Packages that use JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel | OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel Runtime services for the JDBC OpenJPA implementation. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps | OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta | OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata This package extends the standard persistence metadata with object-relational mapping information. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats | OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Strategies Library of mapping strategies. |
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql | OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction Utilities for generating SQL. |
org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc | Implements Distributed version of JDBCStoreManager and JDBCStoreQuery. |
Uses of JDBCFetchConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel |
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel that implement JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
class |
Delegating fetch configuration that can also perform exception transation for use in facades. |
class |
JDBC extensions to OpenJPA's FetchConfiguration . |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel that return JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.addFetchInnerJoin(String join)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.addFetchInnerJoin(String field)
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to
eagerly join when loading objects. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.addFetchInnerJoin(String field)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.addFetchInnerJoins(Collection fields)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.addFetchInnerJoins(Collection<String> joins)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.addFetchInnerJoins(Collection<String> fields)
Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to
eagerly join when loading objects. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.addJoin(String join)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.addJoin(String field)
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to
eagerly join when loading objects. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.addJoin(String field)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.addJoins(Collection fields)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.addJoins(Collection<String> joins)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.addJoins(Collection<String> fields)
Adds fields to the set of fully-qualified field names to
eagerly join when loading objects. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
Clears the set of field names to join when loading data. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
Return the current default fetch configuration. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
Return the JDBC delegate. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.removeJoin(String field)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.removeJoin(String field)
Removes field to the set of fully-qualified field names to
eagerly join when loading objects. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.removeJoin(String field)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.removeJoins(Collection fields)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.removeJoins(Collection<String> joins)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.removeJoins(Collection<String> fields)
Removes fields from the set of fully-qualified
field names to eagerly join when loading objects. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setEagerFetchMode(int mode)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setEagerFetchMode(int mode)
Set the eager fetch mode. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setEagerFetchMode(int mode)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setFetchDirection(int direction)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setFetchDirection(int direction)
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet . |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setFetchDirection(int direction)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setIsolation(int level)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setIsolation(int level)
The isolation level for queries issued to the database. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setIsolation(int level)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setJoinSyntax(int syntax)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setJoinSyntax(int syntax)
The join syntax to use. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setJoinSyntax(int syntax)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setLRSSize(int size)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setLRSSize(int lrsSize)
The large result set size mode to use. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setLRSSize(int lrsSize)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setResultSetType(int type)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setResultSetType(int type)
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet . |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setResultSetType(int type)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.setSubclassFetchMode(int mode)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.setSubclassFetchMode(int mode)
Set the subclass fetch mode. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.setSubclassFetchMode(int mode)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl.traverseJDBC(FieldMetaData fm)
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
JDBCFetchConfiguration.traverseJDBC(FieldMetaData fm)
Convenience method to cast traversal to store-specific type. |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
DelegatingJDBCFetchConfiguration.traverseJDBC(FieldMetaData fm)
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel with parameters of type JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
Object |
JDBCStoreManager.find(Object oid,
ValueMapping vm,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Find the object with the given oid. |
Object |
JDBCStore.find(Object oid,
ValueMapping vm,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Find the object with the given oid. |
protected List<SQLBuffer> |
PessimisticLockManager.getLockRows(DBDictionary dict,
Object id,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLFactory factory)
protected List<SQLBuffer> |
MixedLockManager.getLockRows(DBDictionary dict,
Object id,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLFactory factory)
static BitSet |
PagingResultObjectProvider.getPagedFields(Select sel,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
long size)
Return a bit set representing batch select fields that will be paged, or null if no fields need paging, which indicates that this provider should not be used. |
protected boolean |
JDBCStoreManager.initializeState(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
PCState state,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
ConnectionInfo info)
Initialize a newly-loaded instance. |
Object |
JDBCStoreManager.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
BitSet exclude,
Result result)
Load the object in the current row of the given result. |
protected void |
PessimisticLockManager.lockJoinTables(List<SQLBuffer> sqls,
DBDictionary dict,
Object id,
ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLFactory factory)
protected PreparedStatement |
SQLStoreQuery.SQLExecutor.prepareCall(Connection conn,
SQLBuffer buf,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int rsType,
int rsConcur)
This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of preparing call statement. |
protected PreparedStatement |
SQLStoreQuery.SQLExecutor.prepareStatement(Connection conn,
SQLBuffer buf,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int rsType,
int rsConcur)
This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of preparing statement. |
boolean |
JDBCStoreManager.select(Select sel,
