OpenBooks is a sample (and perhaps, simple) application featuring some of
the new features in JPA 2.0.
This demonstration features usage of new JPA 2.0 features such as
- Criteria Query
- Compound, Derived identity
- Orphan Delete
- Persistent Domain Model API
The sample application shows essential build and packaging steps for both
- a Swing-based JSE application and
- a typical Web Application Archive (*.war) ready to be deployed in a
Java Enterprise container.
OpenBooks demonstrates few useful practices in domain modeling such as
composite persistent relations,
isolating immutable state for better cache utilization, immutable
relationship etc. Architecturally,
OpenBooks uses a design pattern to enable the same persistence service be
used inside and outside
a managed environment. Such patterns vastly speeds up develop-test-debug
cycle for persistence and
object-relation mapping functionality outside a container.
The source code and build script for OpenBooks is available in OpenJPA
SubVersion repository under openjpa-examples/openbooks
To access the source code
$ svn co
- Follow the instruction
to build and run OpenBooks.
These instructions can also be found also in
at the OpenBooks
root directory.
Here are few screen shots of OpenBooks running as a Swing Application.
Selecting and Purchasing Books

Persistent Domain Model (as a Powerpoint Slide)

Browsing the same domain model via Metamodel API