message msg,
SQLException se,
DBDictionary dict)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(Localizer.Message msg,
SQLException se,
DBDictionary dict,
int level)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLException se,
DBDictionary dict)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLException se,
DBDictionary dict,
int level)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLException se,
Object failed,
DBDictionary dict)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLException se,
Object failed,
DBDictionary dict,
int level)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(String msg,
SQLException se,
DBDictionary dict)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(String msg,
SQLException se,
DBDictionary dict,
int level)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(String msg,
SQLException se,
Object failed,
DBDictionary dict)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
static OpenJPAException |
SQLExceptions.getStore(String msg,
SQLException se,
Object failed,
DBDictionary dict,
int level)
Convert the specified exception into a StoreException . |
void |
SQLErrorCodeReader.parse(InputStream in,
String dictName,
DBDictionary dict)
Parses given stream of XML content for error codes of the given database dictionary name. |
Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type DBDictionary | |
ResultSetResult(Connection conn,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
Constructor. |
ResultSetResult(Connection conn,
Statement stmnt,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
Constructor. |
ResultSetResult(ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
JDBC 2 constructor. |
SelectImpl.SelectResult(Connection conn,
Statement stmnt,
ResultSet rs,
DBDictionary dict)
Constructor. |
SQLBuffer(DBDictionary dict)
Default constructor. |