ClassMapping mapping,
int subs,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
BitSet fields,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
boolean ident,
boolean outer)
For implementation use only. |
Uses of JDBCFetchConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps |
Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps declared as JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
JDBCFetchConfiguration |
Fetch configuration. |
Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
ExpContext(JDBCStore store,
Object[] params,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Uses of JDBCFetchConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
ResultObjectProvider |
ClassStrategy.customLoad(JDBCStore store,
boolean subclasses,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
long startIdx,
long endIdx)
Implement this method to customize obtaining a result containing all instances of this class. |
ResultObjectProvider |
ClassMapping.customLoad(JDBCStore store,
boolean subclasses,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
long startIdx,
long endIdx)
boolean |
ClassStrategy.customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result result)
Implement this method to customize loading from a Result
into an instance. |
boolean |
ClassMapping.customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result result)
boolean |
ClassStrategy.customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
PCState state,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Implement this method to load the state of a given object, without a previous Result . |
boolean |
ClassMapping.customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
PCState state,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
FieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Load secondary data using a connection from the store manager. |
void |
FieldMapping.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
FieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
Load virtual row data; the given result is not guaranteed to contain data for this field, so the field mapping should make sure the result contains its needed column data before loading. |
void |
FieldMapping.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
FieldStrategy.loadEagerJoin(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
Load the joined eager result. |
void |
FieldMapping.loadEagerJoin(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
Object |
FieldStrategy.loadEagerParallel(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object res)
Load the batched eager result. |
Object |
FieldMapping.loadEagerParallel(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object res)
void |
Embeddable.loadEmbedded(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object val)
Load this strategy's field by transforming the given datastore value. |
Object |
FieldStrategy.loadKeyProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Load this field's key value using the given result. |
Object |
FieldMapping.loadKeyProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
FieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Load this field value using the given result. |
Object |
FieldMapping.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
int |
FieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
Select the virtual row columns of this mapping. |
int |
FieldMapping.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
FieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
Fill in joined select to related objects. |
void |
FieldMapping.selectEagerJoin(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
FieldStrategy.selectEagerParallel(SelectExecutor sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
Fill in parallel eager select for related objects. |
void |
FieldMapping.selectEagerParallel(SelectExecutor sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
boolean |
ClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
ClassMapping base,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Return true if this strategy can perform the given select from the given base mapping. |
boolean |
ClassMapping.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
ClassMapping base,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
FieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Return whether this mapping can perform the given select type. |
int |
FieldMapping.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Object |
ValueHandler.toObjectValue(ValueMapping vm,
Object val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Translate the given datastore value into its Java equivalent. |
Uses of JDBCFetchConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats with parameters of type JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
ResultObjectProvider |
AbstractClassStrategy.customLoad(JDBCStore store,
boolean subclasses,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
long startIdx,
long endIdx)
boolean |
AbstractClassStrategy.customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result result)
boolean |
AbstractClassStrategy.customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
PCState state,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Result[] |
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] resJoins,
boolean lrs)
Result[] |
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] joins,
boolean lrs)
Result[] |
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] joins,
boolean lrs)
Result[] |
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] resJoins,
boolean lrs)
Result[] |
LRSMapFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] joins,
boolean lrs)
Return results containing all keys and values for this map. |
Result[] |
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] resJoins,
boolean lrs)
Result[] |
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.getResults(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins[] joins,
boolean lrs)
void |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
RelationFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
MapTableFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
HandlerFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
AbstractFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
StringFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
RelationFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
PrimitiveFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
LobFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
HandlerFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
EmbedFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
AbstractFieldStrategy.load(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.loadEagerJoin(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
RelationFieldStrategy.loadEagerJoin(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
void |
AbstractFieldStrategy.loadEagerJoin(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res)
Object |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.loadEagerParallel(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object res)
Object |
RelationFieldStrategy.loadEagerParallel(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object res)
Object |
AbstractFieldStrategy.loadEagerParallel(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object res)
protected abstract Object |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Load an element of the collection. |
protected Object |
RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
protected Object |
RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Load an element of the collection. |
Object |
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy.loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
void |
StringFieldStrategy.loadEmbedded(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object val)
void |
RelationFieldStrategy.loadEmbedded(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object val)
void |
PrimitiveFieldStrategy.loadEmbedded(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object val)
void |
HandlerFieldStrategy.loadEmbedded(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object val)
void |
EmbedFieldStrategy.loadEmbedded(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Object val)
Object |
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
LRSMapFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Load a key from the given result. |
Object |
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
MapTableFieldStrategy.loadKeyProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
AbstractFieldStrategy.loadKeyProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
static Object |
HandlerStrategies.loadObject(ValueMapping vm,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins,
Column[] cols,
boolean objectValueRequiresLoad)
Load the Object value from the given result. |
Object |
StringFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
PrimitiveFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
MapTableFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
HandlerFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
EmbedFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Loading embed object without instantiating owner entity |
Object |
AbstractFieldStrategy.loadProjection(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
LRSMapFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Load a value from the given result. |
Object |
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
Object |
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Result res,
Joins joins)
int |
StringFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
int |
RelationFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
int |
PrimitiveFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
int |
LobFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
int |
HandlerFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
int |
EmbedFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
int |
AbstractFieldStrategy.select(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
protected Joins |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectAll(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
Select data for loading, starting in field table. |
void |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
RelationFieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
AbstractFieldStrategy.selectEagerJoin(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectEagerParallel(SelectExecutor sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
RelationFieldStrategy.selectEagerParallel(SelectExecutor sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
void |
AbstractFieldStrategy.selectEagerParallel(SelectExecutor sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode)
protected abstract void |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
Implement this method to select the elements of this field for the given element mapping from ContainerFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean)
(or null). |
protected void |
RelationToManyTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
protected void |
RelationToManyInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationCollectionTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationCollectionInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
void |
LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
Implement this method to select the elements of this field for the given element mapping from LRSCollectionFieldStrategy.getIndependentElementMappings(boolean)
(or null). |
void |
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy.selectElement(Select sel,
ClassMapping elem,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eagerMode,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping key,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping key,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping key,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping key,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
LRSMapFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping key,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Implement this method to select the keys of this field. |
void |
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping key,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.selectKey(Select sel,
ClassMapping cls,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationMapInverseKeyFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
LRSMapFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Implement this method to select the values of this field. |
void |
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy.selectValue(Select sel,
ClassMapping cls,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
boolean |
VerticalClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
ClassMapping base,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
boolean |
FullClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
ClassMapping base,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
boolean |
AbstractClassStrategy.supportsEagerSelect(Select sel,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
ClassMapping base,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
StringFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
RelationFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
PrimitiveFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
MapTableFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
LobFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
HandlerFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
EmbedFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
int |
AbstractFieldStrategy.supportsSelect(Select sel,
int type,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
protected void |
EmbedValueHandler.toObjectValue(OpenJPAStateManager em,
ValueMapping vm,
Object val,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Column[] cols,
int idx)
Helper to convert a datastore value to its object equivalent. |
Object |
UntypedPCValueHandler.toObjectValue(ValueMapping vm,
Object val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Object |
ElementEmbedValueHandler.toObjectValue(ValueMapping vm,
Object val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Object |
AbstractValueHandler.toObjectValue(ValueMapping vm,
Object val,
OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
protected int |
EmbedValueHandler.toObjectValue1(OpenJPAStateManager em,
ValueMapping vm,
Object val,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Column[] cols,
int idx)
Uses of JDBCFetchConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql |
Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
SQLBuffer |
SQLBuffer.append(Select sel,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Append a subselect. |
SQLBuffer |
SQLBuffer.appendCount(Select sel,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Append a subselect count. |
Result |
SelectImpl.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Result |
SelectExecutor.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Execute this select in the context of the given store manager. |
Result |
LogicalUnion.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Result |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Result |
SelectImpl.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int lockLevel)
Result |
SelectExecutor.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int lockLevel)
Execute this select in the context of the given store manager. |
Result |
LogicalUnion.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int lockLevel)
Result |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.execute(JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int lockLevel)
protected Result |
SelectImpl.execute(StoreContext ctx,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int lockLevel)
Execute this select in the context of the given store manager. |
Result |
SelectImpl.getEagerResult(Connection conn,
PreparedStatement stmnt,
ResultSet rs,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
boolean forUpdate,
SQLBuffer sql)
This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of executing eager selects. |
protected String |
DBDictionary.getForUpdateClause(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
boolean isForUpdate,
Select sel)
Get the update clause for the query based on the updateClause and isolationLevel hints |
protected String |
DB2Dictionary.getForUpdateClause(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
boolean isForUpdate,
Select sel)
Get the update clause for the query based on the isolationLevel hints if it is for update. |
String |
OracleDictionary.getSelectOperation(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Check to see if we have set the OracleDictionary.SELECT_HINT in the
fetch configuration, and if so, append the Oracle hint after the
"SELECT" part of the query. |
String |
MySQLDictionary.getSelectOperation(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Check to see if we have set the MySQLDictionary.SELECT_HINT in the
fetch configuration, and if so, append the MySQL hint after the
"SELECT" part of the query. |
String |
MariaDBDictionary.getSelectOperation(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Check to see if we have set the MariaDBDictionary.SELECT_HINT in the
fetch configuration, and if so, append the MySQL hint after the
"SELECT" part of the query. |
String |
DBDictionary.getSelectOperation(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Return the "SELECT" operation clause, adding any available hints, etc. |
void |
SelectImpl.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
Select.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Group by the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses. |
void |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
void |
SelectImpl.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
void |
Select.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Group by the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses. |
void |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.groupBy(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Object |
Result.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Load a pc object using the given store manager. |
Object |
MergedResult.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Object |
AbstractResult.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Object |
SelectImpl.SelectResult.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Object |
Result.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Load a pc object using the given store manager. |
Object |
MergedResult.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
Object |
AbstractResult.load(ClassMapping mapping,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
Joins joins)
CallableStatement |
SQLBuffer.prepareCall(Connection conn,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int rsType,
int rsConcur)
Create and populate the parameters of a prepred statement using the SQL in this buffer and the given fetch configuration. |
PreparedStatement |
SQLBuffer.prepareStatement(Connection conn,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int rsType,
int rsConcur)
Create and populate the parameters of a prepred statement using the SQL in this buffer and the given fetch configuration. |
protected PreparedStatement |
SelectImpl.prepareStatement(Connection conn,
SQLBuffer sql,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int rsType,
int rsConcur,
boolean isLRS)
This method is to provide override for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of preparing statement. |
void |
SelectImpl.select(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager)
void |
Select.select(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager)
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses. |
void |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.select(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager)
void |
SelectImpl.select(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
Joins joins)
void |
Select.select(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
Joins joins)
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses. |
void |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.select(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
Joins joins)
void |
SelectImpl.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager)
void |
Select.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager)
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses. |
void |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager)
void |
SelectImpl.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
Joins joins)
void |
Select.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
Joins joins)
Select the columns of the given mapping, possibly including subclasses. |
void |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.selectIdentifier(ClassMapping mapping,
int subclasses,
JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
int eager,
Joins joins)
void |
DBDictionary.setTimeouts(PreparedStatement stmnt,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
boolean forUpdate)
FIXME - OPENJPA-957 - lockTimeout is a server-side function and shouldn't be using client-side setQueryTimeout for lock timeouts. |
SQLBuffer |
SelectImpl.toSelect(boolean forUpdate,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
SQLBuffer |
SelectExecutor.toSelect(boolean forUpdate,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Return this select as a SQL statement formatted for the current dictionary. |
SQLBuffer |
LogicalUnion.toSelect(boolean forUpdate,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
SQLBuffer |
LogicalUnion.UnionSelect.toSelect(boolean forUpdate,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
SQLBuffer |
DBDictionary.toSelect(Select sel,
boolean forUpdate,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
Create a SELECT statement in the proper join syntax for the given instance. |
SQLBuffer |
EmpressDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer selects,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer from,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long startIdx,
long endIdx)
SQLBuffer |
DBDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer selects,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer from,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end)
Combine the given components into a SELECT statement. |
SQLBuffer |
DBDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer selects,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer from,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end,
boolean subselect,
boolean checkTableForUpdate)
protected SQLBuffer |
OracleDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer select,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer tables,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end,
boolean subselect,
Select sel)
protected SQLBuffer |
DBDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer selects,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer from,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end,
boolean subselect,
Select sel)
Combine the given components into a SELECT statement. |
protected SQLBuffer |
OracleDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer select,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer tables,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end,
Select sel)
protected SQLBuffer |
DBDictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer selects,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer from,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end,
Select sel)
Combine the given components into a SELECT statement. |
protected SQLBuffer |
DB2Dictionary.toSelect(SQLBuffer select,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch,
SQLBuffer tables,
SQLBuffer where,
SQLBuffer group,
SQLBuffer having,
SQLBuffer order,
boolean distinct,
boolean forUpdate,
long start,
long end,
Select sel)
Uses of JDBCFetchConfiguration in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc |
Classes in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc that implement JDBCFetchConfiguration | |
class |
A fetch configuration that is aware of special hint to narrow its operation on subset of slices. |